Its between fire & lightning

its between fire & lightning

fire to zoom faster i guess

Shame Water is pretty useless in Knuckles.

I hate the shields. They're pointless shit that only helped to complicate a perfectly fine gameplay formula


they each do one single thing

The lightning shield lets you ride electric arcs in Titanic Monarch.

Have we talked about all there is to talk about?

I liked the Sonic 2 style blue shiled much better than Sonic 1 style which they put into Mania.

Maybe the Sonic Utopia developer can develop Sonic Adventure 3.

>no leaf shield

Could Sonic support an RPG that isn't Chronicles?

>muh taxman
Let's see him make a brand new franchise instead of riding on someone else's work.

Oh yeah, he can't.

no (You) don't

Adventure was supposed to be one

Lightning is the best because not only does it give you a double jump, it attracts rings. Too bad it can't be used in water.

>fastest thing alive
>stands there and lets himself get hit
It just doesn't works

>mfw the bubble shield stops you from being pushed by the rain in Flying Battery

autistic enough to post what I'd typed already in this linked to thread but fuck it

That was when Sonic Team still gave a damn, long before public opinion of Sonic stated to really go down the drain.
2002 and 2003 were still okay years to be a Sonic fan. Advance 2 screws it up a tad, but it's not major, that game's issues are almost all level design rather than physics, which are still fairly great. All of the Advance games have dumb shit like high falls killing horizontal momentum on landing, but that's the worst of the issues, and appears to be a bug.

Advance 3 fucks it up a fair bit, Rush has literally Sonic 4-tier physics (it's much more playable, but they're still pretty bad), and they never recover from Rush.


lightning shield is good as fuck, but the fire shield is for instant gotta go fast
fuck the water shield, except in water (and in Mania, water is rare as fuck)


I like what they did with the Shields in this game, they actually made some relative differences to their respective zones. There could be endless possibilities for shields in future games desu:

> Ice zone where the Fire Shield melts ice to create new pathways

> Metal zone that lets you run on electrified ground if you have the electric shield

I could think of more but I'm at a loss for the Aqua shield.

Not really. Your options in terms of attack would be jump and spin dash. Taking any creative liberties would just make the Dan's screech in autistic rage about how they're bastardizing Sonic, like they did with Boom.

I mean, Boom was absolutely shit, but people had the most mundane complaints after the announcement.

No one said an RPG had to be turn-based.

Is it true that if you beat a no save run with Tails or Knuckles with all emeralds you can play the true final boss with them, or is it debug level select only?

whoops, meant to address the electric shield being affected by the magnets in Flying Battery was a stroke of genius

> Metal zone that lets you run on electrified ground if you have the electric shield
also, doesn't Death Egg in S&K do this?

But user, Boost made all 3/4 shield-types, fast-shoes AND invuln useless. :P

I'd go lightning.

the bounce also lets you break the crates from above in Press Garden

Holy shit, that's cool as fuck.
I also didn't notice on my first playthrough that bubble shield lets you walk on blue goo in chemical plant.

What else is there?
>burns bridges in GH
>melts ice in PG
>ignites oil in OO
>allows you to walk on magnetic ceilings in FB
>allows you to ride electric arcs in TM

you'd have to make some changes, but it'd be possible.

gamma's story could very easily be conveyed without it.

we'd just need a few more knuckles' thinking in crayon scenes.

i want tails and knuckles to be able to use them properly. controllers have more than 1 button, sonic team. let taxman make changes.

Sonic Advance 3 was very ambitious, and needed another game to fix up the execution.

It is the Lost World of 2D Sonic games.

>Getting the fire shield in oil ocean

>Being a hating ass nigga
He impressed Sega so much that they allowed him to make his own game in the series and it is one of the best game in the series. Nigga is living the dream

the bubble shield lets you walk on all the goo in chemical plant zone
so you don't take damage and can walk on the bounce once if you just walk on to it
fire shield is usefull in press garden as it stops shinobi in it's tracks with his ice attacks

>fuck the water shield, except in water
I like how the water shield now ricochets from sloped ground appropriately, lets you do some cool tricks.

>dsp joking that chris chan was in the credits
could he be any more /ourguy/

What if we got another RPG for Sonic games that included just about every relevant side character so people could stop complaining about side characters getting no screen time? Specific characters get auto buffs like:

> Hedgehogs have a chance to outspeed enemies and dodge attacks.

The thing about Boom was that everyone could see it was a generic co-op platformer, we just didn't realize how bad it'd truly be until it came out. It's very un-Sonic, and the speed sections are so abhorrent that it doesn't help.

You can theoretically make a role-playing game that expands on both the characters and world, without bastardized gameplay, but it involves not simply throwing the concept at Sonic and thinking things will work with minimal effort. And, as much as Chronicles sucks, they didn't put minimal effort into the dialogue, mythology references and so forth, it's just everything else fucking sucked.

>Metal zone that lets you run on electrified ground if you have the electric shield
You could do that in DE in S3.

Lost World is a depressing game because if it were more polished it could have been the ideal 3D Sonic gameplay style. Or at least in my opinion.

Sonic benefits now from a greater emphasis on story.

It is an aspect Sonic Team really wanted to explore back in Sonic Adventure, all the way down to the more detailed character design.

Should I get this on the ps4, or wait for pecee

Is he right?

Forgot about that, thanks for the reminder. Any ideas for Electric shield usage in levels? Maybe a zone where lightning strikes and if you have an electric shield you can redirect the lightning at enemies.

>fuck the water shield, except in water (and in Mania, water is rare as fuck)

So I've been scouring the maps with debug mode and chemical plant 2 seems to only have 2 giant rings? That seems odd considering how large it is. Anyone found more?

Literally one of the best things added to classic Sonic.

If you have a PS4, there's pretty much no reason not to play it right now. It's like 200 mb, you'll be playing in minutes after you buy it.

Literally who?

I haven't played it, so he's probably right

I wouldn't say CD sucks, but it's very different from the games surrounding it and gets a lot of bad rap for people playing it like a normal Sonic game. Still, notice how CD was like that sacred cow no one could spite a decade ago, but then Gems Collection exposed more people to it followed by the 2011 port and then the bile spewed out; he may have a point to a degree.

The old levels are the worst thing in the new game, just admit it. New levels and remixes of old levels should've been a separate game.

It's better than Sonic 1 but not nearly as good as people claim. Only contrarians love it.

Why do you care about some Twitter rando's opinion?

fire shield also prevents you from being frozen in press garden

Imo, Sonic 3 & Knuckles had better monitor sprites.

I agree honestly:

> 2D was stuck in it's own acts, separate from 3D and handled quite nicely

> Nice amount of exploration and alternate pathways in 3D acts

> Good amount of speed in 3D acts since the Spindash isn't incredibly busted like the Boost

> Wisps aren't everywhere and limited to specific paths and areas for the most part

> Parkour allowed you to be more interactive with the environment

Lost Worlds was honestly fun for me, my only issue were the random gimmicks here and there like the Snowball stage. If they perfected the LW formula we could have some pretty legit Modern Sonic games, I don't know how they would implement the Boost without stretching the levels long as fuck unless they just stick with the Spindash.

nvm, just found a third one

>Get lightning shield
>Become super sonic
>Literal immortality

>Advance 3
>7 Zones
>3 acts each
>Partner system
>Level design is pretty solid
>Probably the longest most ambitious modern 2D Sonic game
>But people bitch because shock horror the final zone/s are actually difficult

I see the same complaints for Titanic Monarch too. You sissies.

Wisps were far more optional and basically a safety net for the new parkour system.

I would say that was a smart idea, though they could have tested parkour more.

aw yeah
this is happenin

Anyone else find it odd that the flame shield doesn't protect you from the heat on Oil Ocean Act 2? We're talking about a shield that protects you from molten lava, but can't do so from the heat of a burning oil rig, and on top of that, you're in a volcano and don't steadily lose rings. It's not like the level was hard or anything, but it just seems like an oversight.

People said Chaos Angel was hard? I thought most people liked it for the music.

>we're gonna be stuck with the same generic-sized OC avatars for Forces, with different heads but little else
>can't like, make a kid hero or an oversized fat cat of destruction

So does that mean you could just hit shinobi heavy in the face with it?

it's not exactly heat, it's the fumes from the burning oil, and i'm pretty sure that shit isn't safe to breathe

I care more about things like this user's response. I wanted to know if CD is worth playing through or not, depending on how many agreed or disagreed. And sure, you can say I rely too much on others, but I'd prefer a general consensus from people that aren't completely bias'ed.

Since in the year of our lord and savior 2017 you STILL can't go super while having a shield as a sonic, you'll have to do it the other way around.

This, your really limited to either going sideways or upwards, they could have expanded upon that for various zones. The best thing about LW's was the fact that you actually got Modern Sonic in fully 3D levels. I don't know if we'll see this type of shit again for awhile so I appreciate the effort they put in the game. The NiGHTS DLC was pretty Kino too. What was everyone's gripe with this game anyway?

It's not the heat, it's a fucking suffocating smoke leak.

I would really prefer if the smoke would be implemented as a global palette change like the darkness in sandopolis, instead of the iffy looking overlay.

If you ever want to play it, play the Taxman version on Steam. It's still a totally fine Sonic game and the Taxman version is the definitive version.

The smog that rises in Oil Ocean wasn't even that bad, if you kept your fire shield and maintained your rings in Act 2, even if the smog was around you were pretty safe. Not to mention the switches were fairly close to each other.

>You couldn't explain the origin of Chaos with just S3K Cutscenes.
>You couldn't accurately explain who Tikal was with S3K cutscenes
you totally could
>echidnas raid the altar, Chaos emerges and fucks em up
>tikal runs to her father to stop them, gets ko'd
>then she seals Chaos on waking up
none of that requires words to explain

>You couldn't really explain Gamma's change of heart with S3K cutscenes.
this one is actually much harder, but still possibly doable

wait, really
holy shit that's cool

it did have a much better reputation due to obscurity, just like Chaotix
it's an okay game, and I can say that the stage design overall is still better than Sonic 1's (emphasis on overall -- CD's dumbest shit is worse than anything in S1 other than Scrap Brain 3, which is easy if you know the trick to it)

final zone wasn't the half of it, the stage design is a mess, although I appreciate the greater focus on platforming
3 acts was actually good shit, map system is cool
it was ambitious as hell, partner system was cool
music and visuals are excellent

but the stage design is still shit, and the weird air acceleration and handling don't help (they don't make it unplayable, but it's much, much more awkward)
>route 99 has fuck-all flow to it despite being mostly speed
>sunset hill has some really, really dumb pits
>toy kingdom is actually okayish IIRC
>ocean base has some absurdly poor design choices, same with cyber track
>don't remember having issues with twinkle snow
>chaos angel act 3 can fuck off completely

The switches were spaced out just well enough that you can hit the next one usually before yo ustart losing rings. But speeding along too fast, especially as Super Sonic, makes it real easy to miss - though, Super Sonic doesn't sustain extra ring drain from the smog thankfully.

>Taking away the one thing that gives Sonic a real edge in platforming.

Sonic CD's level design was fucking atrocious and time travel was a worthless gimmick
He's absolutely fucking right

> Tfw we get Sonic Adventure Mania next
> All the various zones in the game "classicfied" with a couple new zones to balance out
> Only Knuckles, Tails, Amy & Metal Sonic are alternate playable characters

Would this improve Adventure for you?

say we did get an advance 4 what kind of system would you want it to follow. advance 1 platform base, advance 2 boost formula, or advance 3 tag teams?

>personally i want levels larger than advance 3 that let you platform like 1 while being able to go fast like 3

no but cutting your internet connection would improve my Sup Forums experience tbqh

Yep, I liked Sonic's controls and moveset. I'd would rather he was able to run without holding down R though. The game also had an interesting take on alternate paths and parkour was fun.

My gripes were mostly the gimmick levels as you said. Didn't care for the wisps either.

Why did they even take references from Sonic CD?

I'm not sure why I didn't think of that. I just assumed it was heat due to the red filter and wavy movements. My bad.

As I previously stated, I wasn't complaining about the difficulty. It's not hard to get from switch to switch without runnung out of rings.

No. Fuck off with garbage remixes.

Sonic Advance 4 would work well on the 3DS because of the handheld tribute but in general any system should work.

My only hopes for Advance 4 would be a different cast of characters like maybe Blaze or so. One major change that HAS to happen is making the level design fluid, Advance 2/3 had shit every fucking where and you really had to rely on the flying characters to do anything.

Because Taxman is a fan of it's aesthetics. Remember the first thing he did was make the Sonic CD remake for Sega.

>Knuckles Mirage Saloon Act 1


dsp grinding emerald 5
get in here

>Those old timey piano bits


just tested it, his sword swipe still pushes you away, but you don't get frozen

> The beats in the background

I'm loving it so far but the first phase of the Metal Sonic fight is absolutely trash. Bouncing those GameGear Silver Sonics is fucking awful.

Whole fight should have been the race, then the second Phase as Phase 1 then Super Metal Sonic ala S3&K

>they couldn't make him have the OVA hat because of fucking Ken Penders


You literally only needed to stand a little bit below Metal Sonic and spindash into the Silver Sonic's as soon as they popped out, that shit was easy.

>Bouncing those GameGear Silver Sonics is fucking awful.
Wait until they Spin Dash, then spin dash them mid-charge. It's almost assured to hit Metal Sonic every time.

god damn that song is ridiculously good

Advance 2's stages are incredibly fluid as a whole. Stages all follow the Sonic 2 Chemical Plant formula with loads of downward slopes and then extremely brief platforming sections peppered throughout.

>posts undertale
Checks out.

>let sonic use the peel out, drop dash and instashield as well as the shield abilities

that's all you'd need to do

What's the worst zone in this game in terms of creativity in your opinion? I think Lava Reef could have used some more love even though the conveyor floors were nice, Act 2 should have been a lengthened Hidden Palace for Knuckles at the least. I don't know what they could have done for Heavy Rider, literally a trash boss and the worst Heavy.

Mostly right. I still have an old magazine that covered Sonic CD, it was a pretty major coverage, every zone and pics of every boss. Sonic CD was kinda a holy grail to me since there was no way I'd ever get to play it, so I would just look at the magazine constantly and imagine how the game was.

Then I played it years later and I can't even bring myself to complete it again.

Like said the few people who did get to play it on a Sega CD got to experience it when they were kids, when you would play the game for months, as opposed to how most of us play any game nowadays. So the people who did play it, memorized the shit out of it and probably know every route to take to not lose Past/Future effect and such.

Sonic stuck in a tree

That song has no right to be as good as it is.