What is the "why didnt frodo and sam just fly to mordor?" of video games?

What is the "why didnt frodo and sam just fly to mordor?" of video games?

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Wasn't it explained that the distance was just super long and the eagles would tire out? I mean they could've rested along the way but whatever

Phoenix Downs in FF

like how the fuck do you expect people to NOT question almost all deaths in the series?

They are K.O'd not dead you retard

Not exactly.

1. Sauron has spies and forces in the sky. The Eagles/Frodo most likely wouldn't make it to Mordor
2. The Eagles wouldn't fly Frodo to Mordor anyway. The Eagles themselves are limited in power, and they are manifestation of the God like beings from the Undying Lands in Middle Earth. Like most western conceptions of God, they do not interfere in the issues of mortals.
Frodo and Sam were saved by the Eagles at the end of their journey because they had proven their heroism and were deemed worthy of entering the Undying Lands, which is, for lack of a better analogy, kind of like Heaven.

They'd get shot of the sky by the AA batteries Sauron has. Duh.

Why didn't Ellone just explain to Squall what she was trying to do in the first place, instead of randomly inflicting time travel on him and his friends, and just HOPING they'd achieve what she wanted.

>eagles fly into mordor
>get taken down by a fellbeast
>sauron gets the ring from the mangled corpse

New-U stations in general on borderlands

in BL1, its non-canon so that's alright but its apparently canon in BL2, which is fucking retarded since lots of main characters die in there like roland and handsome jack

Why doesn't Tony Hawk just buy his own tapes?

Sauron had thousands of archers and freaking dragons at his command as well as an omniscient eye that would notice little things like giant eagles flying straight to Mt. Doom.

Its like you want him to have the one ring.

It already explained that eagles are cunts

The entirety of Bioshock Infinite

how do I get into lord of the rings

books or movies?

I couldn't get passed the first half of the first book without feeling a combination of depression and boredom, so I'd say the movies

Is it really that bad or are you specifically a faggot when it comes to reading?

movies. tolkein was great at creating a world but his writing is like chinese water torture

You specifically being a ADHD brainlet is no reason for him to not read the books.

>issues of Mortals
I never understood this argument. Mortals literally did nothing wrong, Sauron os still the responsibility of Valar, Maiar and Elves considering he's Morgoths second in command.

Its like they went "Tough luck but fix our bullshit for us".

Well God literally resurrected Gandalf so its not like mortals were completely left in the lurch.

I like reading, but reading every description of people walking across a map isn't very engaging

why didn't snuggly just fly you to the last kiln?

What benefits would flying the ring to Mordor have other than saving time? Time was never a factor. If the fellowship had been running against the clock they wouldn't have dragged their feet leaving Rivendell, or have taken a month's vacation in Lothlorien. Time wasn't an issue. What really mattered was that Sauron be given absolutely no indication of his enemies' true purpose. If he even considered that possibility he would have taken the relatively simple step of sealing the entrance to the forge. The ring couldn't simply be dropped into the caldera, mind you. It had to be unmade in the forge.

Moreover, The ring's corrupting influence was a fail safe designed to prevent anyone from ever harming it. Sauron had absolute confidence in this. He believed that no one could ultimately resist the ring's influence, especially not within the forge where its magic was strongest. Sauron was right to believe this too. No one could resist the ring. And he did block the the entrance to his forge as well, by keeping the greater part of his armies on the Plateau of Gorgoroth camped around the mountain. If he hadn't wanted to show off he'd left at least some of them back in camp.

Really what he should have done was put down some slip proof tiling.

Why didnt the guy who kidnapped shaun in Heavy Rain ever mention or think about it when you could hear his thoughts

Why didnt Dante tell Nero he was his uncle and that they were all demons?

>Needs mana to save his home planet
>If humans start using magitech weaponry they could destroy the mana supply
>start war to genocide all humans
>humans use magitech weaponry

>play game
>protag and friends find the villain
>they argue philosophy instead of killing each other
this is much more annoying and present in anime

>Sauron os still the responsibility of Valar, Maiar and Elves considering he's Morgoths second in command.

Isildur not destroying the ring, user. They had the help of the elves until then, didn't they?

Forgot to mention: Pic unrelated, since that is the entire gimmick of Monster


>Sauron os still the responsibility of Valar, Maiar and Elves considering he's Morgoths second in command.

God never intended for the gods to rule over the lesser races. That's why nothing good ever came of the Ainur trying to fix their problems for them. In fact the last time they tried an entire continent was destroyed.

And Sauron was pretty much Middle-earth's problem because everything he did in the third age was because of Numenor and the Noldor (as usual).

Oh and since this is Sup Forums and it's a Tolkien thread let me just say that I fucking hate SoM and its upcoming abortion of a sequel with every fiber of my being.

why did the reapers need a backdoor into the citadel when they could have just waltzed into the galaxy from dark space within a few months?

>when the cheeky bastard dies


I sort of like how he actually survives this


>and they are manifestation of the God like beings from the Undying Lands in Middle Earth

The eagles are not Maiar. Absolutely not. If they were they wouldn't have been eagles, they would have been whatever they wanted to be.

Why didn't the Bearer of the Curse just jump over the 2 feet high obstacle on his way to Drangleic castle?

See, not only that but so many events came to pass because they opted to not take eagles. Both kingdoms of men were freed from corruption because of it leading to a greater union of the races of middle earth against evil which ultimately destroyed not only Saurons army but the Witch King and other Ring Wraiths as well. The ghost army and ents also got a conclusion to their stories instead of forever living in that cave/ignorance of Saruman. The Balrog was also taken care of which could potentially lead to the Dwarves retaking Moria. Most importantly Aragorn would've never became king and would most likely still be a ranger. So if the eagles picked them up at the Shire not only would it be a shit story but the world itself would continue to spiral into chaos, if the eagles would've picked them up at Rivendale the Fellowship itself might still be a thing but it was their hardships through the mines and losing Boromir that really focused them on their task which wouldn't have happened if the hobbits weren't there to bring them together and cause conflict with the ring.

>If they were they wouldn't have been eagles, they would have been whatever they wanted to be.

They eagles are not full Maiar but they are descended from Maiar the same way Shelob is decended from Ungoliant mixing with the natural spiders.

The maiar didn't fuck birds. Melian's relationship with an Elf was close enough to bestiality as it is.

You realize that the only time the eagles intervened was when Gandalf had gotten himself into some serious shit, right? The eagles are only there to act as Manwe's eyes in Middle Earth. The Istari are the ones that are actively intervening, or supposed to be. Gandalf just happens to be the only wizard still doing his job, so it makes sense for Manwe to try to protect him.

You also realize that the eagles live on top of a fucking mountain that is only reachable via flight? Even if they would have helped (and they wouldn't have, and Gandalf and Elrond and Glorfindel would have all known this), how do you propose they reach them in the first place?

The Maiar literally fucked birds. Maiar aren't constrained to being humanoid, the greatest king of eagles was Maiar.

>how do you propose they reach them in the first place?

Same way gandalf did the first time.

pet moth messenger.

Why would anyone follow Suaron if he was just an eye ball? Why wouldn't one of the Witch Kings take over? Why wouldn't the Witch Kings keep the ring for themselves had they been successful in capturing Frodo?

I'd like to see your source for that in the Histories because I sure as hell haven't seen it.

>Maiar aren't constrained to being humanoid

Yeah no shit they weren't limited to being birds either, they could manifest as literally anything that was physically possible (within the limits of their magic).

Source is the greatest eagle who ever lived, kiddo.

Why didn't you just climb over it?

>pet moth messenger.

That's Jackson movie bullshit. In the book that eagle came across Gandalf on Orthanc because they'd arranged a rendezvous through Radagast or something. I can't remember the specifics.

I brought that up to David Eddings, and he was like some things just aren't explained. Like shit stop covering for Anthony Burch and his shit writing skills

Being fuck huge didn't make what's his face a divine entity anymore than Huan was one because he could talk. Dragons weren't Maiar either and they're way more magical than that too.

>muh hackson films
Fuck off retard. There was no moth messenger in the books. Gwaihir just happened to see Gandalf on top of Orthanc because he's a giant fucking eagle with insanely good vision.

>Being fuck huge didn't make what's his face a divine entity anymore

No but being around before the creation of the Arda does.

>Gwaihir just happened to see Gandalf on top of Orthanc because he's a giant fucking eagle with insanely good vision

And because they had arranged a meeting somewhere in the Misty Mountains or something. Anyway that was the one part of the story where Radagast actually belonged but Hackson had to shoe horn him into The Hobbit for some reason.

>mad jelly retards that tolkien didn't invent cuhrazy pet moth communique

Stick to your rags boys, the motion picture cinema experience is where it's at.

Sounds like you have Phoenix downs if you think they are actually dead and not knocked out in your party

>Magic spell to bring them back is called Life

Again I'm going to need source specifying that what's his face the humongous was among the Ainur before the creation of the world.

nigba if you don't know shit about the Lord of Eagles being the direct servant of Manwe since the beginning of time itself you need to look your shit up.

Why didn't Grendel just teleport them to Fountain of Doom?

So you wouldn't know where in the Histories that (isn't) specified either then.

You're weird.

wrong spec

I don't remember the specifics, but that sounds right.
>waaaaah this story has a plot hole
>actually, this isn't a plot hole because there's logical justifications for why it couldn't have occurred
>b-but muh stupid shitty scene in the movie
>that was only in the movie, retard
>lmao the movie is better ne way, i'm a fucking faggot looooool
I don't get it. You were bitching about "plot holes" a few minutes ago, but now you're advocating them? What's wrong with you?

i mean i know nothing about the deeper LOTR lore but if its true it seems like itd be simple enough to find a wiki page for said eagle, find where it says he is deific, and then follow that reference to what writing says it where

>What's wrong with you?
Obviously he is a masterful bamboozler who is merely pretending to be retarded.

He's just ruffling your jimmies, user.

Although I really do get set off when someone on Sup Forums tells me that the fucking ghosts are a plothole and a deus ex machina asspull because THEY NEVER SHOWED UP AT THE BATTLE OF PELENNOR FIELDS IN THE BOOKS AND THEY COULDN'T PHYSICALLY HURT ANYONE ANYWAY BECAUSE THEY'RE INCOPOREAL.

Why didn't Mario just go straight to the eighth castle from the start?

>find a wiki page for said eagle

Real Tolkienfags search for nothing outside the appendices.

J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), Morgoth's Ring, "Part Two. The Annals of Aman" p. 138

Those three books are over 5,000 pages all together by the way. And they don't even comprise all of Tolkien's unpublished/unfinished material.

Well God dammnit now I've got to check if you're right.

He wasn't saying you should take the wiki at face value, just that you should use the wiki to find the proper reference. Unless you'd prefer to comb through the entirety of Tolkein's work on your own.

The little pieces of rubble on the way to Vendrick's Castle in Dark Souls 2 which are the reason you have to go to the edges of the land to kill 4 big souls monsters in order to open the fucking door in shrine of winter or whatever it's called

Here's a question

Are they cannon ever?
Like has some one ever revived someone with them?


It's "canon," user.

>Why didn't Jack have himself registered at New-U?
>Why didn't Jack just ban the vault hunters from using them?
>Why didn't Roland revive?
The difference between these questions and the eagles though is you can explain the eagles if you're paying attention. You can't explain these questions outside of Jack being a piss-poor excuse for a villain. Oh, not to mention all the events leading up to the "Where Angels Fear to Tread" mission. I don't really care about a stupid-ass bird dying when you just had a bunch of bandits fly around a supposed death wall that said bird had to die to get. Oh, and that part about needing Jack's voice and DNA imprint to get into the control core? Yeah, nah, Roland can get in there just fine. I could go on, point is BL2 is the most piss-poor excuse for writing I've ever seen in a game.

>muh eagles
"I was sent to bear tidings not burdens." - big birb himself.

I liked when Killer 7 did this nonsense

I feel like that shit was intentional by the devs just to fuck with the player.

Would Eagles get corrupted by the Ring, and want to claim it themselves?

I thought the idea of the Citadel was to have the element of surprise and to effectively decapitate the galactic governing body and main method of cooperation between species and factions. Just one space port and the universe is in chaos, ripe of the harvest.

The status ailment that "Life" cures is still KO.

"I'm going to fuck this mountain sized dragon the heck up with my 30 buddies and this crazy elf in a flying boat" - biggest birb himself

He did, if he knows his warp zones.

Yes. Literally anything would. That's another reason in addition to all I listed here

Read the books. They're fucking beautiful. If you need constant ACTION then watch the movies or just look for a different series, but LOTR is heavy on poetry and poetic writing.

People who trash Tolkien's writing style are looking for the wrong things in Tolkien. The more I read LOTR the more I realize that the best parts are the quiet moments when someone strikes up a song or recites an ancient lay. Google The Song of Beren and Luthien for a key example. Yes the grand adventure is wonderful, and Tolkien's description is amazing, but it's the quiet moments which really make that series special - something you don't get at all with the movies.


If someone as powerful as Galadriel could have been corrupted, then the eagles absolutely could have been.

It wasn't that Galadriel was powerful that meant her corruption, it was her innate desire to rule over Middle-Earth that almost saw her take the ring.

Alright time to tell me stories of crazy shit, preferably involving elves.
>that user who talked about Fingolfin being SO ANGRY that he was glowing with rage and permanently wounded motherfucking Morgoth

Yea what about it?

That's not what I meant. I meant the exact opposite, in fact. I was saying that even she isn't powerful enough to resist the temptation of the ring.

>Tfw you can do this in SMB3 with the Warp Whistles

This reminded me how shit thps hd was

morgoth's army literally deserted him as fingolfin approached, his rage made them think he was a god. Even morgoth was terrified of him, and rightly so.

He was a flawed elf, prideful and hot-headed, but his courage was utterly without peer.

What was he mad about anyway? Was he mad at Morgoth being an evil sumbitch and that was it?

Items and spells are generally canon. Tellah tries to use Esuna in FF4 in a cutscene to heal two people who petrified themselves. Aranaea uses a potion to heal Prompto's burn in FFXV.

In a BL2 thread a long time ago I remember an user came up with an alternative plot where instead of trying to stop Jack from reviving the warrior etc. It would've been a race between the vault hunters and Jack to get the other removed from the New-U station's registry. I only remember the gist of it, but with Jack being the person he is, he'd jokingly dangle the 'sword of damacles' and taunt you along the way. Once Angel starts to intervene then it would turn into a real cat and mouse series of events.

But seeing how this is borderlands, it's not hard to top it's sophomoric tier writing

How about the time Sauron lost a fight to a dog?

>In that hour LĂșthien came, and standing upon the bridge that led to Sauron's isle she sang a song that no walls of stone could hinder. Beren heard, and he thought that he dreamed; for the stars shone above him, and in the trees nightingales were singing. And in answer he sang a song of challenge that he had made in praise of the Seven Stars, the Sickle of the Valar that Varda hung above the North as a sign for the fall of Morgoth. Then all strength left him and he fell down into darkness.

>But LĂșthien heard his answering voice, and she sang then a song of greater power. The wolves howled, and the isle trembled. Sauron stood in the high tower, wrapped in his black thought ; but he smiled hearing her voice, for he knew that it was the daughter of Melian. The fame of the beauty of LĂșthien and the wonder of her song had long gone forth from Doriath; and he thought to make her captive and hand her over to the power of Morgoth, for his reward would be great. Therefore he sent a wolf to the bridge. But Huan slew it silently. Still Sauron sent others one by one; and one by one Huan took them by the throat and slew them. Then Sauron sent Draugluin, a dread beast, old in evil lord and sire of the werewolves of Angband. His might was great; and the battle of Huan and Draugluin was long and fierce. Yet at length Draugluin escaped, and fleeing back into the tower he died before Sauron's feet; and as he died he told his master: 'Huan is there!' Now Sauron knew well, as did all in that land, the fate that was decreed for the hound of Valinor, and it came into his thought that he himself would accomplish it. Therefore he took upon himself the form of a werewolf, and made himself the mightiest that had yet walked the world; and he came forth to win the passage of the bridge.

> LOTR is heavy on poetry and poetic writing.

A lot of people who complain about all the singing in the books seem to forget the whole of the universe was birthed into being by God and his angels singing.

yeah, forget. lol

Why didn't Frobo just bibidibop the rungis?