This is bad game design

This is bad game design

The worst part is that Sup Forums will defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's wrong with Skyrim doors? I've never encountered harder puzzles in any video game.

Is it bad game design only because you couldn't figure out how to inspect shit in your inventory?

show me where it says, in-game, that you can rotate items in the inventory screen and i will confess that you are correct
the vanilla, unmodded game, mind you

Pretty much.

It's not a part of the UI that they ever point out or tell you about.

Not him but it doesn't, BUT if you're playing on console you're almost guaranteed to stumble on it just from wiggling the analog sticks around on the menus.

It is still bad game design, but not for that reason. But because it's insulting to anyone's intelligence.

>he can't figure anything out on his own
>can't even open the inventory and push buttons

>skyrim has braindead easy puzzles
>yet somehow there are people that had trouble with them

The hardest part about skyrim is its fucking bugs. Idk how stupid you'd have to be to not be able to solve any of the dungeon "puzzles" skyrim has to offer.

>these people exist


>This is bad game design
Only if you're retarded

You're not retarded, are you OP?

It is bad game design. Inspecting items in your inventory is a mechanic that is never explained or used outside of these puzzles, and something 99% of players NEVER do outside of the claw doors. What makes it especially bad game design is that once you've "solved" one of these "puzzles" you've solved them all. There's no depth or difficulty at all to them other than figuring out the gimmick to opening the very first door, after that there's literally nothing to it.

When you accidentally move the right thumbstick in the menu and see the item rotate, that's when you learn.

I never thought to inspect the keys for the clues either.

>t. brainlet

it must be hard being so stupid that you cant figure out a simple puzzle

Isn't there a diary lying around that tells you this?

On a couple of them I just couldn't find the answers, felt stupid after I looked up a guide to show me.

Hold my beer
>Kill the crew to disable the ship
>Destroy piloting or engines to prevent FTL jumps
>Destroy droid control to disable droids
>Boss throws it all out the window

It's pretty easy even on hard once you know the tricks but I got extremely assblasted first time.

Same exact thread as last night.

Well, they expect you to suppose that the solution is in the claw in the first place, when videogames in general have the solution fixed in place in the dungeon.

Then they expect you to use a feature that you were not introduced to, and as far as I remember you don't use it again, so, yeah it's bad design.

He's not talking about the door, he's talking about destruction magic as a whole in Skyrim.

"My fingers are trembling. The Golden Claw is finally in my hands, and with it, the power of the ancient Nordic heroes. That fool Lucan Valerius had no idea that his favorite store decoration was actually the key to Bleak Falls Barrow.
Now I just need to get to the Hall of Stories and unlock the door. The legend says there is a test that the Nords put in place to keep the unworthy away, but that "when you have the golden claw, the solution is in the palm of your hands."

From Arvel's Journal. You find Arvel after the fight against the giant spider, hanging from the ceiling in a giant net and blocking the entrance to the next room. You have to loot his corpse to get the golden claw.

OP, you are dumb.

oh no
you've awakened the hordes of people that will defend that piece of shit

>My fingers are trembling. The Golden Claw is finally in my hands, and with it, the power of the ancient Nordic heroes. That fool Lucan Valerius had no idea that his favorite store decoration was actually the key to Bleak Falls Barrow. Now I just need to get to the Hall of Stories and unlock the door. The legend says there is a test that the Nords put in place to keep the unworthy away, but that "When you have the golden claw, the solution is to rotate it with either the right stick or clicking and dragging the mouse."

What game?

Because its a console game for consoles, and on console you incidentally discover it, since you only have like 12 buttons to work with and everything does fifty tasks.

On PC where you have to move the mouse outside the menu, click, hold and drag, you basically need to read it somewhere to realize.

Makes sense, magic scales pretty badly compared to one handed and archery, two-handed is just masochistic.

>get to one of these puzzles
>sigh to myself
>alt tab for the answer
>tab back in
>have some issue arise from that like mouse cursor being on the screen or something

i still beat the game, it's comfy as fuck for a while


>wanting the game to spell everything out to you

Wow so much fun.

*activates Witcher Senses (tm) /Batvision (tm)/ Eagle Vision (tm)*


Fallout 4

The doors were meant to keep the draugers in the crypts.

It's poorly explained


I never thought to look at the claw because I thought the puzzle was like the rotating pillars puzzle 5 minutes earlier and that I needed to find the solution in the area.

"Dear player,

Open your menu, click to the side of it, where the 3D model of the item is, hold the mouse button and move the mouse sideways. You will to more of that in the future."

t. Arvel's Journal

wait a minute that claw...

I did this. The game would have been so much better if you had to search the dungeon for clues.

If you are playing with a controller on PC or on a console the game literally says "Zoom In" with an icon for clicking the right stick.
Even then, I tried it with mouse just now and all you do is click and drag on the object. That dunmer's note hints you to look at the claw itself. I didn't figure out how to zoom in on it as there's no keyboard prompt for it, but you don't really need to in order to see it anyways.

Oh yeah, and the same controls are used in for manipulating the model in every single loading screen. I find it hard to believe someone went through Skyrim's millions of loading screens and never figured out you could rotate a model at all.

>I find it hard to believe someone went through Skyrim's millions of loading screens and never figured out you could rotate a model at all.
Why would you just randomly click and drag the mouse on a loading screen?

Still a lot of words. I do o not want to read anything ever. Could you have one of those Youtubers explain it to me?

>Nords consider claw puzzles a test

Is there any further proof necessary that Nords are the niggers of Tamriel?

Daggerfall 4

>millions of loading screens
>for what is probably the first quest nearly all players do after escaping from prison

because you have to sit through hundreds of them to do anything in the game and it's boring as fuck?

Either way, the game controls and the vanilla UI are clearly intended for controllers and not M+KB. I see where you're coming from there, but when you're using a controller you're pretty much guaranteed to be fucking around with the sticks every time yuo're waiting.

Thank you. I liked, commented, and subscribed.

>I find it hard to believe someone went through Skyrim's millions of loading screens and never figured out you could rotate a model at all.

200 hours of Skyrim, this is the first time I hear this.
No joke, no memes, I had no idea you can manipulate the loading screen.

there's a fucking journal in the dungeon that tells you to look at the claw.

it's called hyperbole, motherfucker.
>entering the fort
>leaving the fort
>family of whoever you helped asks you to come inside for no reason
>leaving their house afterwards
>going into a shop to find out about the claw in the first place
>leaving the shop
>entering bleak falls barrow
>entering the second cell of bleak falls barrow
8 loading screens minimum is still quite a lot considering you've accomplished nothing in the game yet.

They only last a few seconds, how short is someone's attention span that they have to fiddle with something every 5 seconds?



not everyone has a good rig, man.
overworld especially and a few certain cells can take a while for my toaster.

The only bad design was how they used such a mechanic only once in the game. It's like they made it for a demonstration pre-release then forgot about it.

It's probably for modders to jack off over their 10kx10k jpgs.

The doors aren't bad design, what's bad design is having one of the keys in two parts and not having the combined key an item you can inspect.