Thoughts on this simpsons joke?

thoughts on this simpsons joke?

stupid. If my name was Pat and I owned a store called Pat's Mats where I sold mats, then sold it to a guy named Pete, he wouldn't change it to Pete's Meats, because thar would be changing the product sold

if the joke needs to be explained then it probably wasn't funny

I liked it better before the internet started arguing about it.

This must be fake, doesnt make sense.



Does Sup Forums shitposting not have any literal boundaries?

What a terrible fucking joke.

nu-simpsons being terrible as usual


imagine being so dumb that this joke isnt obvious the first time you see it

They did crash a plane with no survivors.

Check out this 7

>original airdate 1999
how do you function?

does this get sexual?

This ^

Burgers get welfare. It's why their country is full of subhumans, their cucked government makes sure every cripple and retard lives.

yo i fucking love the name petes meats
i would give them all of my business

Are you posting from South America?

Anything after season 7/8 counts as nu-Simpsons. All the good writers left for Futurama when it started.

honestly surprised how long Sup Forums clings to their shitty memes

Canada. Where the only part with non whites and retards is the American part. The north is the whitest place on earth.

>"b-but memes about the federal government!"


Death of the author. Whether he meant it that way or not is irrelevant.