Will it sell well enough?

Will it sell well enough?

It needs to sell 1M for Nintendo to get the message that Metroid IS a profitable series, and deserves more of the limelight. I don't think it's gonna sell 250K truth be told.

On a dead system like the 3DS? No.

Until Other M, no Metroid game was really a failure. It was never quite a AAA series but it was competent and successful. Even Echoes, a great game released at a terrible time, was still successful. Even Metroid fucking Pinball made a profit. Samus Returns will do well if Nintendo whipped Mercury Stream into shape.


The Metroid fan base are a bunch of obese, autistic manchildren who will pirate than game rather than actually support it, them cry when the series dies again.

Also, let's be real here, the game doesn't look good.

Stop this silly meme already. The New 2DS just dropped and Nintendo is still pushing the 3D line past the golden year mark. People are undoubtedly gonna buy this game, just don't expect 2-3M copies. Besides, this 'Samus Returns' is for the fans anyhow. Even if it flops, at least I'll know a labor of love went into it.

Wasn't it the most preordered thing on Amazon for an entire week? I doubt it's going to flop. But it's Metroid, so lets not pretend it'll go much higher than 1mil sales.

Some have even debated if it's even worth pirating. It's a shoddy piece of work that looks like only five months was put into making it. This is concerning, considering Reggie has been at least teasing Metroid since 2014.

Doubt it. Its a franchise for the more hardcore gamer and a lot of that audience just pirates the game.

It's number 46 on Amazon as of now. At least the American division. Here's the top selling vidya shit right now.

t. assblasted switchfag starving for games

Enough to what? Enough to avoid shitposting? No. No it will not sell enough to avoid shitposting.

>trusting Reggie

I'm sure Reggie is a nice guy irl but you can't actually trust him. He's a corporate spin doctor, he doesn't give a flying shit about Metroid.

It's a lose lose situation.

>sells well because fans want to encourage more metroid games
>Nintendo proceeds to make every subsequent metroid title as vapid and amateurishly designed

>game sells poorly
>no more metroid games.

You fags crying about shitposting every thread are the worst.

Of course it will and then we'll be getting Metroid Dread next on the 3DS.


This, best to let the series die while it can still preserve what little dignity it has left.

I can't tell if these posts are serious or not in Metroid threads. The way people infantilize others here is embarrassing.

>The Metroid fan base are a bunch of obese, autistic manchildren who will pirate than game rather than actually support it, them cry when the series dies again.
Yes, because it's such a terrible thing to have standards.

I hope no we have to punish ninty for choosing mercury steam

Which part the actual Metroid fan (me) who knows the game will sell over a million or 2 million or the shitposting faggots (ACfag and AMSRfags) that want the game to not sell well even though it will just to shitpost in a thread?


this. no one cares about Metroid either. it's a dead IP.

When Nu-troid: Fagus Shitburns flops, the fanboi tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Nu-troid apologists cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.

They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that Sony had pulled a fast one on them.

"We will boycott!" They will say. "Console war!" "Day of the crash!" they will cry.

Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything

But none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Developer, their favorite franchise, will go down in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious DLCfest who lost to the AM2Rdev's first commercial gane, a Dev who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Nu-troid.

I need to fap.

it's a remake on the 3DS of course it will, all it needs to do is move like 250K units to turn a profit

you're a fast typer.


This series hasn't gotten a good game since Echoes, and that wasn't even as good as Prime 1.

Yes. The sales won't blow anybody away, but the 3DS has a big enough install base and they've marketed SR far better than the PR nightmare known as Federation Force.

they will make a profit off of it, and the game will be seen as the last big Nintendo exclusive on the 3DS.

Oh shit, you were being serious. Hey more power to you, it's always nice to have some wishful thinking. Prove Sup Forums wrong when they got their dick out.


>and that wasn't even as good as the greatest game ever made

not a realistic goal to hit

>Prove Sup Forums wrong
When is Sup Forums ever right?

Rare specimen that probably, most likely brought Federation Force, am I right?

>People still in denial that Hollow Knight isn't the best Metroidvania ever made
Loving every laugh.

I don't buy Prime games.

real talk, I pirated HK instead of buying it just because of your posts


I tried giving it a chance but it looked like shit and the mapping system was shit. Glad people love it though.

Are you shitting me?

>he cares that I don't buy some of the games

Don't care, still buying it.

>it looked like shit

legit looks worse than every non 1/2 metroid

I hate the overly simplistic artstyle and the dour color palette. Again, I'm glad you love it, I just don't think it's as good as you say.

I'm getting it. Bought every one I could so far.
Even downloaded the trailer and kept it on for over an hour so's I could give it a 5 star rating hahaha last I checked, it was me and one other user that did it.
That punch looks queationable though, but I'm sure it'll work out. People hated Prime at first, but holy shit.

>Beautiful lighting
>Detailed backgrounds
>Varied color palette


You just said you're a fan two seconds ago.

>Which part the actual Metroid fan (me)

>I don't buy Prime games.

Metroid ''''fans'''' everybody. People who wonder why Nintendo doesn't take this fandom seriously, it's simple, were even worth the pot we piss in.

>area with fire radiates with red

hollow knight retards need to be gassed

Red > Blue

Hey, I said I'm a "Metroid fan" not a "Metroid Prime fan" there's a difference.

>calls himself an actual metroid fan
>doesn't play prime games

they're here

Would you say that a Star Wars fan isn't a fan if he doesn't like the prequels?

the prequels are shit, prime is not

SeeStop acting like /hg/ where you must be obligated to play something you don't give a shit about.

If you're going to do a lava area, make it aesthetically pleasing.

>that shit tier lava

holy shit! it's worse than I thought. You shit talked the red in SR for THIS?!

That is not what I asked, or the point of that question.

yes it is, that analogy would be correct if you were using it against other M or Federation Force, it doesn't work with the prime trilogy

You mean the gorgeous multi layered lava that uses a wide arrange of hues and is entirely hand drawn instead of ugly polygons? Face it: sprites and hand drawn art work will always look better than 2.5D.

Sheeit, som. If it was on the 3ds, I'd get that too, haha. 3ds is all I have. A wii too, but no nunchuck. And no extra funds to buy nofriendo acessories atm.

wait why are you even here? This is a metroid thread, fuck off

There's nothing particularly impressive about this art. It's just simple shapes. Stop getting hard over unity bloom.

And stop making hollow knight fans look bad you fucking shill.

>runs like shit


Can you fuck off? I keep seeing you in these threads and you're actually deterring me from playing this game.

Hollow Knight looks okay in screenshots and fucking terrible in action. The drawings are cute I guess, but they are animated terribly. Metroid always has had and always will have amazing visuals. Incomparable.

>72 for that garbage

Higher than what it deserves, Samus returns might end up in the green yet!

That lava looks like shit.
Hollow knight is fine, it's just really overrated.

>MercurySteam headlining development with barely any supervision
>using that as judgement for a game made well after they should've learned what they did wrong as well as having some of the Super team helping out

>Would you say that a Star Wars fan isn't a fan if he doesn't like the prequels?

I think you're trying to swing the conversation in the other direction. Fine, dislike it if you want, just don't play it off as if it's not a substantial fraction of a whole in which you enjoy over 55% of. It exists because of what came before to allow it survive in its own ether, and should be respected for garnering at least some following.

Honest question, why doesn't the moderator/janitor ever ban/delete these posts? It's clearly spam/shitposting

you're not worthy of it. go back to your archaic series that's on death's door.

I keep seeing this but there is a mechanic ripped straight out of MoF (the melee counter) being implemented in SR, I don't think they have zero say whatsoever about the actual game design.

I love metroidvania games and was looking for a really good one to play recently. Bought hollow knight and refunded it real fast. It's extremely mediocre.

Alright but what's your point?
Far as I know, MoF's biggest issue was the map

>MoF invented melee counters

Nigga there's only like one way to implement a counter

Just saying that I doubt MercurySteam have had zero say whatsoever, not that that's a good or bad thing.

I'll never understand why people shit on Prime, granted the series is fairly different than traditional Metroid.

The overly simplistic characters are annoying, but the generally dark and muted color pallet was pretty intentional. You're running through a large underground dead Kingdom, there is some variety in the colors (like greenpath and that outer kingdom area) but overall it's not supposed to be vibrant. It's like complaining that Fallout 1 has too much brown and not enough green in it.

Also nah, the mapping system is genuinley awesome. It actually tries to do something unique with how maps work in Metroidvanias and its a neat concept that forces you to fumble through new areas until you can find the cartographer. The only instanse I found it annoying in was the one hidden in Kingdom's Edge, that cunt was so easy to miss.

Oh no, MS definitely has a say, but Nintendo no doubt has a tighter hold on them compared to Konami with MoF

doesn't seem all that interesting of a mechanic and looks kind of ridiculous. samus doesn't need melee.

>granted the series is fairly different than traditional Metroid.

they really arn't, prime 1/2/3 (especially 1) are way closer to the original metroid and super metroid than fusion is

I'm not shitting on Prime, I'm just not interested in it.

>a studio made an average game once, so that means they can't make good games ever
What kind of retardation is that? They're being supervised by Nintendo this time around, and the game looks good so far.

I'd say the first one is the only one that really nailed the feel of Super Metroid through its map design. It, REmake and Dark Souls are the only 3D games I can think of that have that really well done interconnected map on a large scale, with the exception of Phendrana Drifts you can get to any area from just about anywhere. Prime 2 felt more like a hub where the Temple Grounds was the hub and the other three areas branched out like a spoke on a wheel, each area also felt a lot more contained in what you did whereas the first Prime you would use an item you got in one location in a totally different place on the map (like the Spider Ball is got in Phendrana but used to progress back on Tallon IV).

I like all three games for the record.

The combat in Prime is drastically different, granted it's probably the best iteration of what a Metroid game should be in 3D.

all true but they are still more close to classic metroid than fusion is. Oh and for the record every area in prime 2 can go to every other area even well before the light suit

#OperationSamusReturns. Let's us make people aware that this game is coming.

Yeah I know, Prime 2 was interconnected but not the same way as the first one. Also speaking of the Light Suit, gating the vast majority of the Sky Temple Keys behind it was a poor design choice because in the first Prime you could get them all before the last upgrade (the Phazon Suit) on replays but that's not possible in Prime 2.

This diagram does a good job at showing the differences of the world layouts on a large scale. I feel like it's a lot harder to do this in 3D than 2D, like I said Prime, REmake and DaS are the only ones I can think of that pull it off and those are unique in their own series for doing that.

why? just play AM2R
it's better.

The lines of prime 2 should all be doubled except for the one going to great temple

[citation needed]

>doesn't rely on GBA assets (Alot of self made sprites look ugly as hell)
>actually pushing the series forward with new ideas (360 aim, melee counter, which will help speed up the tedious metroid fights)
>superior sound design/soundtrack from Super Metroid/Prime Composers
>Maintains the spooky atmosphere of the original game, with the bleeps and boops
>New lore and probably new post game (considering Zero mission had it)
>Optional tools for newcomers,though enjoyable for veterans too
>Immersive 3D effects
>Bosses have better designs
>Better intro sequence
>Better map system (pins/waypoints, on bottom screen for incredibly easy access)
>Pretty much leads the way for Metroid Dread

Even from Temple Grounds? I haven't played Prime 2 in a while.

yes, elevator + light suit

Shit, I loved AM2R but the combat changes in SR's looks promising. Other M did have some neat concepts, and SR looks like it could take those concepts and execute them much better.

>A remake of a 20+ year old game leads the way for a game whose development was shelved several years ago and only hardcore fans of the series care or know about

I kind of hope good Metorid threads pick back up once the game is actually out, I really like talking about this series but it seems pretty hard to do so now.

They will for about a week where everyone will have a good time talking about the game and enjoying it. People will post their walkthroughs on Youtube and people will make webm of their gameplay on Sup Forums. After that week though ACfag and the AM2Rfags will go back to their old ways of shitting on Samus Returns and comparing it to that fan game again.

>last big Nintendo exclusive on the 3DS
You're forgetting the 3DS still has Pokemon coming this year, along with Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga and a still-unknown Kirby game.
3DS isn't dead yet, baby.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how assblasted are you over AM2R right now.