Who's your favorite streamer Sup Forums?

who's your favorite streamer Sup Forums?

sorry im not underage


why, my peanus weenus of course :)


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

of course, my peanus weenus :D


>vinesauce will reach 1 million subs and cap will still be butthurt

Binny, Jen, and Imakuni are the only decent streamers

KY is fine in small doses. GPM is greed. Everyone else is just boring. Except Hootey, he's good, but I just don't like watching what he plays unfortunately.

I'm not 12 so no one

Vinny is the only streamer I watch, and while I do enjoy his commentary at this point it's half because I've become so used to no "HEY XxPUSSYWEEDxX THANKS FOR THE SUB MY DUDE" every 30 seconds. I can't watch other streamers without getting annoyed.


I think that's what makes him so successful and he deserves it for sticking to his guns. I'd argue that he has aspergers with some of his humor, but I think he's just a genuine dude with some social issues.


Ice used to be my goto IRL streamer but Reckful's japan streams won me over. Plus Ice retardation gets old

post yfw it's missiles again

>watch slowbeef for almost 10 years
>suddenly becomes unwatchable after all this time because he won't stop reading subs long enough to make a fuckin joke

thanks twitch thanks money

at least i still have betus but he doesn't play interesting games


>watch streamer
>half of their audio is someone subscribing or them talking about their personal life

good list.

I like Joel, but he's a bit of a memelord
his katamari stream was pretty comfy though

I'll allow it. KY is fun when he's with someone else but his solo streams are intolerable.


It seems like the vast majority of streamers have this issue. Either reading donations, responding to them, or if they are a small channel reacting to every follow.


Yeah sometimes it's pretty frustrating when he's having a bout of shitskill and missing obvious stuff.

Vinny has experience as a radio personality and a smooth voice
His streams are usually pure comfy

None because I aint a fat loser that watches other people play games like you.

Anyone but someone from Vinesauce.


>Exiled scammer tier

What did he mean by this?

Some of us use streams as background noise for working

who? Can someone give me a quick run down

same, I miss him

Can anyone explain to me what's the point of forming a group of streamers if everyone does their own thing anyway?

Sheriff Eli

who's cap?

last time I was in these threads the scapegoat was IncomingNumbers, what have I missed?

He begged for money to pay for rent and moving costs even though he just bought an aracade cabinet and a bunch of other expensive shit a week prior.


all he does is meme and all his subs do is write meme messages when they resub so none of the flow is broken

GPM was suspended from the vinesauce team after soliciting donations that he used for frivolous personal reasons


fuck off, cap

Wait, he streams?

guys who's cap i love drama


You forgot Huggbees + GPM, which is the best streams of all time.

I don't like watching livestreams of games, I'd rather just play them myself, at my own leisure, instead of following someone's schedule.

Andrew can be witty and tolerable but only when he has people cynical to bounce off of. GPM is absolute cancer and a charisma vacuum

I watch vinny, joel and rev but only shit games I wouldn't play myself.

I know it's been memed to death but undertale killed Joel's stream. His audien ce became so shit and he had to censor himself because of it

Does anyone actually think he's going to rejoin vinesauce after embarrassing himself like that?
I feel like this "suspension" was a way to minimize drama and his removal from vinesauce is guaranteed to be permanent behind the scenes.

Vinny was far better when he was miserable. Now he just talks too much about his shitty buttrock band or what he and his shitty buttrock bandmates did that day.

I'm not sure if I like Imakuni, but that one Animal Crossing stream Vinny did with her was really fucking adorable.


I like him too. His channel is small enough that streams become real comfy.

>I prefer listening to someone who's miserable
you must be pretty miserable yourself.

where the fuck has vinny been
i want more miitopia

do you honestly think GPM feels shame?

>It's a ''Vinny and Mike'' episode

Mah nigga

he's literally streaming right now

not miitopia though. metroid and mario 64 ugh fuck mario 64 i was so excited for the DS stream

You mean Huggbees that just happens to be streamed on GPM's channel? GPM is a hack not entertaining at all. The last year of his streams have literally been about making fun of what kids post on the internet. He doesn't even add anything to the experience, he's just the one broadcasting it.

Where do you think we are right now?

>it's a "Vinny complains about the controls on a modded game running on a controller it wasn't designed for for several hours before giving up entirely on a hotly anticipated stream" episode

He's been busy avoiding you fucking children when all you do is scream for a game that is literally tomodachi life the sequel.

I get why he decided to give up on it though. 64DS is a pain in the ass to play because of the controls. Vinny would have just gotten more and more frustrated as he fought with the controls more and more and it wouldn't have been fun for anyone.

>it's a "Vinny doesn't do any sort of preparation before a sunday stream where there's many probabilities like the emulators can go wrong" episode

not if he was playing it like a fucking normal person

Her Sonic streams are usually pretty comfy. She did a playthrough of Shadow where she got all the endings

I think Vinny is very cute and handsome and I would hug him if I could.

You expect Vinny of all fucking people to do anything like a normal person?

>it's a "vinny prepares for several hours and shows up late but still runs into technical difficulties anyway" episode

Faggot. Or worse.

true, he wouldn't be as entertaining if he wasn't such a stubbon lunatic, but this one just stings

you mean every plug and play stream? definitely

>it's a "Vinny bitches and complains about there being too many games to play when when he's an ADHD manchild that puts all of those games onto his workload and accepts suggestions from people to play certain games" episode

He should have used a d-pad instead of trying to make it work on a stick. That's why it was giving him so much trouble, he was using an analogue device with digital input and expecting analogue output. 64 DS adds this kind of correctional rotation to your movement and isn't as snappy as the original, but he kept making sharp turns and expecting to immediately move in those directions.


a man of taste

>Shadow where she got all the endings
I had the game back in the day and I unlocked a lot of them, but aren't there specific ending cutscenes based on the route you take? As in you can start going hero for two missions, then do dark for two and get a unique ending for that?

I agree, but Vinny is retarded when it comes to control schemes. He throws a shit fit every time he can't invert the camera controls and he tries to play everything with an analog stick.

>he watches the sunday streams


Only because I know her IRL

context, fgt

that was my second mistake, yes, i agree
my first was being subscribed for over 2 years. help. I cant get out.

It's based on which mission you do in the final level of your playthrough. The path you go on determines which levels you go to.

is she a qt 11/10 irl? pls say yes

Just looked it up. There are only 10 plus a true ending. That makes more sense.

Each route has a different name, but there are only seven endings, plus a special ending after unlocking the final boss.

Hootey playing xenonauts was great

Dark Souls focused streamer who's done literally thousands of DaS streams dumped his fiance of 7(?) years for video games and went off to fugg another female streamer before fiance moved out of their house

Or ten, not seven. Whatever.

11/10? pffffffft nope solid 6/10 but she extra thicc and can probably push your shit in smash so that makes her pretty top tier.


at least you've got that nice little emerald button, I'm stuck with that ugly gold one for a while longer

>Hey, Mario. You ever wonder where a baby comes from?

>droopy downs eyes
>gross teeth

The sunday streams are perfect for when you're hungover. I just like lying and bed and watching strange walking sims and shit. It's comfy as fuck.

>MY Luigi was never that stretchy


>Continues to whine about things he doesn't like on Sup Forums as a better use of time
Huggbees > GPM/Rev > Vinny > Jobel > Dire > Unmentioned Vinesauce > Other streamers > Limes > Jen > Other female streamers

Jen CONSTANTLY goes into other chats and shits them up just for attention *and hands out permabans in other streamers' chats for nothing.*
*Might be confusing her for Limes


he can't help that he just acquiesces everyone around him


Vinny's mario sunshine streams were super comfy.