How fast is your internet connection, Sup Forums? I bet you can't beat mine.
How fast is your internet connection, Sup Forums? I bet you can't beat mine
>doesnt post a link
great thread
>posting a link to fucking google
You're a real dumbfuck, you know that?
im sorry, how the FUCK was i suppose to know that was from google you stupid whore?
I get about 1MBps download and my upload is shit, but I'm getting FTTN nbn very soon
I hope your area is getting nbn as well user
FTTC within in the next eight months. But it's still so far away. And as I understand it, FTTC is still untested in the field so might be a gargantuan fuckup anyway.
You really should know how to google things, user
>hurr durr just google it
kys, im in the right here and you know it. you are just arguing for the sake of arguing
I haven't even heard of FTTC, but it sounds similar to FTTN
It still needs to go through the copper wiring to your house, so that WILL bottleneck it somewhat, but it largely depends on how far away you are from the node
I live very close to the node on my street, so I should get pretty good speeds, but if you lived way down the street you might get fucked over
this fast
FTTC is basically FTTN if the node was right outside each house. That's the theory at least. Guys on the street putting in the empty yellow cables were telling me that the current plan is to replace the copper to the houses with fibre within the next two years anyway though so who knows why they're fucking around with this FTTC shit if they're just going to get rid of it anyway. Though it moved me from 2020 to early 2018 so I'm not going to complain too much.
Bout tree fiddy
save me
Literally how, do you live in the middle of a huge lake
Thanks Rogers.
About 16 down, 2 up and Sydney also
Google only gives me like 3 megabits though idk why
>125 MB/s
Does anything ever actually reach that though?
I don't know what the fuck it is. I live a good bit away from the town but my speed just gets progressively lower over time.
Fuck CenturyLink.
nothing commercial will have you downloading at speeds faster than 5MBs. Its only to download highly seeded torrents. It's not like devs are going to pay to have these ultra uploading servers just for you.
>living away from a "town"
Why do people do this. Living in places where you have to have shit internet, shit travel times to anywhere, and basically putting yourself up for free rape and murder because no one will find your body for a few weeks.
steam usually maxes out my speeds and then some, I always get more than the speed I'm provisioned with them
I've love to live in a big mobile home on my own plot of land, shoot the shit and do whatever the fuck I want, but I'd only do it if I had good internet.
>measuring data in bits
>not bytes
speed tests are in bits because the speed packages given to you by your ISP are in bits, nobody wants to multiply shit by 8 to get the units to match up
one HUNDRED megabits sounds like more on internet plans for normalfags than twelve megabytes, it's a marketing ploy that speed test sites buy into
I pay $80/month for 200mbps speed. Good to see I don't pull in 1/10th that.
Sup poorfags
nobody guarantees shit anymore, just "up to"
the extra speed is meant for "more devices" because millennials like to live 3-4 to a house/apartment and connect over 9000 devices so with extra speed they each get a decent amount of bandwith
also you're probably getting that speed on wifi
t. tech support
crom laughs at da 151
he laughs from his 185
I'm pretty sure my latency reading is bs.
Don't think its possible to be that low.
>work at an ISP that beat google to gigabit speeds
>get all my cable and internet for free
holy shit lol
>1% battery
Spectrum, could be worse.
Can't complain, especially since I'm paying halfsies with a roommate.
Behold the power of bootleg fiber optic!
ATX here. "Could be worse" is basically how I feel about Spectrum as well user
Wow. Its .45 Mbps faster this time around.
It is slightly better living next door to OP.
Git gud
I'm being throttled. Fucking jew faggots.
wanna trade?
fellow KCnigger
I think we have the same plan
Mbps download
Mbps upload
Do all you people live in the desert or something?
>1352 ms
Behold glorious Texas internet
>Moving to an apartment
>Trying to get Spectrum
>The fuckhead who had the place before me never cancelled his account
superior telstra internet only 120 a month
Great test there Google
>that high speed
>upload the same as download
Teach me senpai
>tfw went from a 10mbps to a 100mbps speed
Feels like I'm in the future now watching youtube in 4K and shit and stop worrying about downloading heavy ass game updates
All those years of suffering gone
You need to git gud user
ISPs throttle your connection to certain sites like Netflix but do not throttle speed test so that you can't tell they're ripping you off.
Spectrum. Eh. Could be worse.
>soon will be going from 2.5 Mbps to 100 Mbps
"soon" being in like 8 months but still
me too user
i even had a 100gb cap. after that it would still work sure but opening a 300k image might take a few seconds, if it was 1-2mb half a minute, and forget videos or gifs
fucking torture having to check how much i had already spent
What up mayne.
Download at like 30 megabits on steam. gud.
>downloading at 10 megabytes per second max
Pretty bad for 2017 user
if you cant download fast you will never win at video games
Do you actually know what a megabit is
>my internet from 10 years ago had better within nation ping than I have now
100ms increase but at least I can stream netflix! XD
I can download upto 3.5mb per second, and upload at around 600kb. The speed matches my cheapo cat5 cable though, so there might be a bottleneck with the network cable.
Tired, should've said megabytes instead of megabits.
You probably thought your nigger poor ass was clever so here is your (you) cuck.
mb, Mb, mB and MB are different things. Same for K.
>not having gigabit
With these speeds in Australia I'm essentially the fastest man in the country.
Woolongong of all fucking places has 1000Mbps plans.
>Live in silicon valley, 'tech mecca'
>One of the best speeds available
I have my ethernet cable in though. I shit you not, I get like, five megs if I go on wi-fi. It's something about my the room I'm in that's cucking me.
Either your wireless router is shitty or your wifi adapter is shitty
>left-leaning government promises superfast internet for everyone
>right-leaning government comes in and sabotages it
like poetry
It happens with other devices in my room.
Like, I will get no connection on my Switch, but if I undock it, and just move it into another room, it's dandy.
I should mention though, I've gone through two routers, and it's more or less the same result. I don't get it.
Got lead in your walls, son.
It's a bit slow today. Supposed to be 300/300.
Shit forgot the pic
What the fuck, 80 bucks a month for that?
I though Murika had god tier speeds and prices.
I pay 30 euros for pic related
burgers pay extra for anti-sandnigger tax
What the fuck, just checked and I can get this.
Mother of god. I thought my 100mbps was good.
>100gb cap
How the fuck, I use a few TB every week.
Why do so many Americans have such slow internet?
The real question is why is Google's speed test so shit, look at that ping
Thanks for the free PTSD
I think it's because the servers are so far away. I redid the test and got better results than last time
>tfw FTTP
m-my name is kevin
Eh, it gets the job done.