Is he /our guy/?

Is he /our guy/?



>BTFO of Razorfist for his Solarix review

used to be cool until he sold out

Hes the only gaming journalist that actually does investigating. Hes also the only reviewer that I can fully trust his reviews.

He /myguy/ I dont know about you guys.

no, he's your average Rotten Tomatoes elitist who think's he's smarter than he actually is.
I bet he lives in San Francisco

>makes the trumpanzees triggered

Superbunnyhop vs Northerlion. Who would win?


Well, he does love the blackface, so I suppose he is.

Not a fan of his delivery. Something about his voice is annoying.

Otherwise he's okay in terms of content.

Is he /your guy/?

One of the best gaming journalists out there. Doesn't have a pretense of being objective in his game reviews and makes videos about ideas not a lot of people would do.

I always thought it was a bit he did for his videos, then listened to the podcast he's in and that's his actual voice. I usually like deadpan style but sometimes his gets grating.
Great reviews otherwise

I disagree with him a fucking lot but he's the only gaming YouTube channel that puts in effort.

Other than TB I guess but I find him insufferable normally.

We'll see how that MGS4 critical closeup goes.


He's a fucking jew.

He lives in Atlanta like a true Red Blood American

He does browse Sup Forums

He's wrong about something or other in almost every video. I never watch other videos and realise they just said something incorrect so frequently.

how so?

i dont know that is

Gayface, don't know who this guy is but is he a homo?

I liked his reviews of the Halloween movies.
He can be a little grating at times but he's by no means unenjoyable