Really? You're bringing him?

>Really? You're bringing him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes Miller, I'm bringing him. Get off my ass and get him through Indoc, I've got more coming.

What's his name?


>remove kikongo

Too bad he gets murdered by the very same child solder he saved years later

Kazuhira "If you speak Kikongo I'll play you like a bongo" Miller


Guys, I have something I need to get off my chess. Today my sister, who is a huge damn normie, just texted in group chat asking what the meme "played us like a damn fiddle" came from. My brother, gullible as he is, told her it's from MGS. I fear that Kaz is becoming a normie meme and will die soon.

Kaz "if you put anything in here you'll get banned temporarily for being racist" miller

god damnit

Just mention he endorses the murder of negroes and she'll hate it.

>Ocelot actually has voice lines in the game for fultoning someone with him as your operator
>You can only hear them by replaying the first story mission to save Kaz

This game had polish in very weird places and sorely lacked it in other more important ones

Yeah, but I'm worried about where she heard it from. If she's heard of it that means it's probably hitting a somewhat mainstream status.

Interesting. With MGS2 and 3 I replayed them over and over to discover that "polish" and other extras. With 5 I haven't been compelled to replay it at all. Oddly enough, I've replayed GZ countless times.


Because V is around 60 hours long, lets say 40 since you know what youre doing somewhat
I called this out when I first finished the game, it deals with the structure of it. PW was annoying enough to replay because you need to build everything up again, but at least its only 12 hours long like every other MGS game.
V? Nah. It's the same mission type for every single mission. "Infiltrate X, take/destroy Y, exfiltrate." There's barely any story connecting it together. Why would you EVER replay the game and waste your time when you can just boot up your save and fuck around in the open world for an hour?
My exact thought when I got bored of the multiplayer and uninstalled the game was that even if you did enjoy the game if you EVER decided to replay it completely your opinions of it would drop.
Replaying very MGS game except PW and V is a joy. Time wont be kind to V.

Yeah, what's wrong Miller? Don't like his blackness?

a hearty kek

>No setting to choose who speaks

oh my god this is perfect hahahaha

>play Jemais Vu on GZ and have fun
>MGR:R Raiden is in canon purgatory
>you need to S-rank every story mission in TPP (minus subsistence and others) to unlock him
For what purpose?

>Time wont be kind to V.
thats okay i am

Probably PewDiePie, he references MGS all the time.

>urban setting
>snow area

what i wish we got/had more of

There were rumors of two more areas set in North America and Russia before the game released.
Another disappointment.
I'm replaying it now knowing what I have, and it's much more enjoyable. FOBs are pretty fun

Probably not. All of his videos are long and my sister can't be bothered to watch anything longer than three minutes.