What video game series have slowly degenerated into a pathetic imitation of their former selves?

What video game series have slowly degenerated into a pathetic imitation of their former selves?

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Why hasn't there been a Simpsons hit and run sequel?

>tfw Sup Forums hasn't had a proper simpsons filename thread in years



What is the "lisa goes gaga" of video games?

Grand Theft Auto

demon souls

Ariana Grande being added to FFBE.

Any DLC involving Felicia Day.


>no 2143 ever


Also fallout

I'm genuinely frightened to look it up. What happens?

It was a hit and run

VATS 85% hit

Lady Gaga goes to Springfield, and it's a Lisa episode.
That's pretty much everything you need to know.


They're no where near the quality of the series at its peak, but they had their moments and are far better than most of Zombie Simpsons.


>Tracy Ullman show Simpson shorts good

They were pretty fucking awful. This was of course before Matt Groening actually hired a group of talented writers to write episodes of his cartoon family.

>Lisa episode.

> but they had their moments and are far better than most of Zombie Simpsons

Then maybe he should use a better comparison picture to differentiate Season 2-8 Simpsons and Post-Season 8 Simpsons.

what is the Lisa's pony of vidya?


Said event wasn't bad surprisingly enough. Also they're having another one, but its for a good cause, so its pretty W/E. Better her than more shitty OC's no one cares about. There isn't anything good about Lisa goes gaga.

What's the "Jurassic Bark" of vidya?

I'm pretty sure Demon's Souls never got a sequel. No, Dark Souls is not a sequel you fucking retard.

Call of Duty

Saints Row


zelda, FF, KH, pokemon


The thing that killed the Simpsons was how it went from lampooning and making fun of popular culture of the late 80s/early 90s, to becoming the basis and inspiration for tons of pop culture by the late 90s/early 00s. The show got big enough that it essentially replaced the things it was making fun of, and led to a new era of pop culture that it could no longer criticize in the same way because it had a hand in birthing it.

Call of Duty.

Mario Rabbids


Final Fantasy
Breath of Fire
Call of Duty
Grand Theft Auto

no one likes the look of season 1 simpsons

>Call of Duty.

Call of Duty was always trash outside of the original which was an ok game but nothing ground breaking in terms of gameplay. CoD2 was just CoD4 without modern weaponry and less multiplayer features but was pretty much the same shit. I remember beating veteran on CoD2 when I got a 360 at launch in 2005. Like every future CoD, it came down to trial and error and rushing to the next hallways as quickly as possible to cut off enemy respawns. And while I did have a PC that could play it at the time (9800XT), I bought it for the 360 for the max visuals and my 720p tv at the time.


mass effect andromeda


The Darkness

Left is before that. Never thought season 1 looked that bad, though.


Soul Calibur
Paper Mario

What video game series hasn't?

Duke Nukem.

street fighter



According to contrarian, nostalgiafag Sup Forums, what series HASN'T degraded?

I honestly can't name one that hasn't.

Persona still has about the same level of quality

I'm more interested in what series Sup Forums referred to as having been degraded, a statement that angered you enough to make this post.

>u mad meme
We still do this when we don't have a worthwhile answer? Lel

It's still weaboo shit with 4 hour cutscenes.

>ywn be this mad at a post on Sup Forums
feels good

Just asking. Logically speaking, there must have been some specific series that Sup Forums said degraded which bothered you enough to make this post, because otherwise there wouldn't be much reason for you to hold the opinions that the entirety of Sup Forums is contrarian and nostalgiafags.

I like battlefield 3 and 4 but I have to say man 2142 was one of the greatest FPS I ever played.

Lady Gaga visits Springfield and can't actually solve Lisa's problem of the week.
It's a shit episode but it isn't any more shit than any other episode in the past 15 years so I don't know why people focus on it

Well, since Sup Forums isn't one person like you seem to think it is, it's hard to say. But it seems to me that many are still quite fond of Kirby.

The series is Megami Tensei, not Persona

Persona is a series you retard
Shut the fuck up about your irrelevant games


Ratchet and Clank.... Every Game just seemed to get progressively worse from the very first to tools of destruction... that was the last one I played.

Though I have only heard good things from the latest reboot, I've dreaded disappointment too much to bother with it.
Anyone who played it think it's a good'n?


Professor Layton

>season 8: still a great season, but some early hints of shittiness
>season 9: more shittiness, plus the Principal & The Pauper episode
>seasons 10-12: mostly bad with some remaining hints of goodness
>seasons 13 and onward: irredeemable

Is funny how the more clean they look the animation becomes more stiff unlike the past style which was inconsistent but was more vivid

oh god yes... kicking pedestrians and feeling the adrenaline when the police meter almost triggers, driving around on the highways in the second level with barts rocket car...


Relevant to this thread.

>super eyepatch wolf
yeah no, fuck off furfag


Have you ever been ticked off by the minor change of a character as a series/video game goes on?

For me, it's when a someone's face becomes less expressive or loses eyebrows. Yes, eyebrows

It captured the charm of the original, when I played it I couldn't put it down it was like I was 10 and playing it for the first time all over again

cutting corners for budget can be a pretty interesting thing to look into, not to mention a way to make more money to acquire more budget bucks to spend on hookers and blow

I wonder if young fags even know how big of a release Resident Evil 2 was back in the day.

SE4 released after DmC

For websites it would be this place


When you just resort to regurgitating references to the first few games because you know your new characters aren't interesting enough. When a new cntagonist appears it turns out they were under the control of an old one the entire time.


i laugh every time

Dragon Quest, Punch Out

Taranza/Sectonia and Susie/Haltmann are plenty interesting