Are there any games that let you turn yourself in to a fruit?

Are there any games that let you turn yourself in to a fruit?

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I never got the appeal of this show.

boom big reveal

You could try watching it.

Why didn't Morty just kill him then and there?
No one would know.

I thought pickles were vegetables?

It's TBBT for slightly dumber people

because hes not a fucking sociopath probably

He's smart enough to get Morty to feel he needs him

It's a black comedy satire on the misgivings of humanity in light of historical failures.



Definitely hasn't watched the show.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Life is Strange come to mind, there are many others I'm sure

Which leads us inexorably here, to the modern day atheist and his first world problems.

where's the whole copypasta?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes.

Post "what are some games" next time so my filter picks you up.

>when Pickle Rick is in the house

It's a SJW show, it doesn't require any use of your brain cells

t. brainlet

>it's a SJW show
Wow it's like I'm on a buzzword thread

Why do people respond seriously to posts like this

keep your shitposting on Sup Forums please. or torment Sup Forums some more I don't care, but get it out of here


This entire thread makes me right off the show as cancer. Thanks Sup Forums, I already hated it and now I hate it more.

they're fruit


If there are seeds inside, it's a fruit.

because nobody comes here to discuss videogames


Thank god, another sane, write-minded intellectual such as myself

I tip my hat to you good sir

I leave my seed inside your mother every night
Does that make her a fruit?

You're just too stupid :^)
R&M is to redditors as big bang theory is to normalfags

This is one of my favourite copypastas

>forgetting nihilism
ruined it

Dang it bobby


> big bang theory
I honestly haven't seen this show since I don't watch TV until I went over to my grandparents house.

What the fuck is this?

It would upset his mother and sister since they would assume Rick just disappeared and Morty is too fragile to live with that guilt the rest of his life.

If you're going to fuck my mom at least take some pics

What's your favorite food, Sup Forums?

Lamb for meat
Cherry for fruit
Snap Pea for vegetables
Pasta Penne for grain


This, it seems like a shittier version of Futurama


Fire Emblem Fates

>companies like Nintendo and devs like Playerunknown are popular and everyone loves them
>"dude they just make great games, no reason to hate"

>cartoons like Rick and Morty are popular

Really does something to something else.

Dangit bobby

>The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes.
You know most flocked there for the shitty memes or contrarianism alone.
I'm tired of brainlets spamming this show, and season 3 might prove they're lowering its quality.

Go to you room, bobby.

I will never get this meme
Some episodes are great the rest is potty humour on a 11.

The difference is that one of them is shit
>Can you guess which one it is?

trick question
all of the above are shit


that boi aint right

>one is shit and I can completely write off the millions that like it because ??????

Stop forcing this meme. I even saw you post it on /f/.


prop hunt

EPICALLY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

This meme died 24 hours after the episode aired


Is this some metabaiting? Skeletons are usually bad at giving butts

Are there any games where you have to defend yourself against fruit?

and yet people at still forcing it. Really joggin' my noggin'

>Sup Forums is one person

playstation announced a vr shooter just like that


Shantae can turn into a tree that drops oranges that she can the use to replenish her HP, so...somewhat???


Can this Reddit show get a containment board already?

It's good. But as it exploded in popularity, it drove shit fanboys to it. As usual; ignore the fanbase.

>someone on Sup Forums is posting low quality content that attracts attention

How is this possible?????

Italian food no doubt

A first world person criticizing a first world comedy for first world viewers while a first worlder defends that any criticism of said show with the most retarded non-comment possible.

What other wisdom are you going to bestow upon us?

What's the worst episode? The only one I really hate is the one with the giant heads

Pickle Rick or Schwifty, both created unfunny forced memes and are also not funny themselves.


/ram/ when? Replace /mlp/ if you have to, bronies died out a while ago.
I'd argue either Jojo fans or Rick and Morty fans are the bronies of our time. Not even Sup Forums wants Jojo and no one wants Rick and Morty.

Why did Rick leave the portal gun in the bathroom if he just went straight to the briefing room to crap all over it and then pass out?

Please don't troll me online.

Okay, this got a chuckle out of me.





every thread with pickle rick should have this on autoplay and loop

it's basically retards impression of "Nerds".
also they're all awful university nerds but they're not even accurate renditions of them.


Xavier Renegade Angel only more popular so people pretend they don't like the humour.

wrong board

Morty!! I turned myself into Umaru, Morty! I'm Umaru Riiiiiiick!!!


Jesus christ this is too much

the best thing I've seen all day


oh, you!