Remember to do all your vidya programming in C

Remember to do all your vidya programming in C.

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Python is better.

Which one

There's C, Objective C, C++

>he forgot C#

Fuck off back to Sup Forums faggots



Gotta support those wynen and LGBT goy

Holy desu

engine programming maybe
gameplay programming in c++ would have an even faster turnover rate than it has now if that was somehow possible

I use Ruby

Don't do anything in C++. ANYTHING.

What is the best site to learn programming?

Python is a lot cleaner, easier to read, and it is much easier to test your builds since it is an interpreted language.

glad you asked


If this is serious and you are making a hobby game I'd go with C# + Monogame. Nice framework but it doesn't do everything for you so you'll actually learn something unlike shit like Unity.

i've seen four million line codebases in python and i'd take forty million lines of c++ any day
c++ just scales like nothing else at absurd codebase sizes, and that's pretty much every single AAA game

what engines use python?

Remember to do all your vidya programming in Javascript.

I'm learning C#, sorry mate

Okay, sure. But nobody here is making four million line codebases. And Python is just a good language to start with anyway. Much easier to learn C++ from Python than the other way around.

The Nintendo Gamecube.

You joke but the sad thing is people try all the time to make javascript work for games. You'd be better off learning fucking ActionScript/Flash than JS.

I only know java and C++

>can be used to make game engine from scratch
>can be used as web service backend
>can be used to program microcontrollers and shit
>can be used to create your own OS
>no meme framework
So what's your excuse to not using c++?

Reminder that there is objectively no reason to ever use C++ over C.

wrong, python assumes you're not a retard, which people who are starting to program definitely are

I don't take a cannon to hunt rabbits

I'm not exaggerating when I say this: C++ is the worst thing to happen to programming.

>tfw everyone you meet online seems to be some sort of IT guy/Programmer now who's been doing it since they were 2 years old
>tfw too stupid to bother playing catchup and make something useful or a game

It's okay, maybe being the idea guy isn't so bad in the end.

guis exist so you're wrong

I use gamemaker language

Not much reason to use it over C. There's about as many instances where C is superior to C++ as there is vice versa.

explain notch

What about if I'm using GML?

Sup Forums has it's own wiki about crossdressing coding

You'll never finish if you make your own engine.


Not for games you retard. Games are pushing hardware to their limits and it's contributing a lot to advancements in hardware, there's zero reason to use very high level programming languages here.

No thanks i use lua

Remember to crossdress.


What the fuck is this and how is it Sup Forums related.

yeah sure let's make glitchy unfinished messes all by ourselves from the ground up, that'll go REAL well
or you could just use an engine and gitgud at optimizing with it so that you don't have to do 10x the work for worse payoff so that you can brag on malaysian painting forums how l33t you are

because Sup Forums is a weird fucking place.

gee is the technology board. electronic cigarettes are technology.


That's fine for learning the bare basics of programming, but learn a big boy language as soon as you can.


You are obviously not a master programmer like me and you know nothing.

ActionScript is a dialect of JavaScript.

Minecraft was written in Java. Java and JavaScript are two completely unrelated languages.

what engine uses C/C++?
i feel like unreal is a bit of an overkill i just want to do simple 2D games

Its never too late, programming is mostly self taught anyway.

I haven't touched a language in years but I start on a 10 course/three semester trade program this fall for software engineering that includes game design. Definitely do able.

Just about every popular engine is C/C++.

Yes, even Unity.


But Unity is based on C#.

>It's much easier to move from an interpreted language to a compiled language than vice versa
that's just silly. The entire point of interpreted languages is to ask less work of the programmer but to get the same amount of productivity. Programming in a compiled language like anything in the C family encompasses everything there is to programming in interpreted languages and then more. Learning an interpreted language when you already know something like C++ doesn't really require you to learn anything new that's substantial to programming as a whole whereas going the other way means you suddenly have to start learning about proper memory management or even stuff like what a build system is (obfuscation is kinda similar for JS but it doesn't really count considering it's not a core aspect of the language)

Don't be a dingus. Even an idea guy needs to know how to build a game, at least at an abstract level, otherwise you'll consistently fail to clearly communicate your ideas. And you don't need to be a programming expert to know roughly how something should be coded.

Unity exposes .NET access. Internally it's C/C++ and closed source.

>You'd be better off learning[...]
That's just it. People don't like learning.

Just pick any language. Whichever it is, everyone will hate you for it and claim theirs is better.

>that pic

that was a pretty good joke

I must be thinking about just the actual editor then. I know there's some part of it that's built primarily from c#.

Yeah the unity editor is mostly written in C# according to:

How do i use a dissembler?

I think that's actually to page I got my info from. Cool.

>Unreal 4 and Unity
>Create an Object in Unreal 4
>It's a fucking virtual base class that inherits from another class

Holy shit, how dense are engineers

>I chose C as my first language

That pic doesn't fit. Seems more appropriate if you said Assembly. C isn't that bad.

Because it leads you down the wrong path when you think in C++, and it's hard to break out of years later.

you did good. I chose python and now I hate having to transition to c; I'm too spoiled now

It doesn't really matter which language you pick up first. Each and every language has its quirks. Once you understand the basics of programming you can really transition to any other language without hassle. Sure it's a hassle to learn a language that doesn't support X or Y, but at least you can focus on that instead of the basics.

good choice my friend

Too many people have fallen for the OOP meme. Nobody cares/realises how easy it is to make things a nightmare for CPU caching using C++.


>tfw there are people that seriously find the concept of pointers confusing

Not for performance it's not.

t. Python/C# coder for a tech company.

Daily reminder that Blender is written in C++, not Python

>mfw people complain about pointer, signalling other languages lack of pointers as a plus


I find value vs reference types far more confusing than pointers

That's because nobody fucking explains that shit right. Passing by value makes a copy of the variable and stores it in memory on the stack. Reference just says "The data is stored *here* in the existing memory" and gives a pointer to it which you can use to access the value by "de-referencing" it, which means to treat the variable as the value at the memory it points to, and not a pointer.

>Not coding in assembly
Whats your excuse user?

>not literally writing directly to your hard drive with a magnetized needle
Fucking pleb.

It is when you come from being an artfag

That is one of my issues, there isn't a more accessible way of teaching the basics of programming

Give me your strength mates

You only care for performance where it's needed. Civ4 uses python extensively, SupCom uses lua a lot.

Pretty sure Emacs can do that.

Well yeah, but guess where it doesn't use it? The core engine and renderer. It's fine to plug in for easy modding and shit, but it's not useful for serious engine work.

The side effect of this is that you can't store classes on the stack like you can in C++

Since there seem to be a lot of programmers here, I want to ask.
I know basic levels of programming, and I want to patch games. Mainly for translation, what's the easiest way for me to learn how to do this?

What does Sup Forums think of YandereDev's coding?

if it works, it works

Reminds me of my old teacher's coding. Stressed spacing on us.

>using python for games
kill yourself

I expect that's going to vary significantly between games.

What is that float doing
What does it mean


It's pointless; it'll be converted to a float anyway
If he really wanted a float literal he should have done 6.0f

type casting, you do that when you want to turn one type of variable into another as long as they are compatible

say you have an integer but your function only accepts float, you write (float)my_int