Post facts that Sup Forums marks as bait

Post facts that Sup Forums marks as bait

Bioshock 2 is better than 1 in every way

Dark Souls 2 _____________________

Dishonored 1 and 2 are excellent Thief successors and a million times better than Thief 3 or 4

>million times better than Thief 3 or 4
no argument there
>thief successors
its not really a fact, more like an opinion but that's alright. Dishonored series makes up for the absence of Thief

>The only people who think the PS1 had a better library than the N64 are weebs who only play JRPGs
>Souls is the only series from the 8th console gen worth a shit
>Horizon Zero Dawn is good

sonyboy for 16 years here, PS1 was great not because of the library, but because it was easy to play with. i had trouble with N64's controller. the games are great too but N64 had lots of memorable games.

as for HZN, it was fucking bland. not shit but just bland. thank fuck i borrowed it just to make sure i dont fall for Sup Forums memes

Borderlands 2 had great writing.

Sonic Mania is not a good game

>Razorfist reading this

DS2 is the worst Souls game

yeah keep telling that to yourself, burch

Overwatch is a bad game with a dying player base.

Undertale is a bad game with a bad fanbase. Same with minecraft.

Won't deny that OW sucks but you're delusional if you think it's dying m8

Samus Returns will be superior to AM2R.

the game's not even released yet, what the fuck are you doing?

Superstar Saga has just as much, if not, more problems of it's own as all the other games Sup Forums constantly shits about

The tutorial complaint in DT is horseshit

>constant hand-holding
>OHKO Melee counter attack


>has opinion on english writing

>the game being built on the radar and encourages exploration is handholding

>Needing to constantly pretend the Melee attack is bad

He said will, not is

Which is the proper words user

>proving him right

Sonic was never good, even the "good" original 2D games were mediocre at best.
The only reason the franchise hasn't died is nuclear-grade autism and furries.

Taking the bait here, but why? I haven't played it yet.

Traps are gay and so are you

PS4 is better than Wii U

MGS2 is the best game in the franchise.

MGSV is the weakest game in the series


MGS3 clearly got more content, replayability than MGS2, along with better gameplay.

MGSV had the best gameplay but the weakest in everything else. MGS1 is the weakest because its only fun for 2 playthroughs and thats it

EU4 is a good blend of complexity and casualness for any grand strategy goer.

CODIW zombies beats Treyarch clean

Persona 5 is the best persona game

Disgaea 1 is bad

>PS1 only had JRPGs

You poor fool.

In his defense, the N64 has the far superior multiplayer experience

>N64 only survived because of Mario and Diddy Kong Racing

Bioshock 2 is a lazy cash-in

yeah, and it still turned out better than the first

Mass Effect 2 has better gameplay than 1.

>every way
that's probably the most divisive points of the two games.

so bait thread. why would i do this.

not really. when stealth is optional it sort of makes it meaningless.

no one argues that.
do they?

>MGS3 clearly got more content
Substance has far more content than MGS3, actually. The core of MGS3 is meatier than MGS2 though, yeah.
>along with better gameplay
Fuck no. MGS3 is great but it's fundamental design is an unbalanced mess with tacked on survival mechanics. MGS2 has the tightest game design in the series, along with Ghost Babel.

The plot and protagonist of MGS2 was changed at the last minute by Hideo Kojima to avoid revealing his and Konami's participation during the 9/11 attacks.

Undertale wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't good enough to be considered the greatest RPG of all time

Prime >= Super.


Last I checked that was the general consensus.

Sony always wins.

Agreed. How did they fuck bo3 up so much?

Undertale is a fun video game with a good story and great music. It made me cry.

Smash bros and Actual fighting games have the most childish fanbase.
Modern Nintendo has managed to fuck up almost every revival of their old series (Paper Mario, StarFox, Fire Emblem (#FE), Mario Kart, The gen 3 pokemon remakes, All those super mario bros rehashes)
Morrowind is the best elder scrolls game
Persona 4 is worse than Persona 3 and 5. Persona 1 and 2 are the best in the series.

By this retarded standard, compare Substance with the Subsistence edition, and MGS3 has more content then.

Vidya is still fun

>and MGS3 has more content then.
>he thinks I wasn't taking into account Subsistence
It doesn't, though. MG1 and MG2 are completely different games, and aren't really MGS3-specific content. Snake Tales and the VR Missions are just more of MGS2. Metal Gear Online was significant, though.

Lawbreakers did not flop it just got the average number of people still into arena shooters.

Paragon is better than Smite. It just is.

The Atari box sounds more interesting than the xbox onex.

Battlefront 2 is gonna suck just like the first one did.

If you support microtransactions or dlc in full price games you're the cancer killing gaming several orders of magnitude above pirates.

>500 players in just a few days