>finish the game
>find out there was a mechanic you never used that was crucial to gameplay
Finish the game
sounds like it wasn't crucial, but then again you watch lwa so there is a 99% chance you're retarded
I didn't know you could lock-on in dark souls
Locking on isn't that useful. It limits your rolling in certain ways. I use index finger to hit dodge button and thumb to control camera, very useful in pvp.
>Ys Seven: The Post
I never used the link system in Radiata Stories
Is there a reason only episode 1-13 have decent 1080p Netflix rips and the rest is a very bad 720p encode by a fansub group?
Because I really like this animu.
>Couldn't finish the game
>Retire and become really autistic about it even though you stopped playing it
>A fucking children completes the game for you
I made it all the way to the 4th game in the .hack// series with Mistral as a core member of my party before I figured out party member skill usage was disabled by default so she wasn't ever doing anything.
>All attack command in Ace Combat 6
Holy shit was Dead Sea way harder for me than it should have been.
When I played Yu-Gi-Oh Capsule Monster Coliseum as a kid, I never knew about the store somehow. As a result I had a really small, really powerful deck (?) and I ended up steamrolling everyone by the end of the game. I tried to replay it a few years ago after learning about the store, but somehow it's not as fun.
>beat the game
>find out you were playing the game wrong the entire time
>finish game
>Find out there's an easily accessible sidequest you didn't do beforehand
the second half literally just released on netflix so you either wait for someone to rip the rest or you suffer the fansubs like the rest of us
>friend sends me an obscure stealth game
>finish the game
>find out that he modded it so that the player couldn't use any weapons, and it was actually a fairly well-known FPS game
>play Goemon's Great Adventure
>you can switch between robots when you're piloting either Impact or Ms. Impact
>didn't know
>spend the whole sunday finding the exact frame and fire my laser in order to be inmune to the last robot boss attack
The last boss was disappointing as fuck because of it
I was deep into the postgame of Disgaea 4 Vita when I realized that the yellow bar under the accuracy meter estimated how much damage your attack would deal. For nearly two hundred hours I had been looking at stats and guessing.
>beat DMC3
>only find out in NG+ that DT burst exists
I seriously hope you're not watching with the Netflix subs, they're fucking awful compared to the fansubs.
>finish the game
>find out there was a mechanic you never used that was crucial to game play
>everyone talks about how that mechanic ruins the game and makes it a joke but is "totally necessary" to beat it which makes it a bad game
>continue to not use it because the game's a blast without it
fucking hell I played this game when I'm 11 years old, that linking bullshit makes me unable to kill last boss on ridley arc
>in addition to that never bought a single purple orb because I misunderstood the description thinking it was temporary boost
My brother and I beat the first chapter of the original Final Fantasy Tactics without knowing about the formation menu where you learn abilities and change classes. We only had the starting classes and equipped using the shop. It was extremely painful especially when we got to Wiegraf and had to start over.
wait what
Final Fantasy XII's quickening. Even using it for MP ruins the game for me. I doubt I'll ever be able to try the "job system" version of the game.
>play through FFX without using the sphere grid because I didn't know it's usefulness
>doing ok with everything so far
>have to quit at this faggot until I learned to fucking level up basically
I didn't know you could dash in Megaman X until just last year when I watched a let's play.
Played the game a ton, just never actually read Dr. Light's capsule stuff.
I played through Drakengard 1 on hard without realizing there was a block button. It was a real painful time.
I can't wait for this game!
Especially if it has the true ending
>Play through all of Toukiden 2
>Beat the game
>Remember the bath exists and I didn't use it at all the whole time
FUCK! Not only did I miss out on all the bath scenes but my hunter girl probably smells like shit too.
You're pretty persistent the combat gets exponentially worse to play without it
is it even possible to beat the game without dashing?
It happened to me recently and I'm still trying to decide if I should replay it or just carry on.
I didn't know how to use most magic, didn't know you could upgrade to +15, didn't know how to kindle bonfires, didn't understand how important rolling was, what any of the resistance stats except physical meant, had no idea what bleed damage was, I can't believe I made it through that game the first time
I didn't know how to use CQC in MGS3 until my third playthrough of the game.
What gaaaaame.
Yeah. A friend of mine did a buster only no dash run of MMX.
Bullshit. It's the first upgrade you get and you can't beat the game without it. There's a dedicated dash button that dashes and does nothing else.
>>Retire and become really autistic about it
what the fuck does this even mean
do you even know the meanings of the words you use? is english your first language?
I didn't know how to equip weapons or armor until I was at the final dungeon in Mana Khemia.
To be fair, it's hidden in the status screen and you craft all your weapons and armor to use on the level up grid, so I just assumed there were no weapons or armor.
A bit similar. I didn't know you could successfully CQC the boss until after I finished the game.
Every time I tried I just got my ass handed to me so I ended using a sniper rifle most of the match.
Play through the original KH1 and KH2 without knowing you could equip things since I was young and didn't stop to read stuff in games (didn't help that my dad raised me on platformers and arcade games so there was no need to read in games).
>game has shitty mechanic that is on by default but can be turned off
>don't realize it can be turned off until way later
Nigga I'm from a non-English speaking country and I figured out you could dash on the english version of X. You are just a retard.
>it's skippable and lost forever
I reached Sundowner in MGR without purchasing a single upgrade
I had only one relatable instance in my life. My first time playing MGS1 I managed to sneak past the invisible "laser part" without having to call Nikita. For years I didn't know she was a character in the game.
I beat darksouls 1 the first time without lock on and it would be an exponentially better game if it didn't have it
>the stealth camo in Human Revolution
It was kind of cheap, but it really would have helped in some areas.
>Getting that far without leveling up
Shit me too, except i was moving on the sphere grid but not activating the spheres
I had no idea that you could do more damage by comboing different attacks in Transistor.
I beat the whole game by spamming the same attack over and over again.
>read FSN
>every time I get a bad end the option to enter the tiger dojo comes up
>it gives a warning that it might ruin the images of some character
>I interpret this as it might contain spoilers
>avoid all tiger dojos
>later realize what it actually meant and what I've done
I shit you not I lost so many battles but kept moving forward with some lucky misses
What does it mean
They're basically gag segments with characters breaking the 4th wall to make fun of you and scold you for getting a bad end, and they also give you advice sometimes.
You definitely can beat the game without it.
If you're a retarded kid and don't actually care about reading shit during games cause you're onlythere for the gameplay, you can definitely miss it.
What fucking game hold the phone
didnt know you were virtually immortal in viewtiful joe if you tapped slowdown before being hit
beat it on hard basically as a one hit wonder
>Play WRPG
>Can't figure out how to level your shit up because the menus are shit
Fucking Mass Effect 3. It was so bad I returned it the next day.
user the game FORCES you to watch a sphere grid tutorial
you dont even have to fucking read you literally see the points getting put in
Platinum games
>beat the game
>never even touched the stack of elixirs even though they would have come in handy but you wanted to save them just incase
every time
>beat the game
>find out you were playing the wrong game the entire time
>beat the game
>realize that the game actually beat you
Similar to mine. I was playing MGS3 for the first time and had no idea what CQC was or to use it. I went through the whole game without it, even beating the boss with a rocket launcher and shotgun. It was my first metal gear game that I borrowed from my brother,
since he thought it was the best one to get into the series with. When I looked up people playing the game, I felt retarded.
aw shit for reals? This whole time I was watching all thirteen episodes with the Netflix subs. But how bad are they though? Gimme a comparison if you will.
Playing roguelikes beat this tendency out of me, you use everything you have to survive or you die with a bunch of good shit in your inventory that might've saved you.
Anor Londo without knowing how piss-easy parrying is in DS1
The only game where I was actually using these was Fate/Extra during final boss
That fight was a joke with that
>friend sends me a game called "Path of the Last Dryskin"
>Dryskin is a term that refers to people without magical aptitude
>no cutscenes except for the end of the game
>it is a medieval fantasy game where you sneak by monsters and bandits, looting spells, orbs and potions to sell to traders
>the orbs provide a variety of magical benefits
>all the randomized guys have blatantly Russian full names, while the important characters all have generic short names (ie Jack, Bill, etc)
>the storyline is a complete mess and makes no sense, riddled with typos and logical inconsistencies
>the ending cinematic is a low quality video of my friend in robes wielding a staff congratulating me for being The Last Dryskin
>my friend renamed every character, monster and item in the game so that they couldn't be google searched
>turned food, drinks, medicine and medkits into potions
>made is so that spells were unusable for the player
>spells were actually guns
>completely rewrote the storyline, but the quests were exactly the same as usual, just with things re-named, like instead of collecting briefcases, you obtain magical ledgers
>gameplay wasn't changed at all besides guns not being usable
>the game was actually STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Didn't know how to parry for the first half of MGR.
Wait I actually want this mod now
Have fun with Monsoon?
>unique consumable item that can restore you and your party back to full health and mana
>"...Nah, I'll save it for later."
>Playing Ds1 pc port
>Playing on the keyboard on my shit lappy
>500x400 window 10 fps at times
>9 hours in, can't beat the gargoyles
>Learn I can lock on, wipe the floor with them.
I still wana play the dark souls series
Precise cuts as well. You can finish everything up to the last boss without ever using them, and then you get a wake up call when they suddenly become mandatory
Nigga i used the fucking rocket lawn chair on that bitch. Fuck cqc when you can blast a bitch in the face with a rocket
>tfw finding out what the company of champions does after I was in it during my entire first playthrough
Install DSFix if you play 1. I wouldn't recommend 2 as a starter, especially SotFS. 3 has a faster pace to its combat, which may be more comfortable as a newer player, and the online aspect is slightly more alive
>boss has all damage taken as healing and all healing as damage
>throw an Elixir at him
he does a dash and the armor changes
It's not about reading, once you get an armor upgrade he demonstrates what the upgrade does.
A friend taught me how to bomb jump in super metroid and I ended up skipping the high jump boots because I bomb jumped everywhere
I finished Demikids without realizing i could fuse my main demon.
Platinumed all the "Souls" and or Bloodborne with ever learning to parry. Clearly not essential, but the way it gets talked up you'd think it was.
Did not know you could switch keyblades in kingdom hearts 2.
offshoot of this; I had no idea how to choke people was context sensitive so just slit people's throats.
>R.T.S mission seems impossible
>Turns out mission was designed for you to spam a crap ton of a unit that was useless in the past.
>A believing heart is your magic!
>It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic!
Not only does the Netflix one sound awful, it's also wrong, in a way that I imagine will come back to bite them in later and seriously mess with the story.
Also Asenshi has really nice color changing effects on the OP and in a couple scenes.
I beat Xenoblade without ever using gem crafting since I didn't understand it/was too lazy to google a quick tutorial. Not sure how important this was, but it's all I've got.
>use everyone of those just incass items for the final boss
Best feel
>Also Asenshi has really nice color changing effects on the OP and in a couple scenes.
This isn't really a good thing.
Thanks Mother 3. I guess I shouldn't have been a smart ass and skipped a tutorial. Though the emulator probably broke the timing from what I heard.
You can beat the whole game without the sphere grid. It requires abusing rikku.
Meh, it's not really necessary. You can get some pretty good gems from quests anyway.
The only thing you need to make gems for are the super monsters. Everything else you can play as naked dunban.
Shit taste detected.