>Brother Works at Volition

>AoM oficially pronounced flop
They didn't expect high sales, but this game was basically made to fund Saints Row 5.
DS has ordered Saints Row Reboot after 3 DLC characters for AoM and 2 "big" Mission DLCs
>Saints Row Five
>Described in meeting as, having AoM graphics while fully utilizing the new engine, Saints Row 2 serious/funny story telling. Saints Row will retell the story of the third street saints from a new perspective. No Stillwater. online coop and online game modes. To go back to it's root to get the hardcore open world fans. If this project fails, Volition will be split up to work on other DS IPs


if its real great if not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is liking traps gay?


my daddy works at nintendo

My dad works for Bungie and he says your brother is full of shit

My decedent works at Neo-Nintendo and he came from the future to call you a lying faggot.

I'll play dumb and assume this is real. Assuming they didnt expect AoM to get high sales, was it just a low budget spinoff? Also isnt it risky to expect one game to fund the entire development of SR5? Did they not pay attention to what happened to Battleborn?


u wot m8

Yeah sure Ill bite.

Who the hell did they think they were selling AoM to? I like SR a lot, even the last two, but fuck me if I have not been cold on this since the first trailer. Same with everyone I have spoken to about it.

they were selling it to me

They should have just made a spiritual successor to Freespace


>Dead Rising 4
>Mirror's Edge - Catalyst.

Cometh ye fuck on.

saint's row sucks, can't wait for this studio to get split up and make even more forgettable shovelware than agents of gayhem

>even the last two, but fuck me if I have not been cold on this since the first trailer. Same with everyone I have spoken to about it.

It was an idea thought up after Gat out of Hell... They were targeting moba audience.

How does Volition have no money anyways? SR is pretty popular and 4 was basically just cut content from 3.

Not him, but obviously they were going for the zany Saints Row 3/4 crowd, whilst taking the actual Saints Row gangsta roots.

Makes sense for them to make a proper GTA competitor, since there's about 7 years in between GTAs.

Too bad AoM sucks dicks.

My dad works for Nintendo and says they're gonna shut off all the gamecubes with the wii comes out

Honestly, I wouldn't have mound. The Wii already plays GC games anyway. That's pretty much the only reason I bought a Wii. Besides Metroid Prime Trilogy and the Wii Fire Emblems.

any idea on the DLC characters for AOM, I'm digging the game.

>first Mirror's Edge sequel
>back to roots

>Saints Row 2 serious/funny story telling
They can say it, but it's still not happening.

you just can't sell sequels to story based 20 year old franchises forever at some point you need to make an effort in courting players under 24 years old.

>The "we want the moba crowd' meme
That game deserves to fucking fail

>Saints Row fans
Feel that AOM is just a cocktease for putting in existing characters
>Non Saints Row fans
Have no interest in what they think is another Saints Row game

I actually really like and respect Volition as a studio, they're genuinely nice dudes but what the fuck were they thinking? People are either confused by AOM, or just don't give a shit. They shot themselves in the foot.

I'm also inclined to believe your info could be true, because way back in 2013 I made a post about SRIV's announcement,
and a Volition dev leaked Asha's name,
hinted at Nolan North's voice, and even revealed that Johnny wasn't dead. Still can't believe that.

>A game made by people who make shit ton of dlc then sell a GOTY edition at 5 dollars a year later get low launch sales
For people who bought THQ they sure didn't learn from them

You don't need to play dumb.

It is a reboot

It's not even zany though. There's no dildo bat or being the president fighting aliens. The craziest thing I can think of is that you fight a group of K-pop girls?

There's one confirmed already; Lazarus

In the future, people are bad at English because education is problematic and toxic.

AoM is Age of Mythology?

>there will never be a PC port or Remaster of Saint's Row 1

Yeah, they either slur their 'R's or speak ebonics
President Louis C.Ks "fight the right" inititave got rid of most inherently racist white people

Agents of Mayhem, Saints Row game minus customisation, weapon switching, co-op and more.

>tfw volition literally LOST the source code to sr1 and 2

Oh, literally never heard of it

Who even cares about what they do next. They made such a medicore game that I couldn't get myself to finish it. For something that wasn't Saints Row and as such should have been a project they thought about for a while it's incredibly unrefined and shallow.


>making a new IP to fund the next installment of your highest selling series
Stupid Voilition, you've got the whole thing backwards.

It's gay if you want it to be. Don't let social standards get in the way of your happiness.

Instead of weapon-switching, there's character-switching. It's like turning each weapon into a whole character, with a customiseable support suite for it.

It worked for Platinum Games in Anarchy Reigns.

Why didn't they just make Saints Row 5 instead of this garbage?

I saw the trailer, it looked like a fucking joke game.

Mayhem is basically early game 4 where you run around shooting baddies, jumping big and q makes you shoot an explosive. It's too bad it's really poorly optimised.

I just watched gameplay for the first time and if they'd put all of the systems they'd developed for this into an actual game it could have been pretty decent.

Turn all the different aspects of the new characters into character customisation options.

How would you retell saint rows 2 but not the first game which set the basis for the entire series.

Like legit, here's the play by play
>OG saints
Legit almost nothing gang started by the continual cycle of gangs starting up to fight other gangs, getting to big and repeat. And guess what, your gang got to big and someone tries to shit it down from within (because they knew it would happen so they tried to make the squad gonout suicide style. Also there was an inside guy for the cops. Shocking.
>Saint 2
Ok, so after your downfall from the first game, you get to rebuild it ALL OVER AGAIN. New gangs took over, evil corp crew and the cops are a mixed bag if sympathetic and assholes.
>saints 3. Same exact thing except you're still on top before the fall happens at the start but also now your in a new city. The saints have transcended gangdom and are somehow legit criminals. Whatever that means. You've also ratcheted up the ridiculousness of it all, with clones, super powers, Japanese game shows and dildo bats. Oh and the enemies are techno nerds and luchadorws insteaf of your sterotyoucal gang banger of X ethnicity.
>everything after that
Just pure stupidity, enjoy an even crazier game where plots just gone

I'd be surprised at what kinda "perspective" they'll come up for this series. I like 3's world but like 2 story better. Try and combine those I guess, otherwise, let this game die.

The true, non trolling/shitposting answer is - not quite.

More like bisexual.


Dead and buried.

Ask Nordic games since they own the IP

>Making decisions like this four days after the game launched

Nice larp

DS liked IV game-play wise...So they decided to make a permanent IP for "whacky" games.
And make the next Saints serious.

Guess you don't know how companies work, you think they sit and ponder on what's going to happen? No, shit gets talked, scheduled and done.

>a permanent IP

But after this shitshow how can they even consider making another one

Sales were low, but reception from actual players and fans of the series has not been that bad.
>Hurduur youtube review 4/10, 5/10

If anything they'll make an ultimate decision about the future of the studio around the time the next financial quarterly comes out.

Oh, the Saints reboot is real. They know they have to make money.

This shutdown reply is so priceless.

>Saints Row 2 serious/funny story telling
this had better be true because if not i'll continue not paying attention to saints row

yes. this isn't even debatable


Fuck, really?
And all this time I had hopes that they'll eventually rerelease a proper SR2 port.

Nothing surprising there.
Happens from time to time.

Meh. Let the IP sleep for a while.
Also what new perspective. If they reboot it, it means probably some characters will come back anyway.

Plus its not just the writing, the level of care in the design of the open world is also very different between 2 and its sequels.

>reboot saints row
>they'll still continue the gat memeing

I wonder if theres any free space guys there still.

Would be kind of cool if they can put together a small team within the studio to make a modern space sim.

Jokes aside,
I really do think Volition is going to make a comeback with the Saints Row.
I'm hoping they'll revisit that Saint's Row Undercover theme they shelved out years ago for the PSP.

>they still think fans likes him
How incompetent can one company be?

It's a sequel reboot
It's a seaboot

I don't think thats the reason i think the devs themselves have a hard on for him either way its really annoying

When is Volition going to release Summoner 3?

It's shit is what it is.

A shit seaboot.

Yes user and if you have unprotected sex(oral and anal) you are going to get HIV.

If they have rashes, herpes, red sores, open sores, warts don't put dick in.

That's why I liked 3. Gat died at the beginning.

That's why I didn't liked 4 from the point when you save him and your character can't stop sucking his dicks.

2 was like when a bunch of high school nerds decide to make their own GTA and make it cool as in "clueless nerd's idea of cool". The 2's characters featured in 3 were so much better.

He was alright in 2. Even in 4. Its just misuse and overuse.

Guys... Guys.... GUYYYSSS....

Come on guys.

it's a shitboot.

>brother works in the videogame industry
>Has a huge passion for videogames and was always creating board games as a kid
>Finally gets his foot through the door
>The company he works with treats him like absolute trash
>Gets paid minimum wage and socially pressured to work overtime during the "crunch" that were the couple months before the game went gold
>Game is released and half the dev team is fired along with my brother
>boss says he didn't fit in with their work culture
>He isn't credited nor can he use them as a reference in future job applicants

Why would you ever want to make games for a living?

I didnt even knew Gat died until mid way through 3.
It was pretty much "oh that guy died? oh mkay he was kinda cool but whatever"

And then the story moved on.

And then they kept pushing gat in my face or whatever.
And then IV happened.
RIP saints row series

>any game development job
>minimum wage

work on your storytelling skills kiddaroonie

This sounds so eeriely realistic and on the nose.
user, did it happened to you or someone you knew?

why are people here so full of shit? what's the point of making threads like op?

it's not like it's gonna have an impact or a lasting impression on anyone, and it surely won't start a rumor either

>the open world is also very different between 2 and its sequels
A complaint I heard about AoM is that the city is shallow, unless they take note on this we can only expect the same to happen to a SR reboot

>having AoM graphics

Traps are only gay or not gay after they are acted upon once they are found to have a dick.

If you are attracted to a trap, find out they have a dick but decide "Eh, who cares?" its gay.

If you are attracted to a trap, find out they have a dick and decide "No thanks m8." its not gay.

They are Schrödinger's Homo.