Have you ever used a mod for lewd purposes?

Have you ever used a mod for lewd purposes?

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yes I installed Skyrim mods to live out my twisted sex dreams of selling Skyrim's people to the forsworn sex slave right and even kidnapping some forsworn women e

then I realized how fucked up I am and uninstalled the mods and looked for mental help

porn would take less effort to achieve the same ends

There's nothing lewd about giving May her canon size.

Blade and Soul mods were gr8 until the loli nude mod broke. All other races work though for some reason

Do they jiggle?

I honestly don't understand what's wrong with this, sounds like something that should've been in the vanilla game. Could you sex the foresworn women you took?

low effort = low reward

came here to post this

This May has always been pretty busty. in the anime and in her art.

I wouldn't call those canon. It's getting there, but not quite there yet.

Cool, is there any mod that lets me play as may's classic design? Not a big fan of that cowtits thing going on in your image, it makes no sense for a 10 year old child


I'd rather have May's classic design but keep the cowtits.

where are her cowtits exactly

welp, time to fap. Never been that much into pokemon but there's something about May

/hbg/'s various link pastebins has a lewd mod for AS and May for it without the cowtits.
I deleted it immediately after remembering May's actual size and age. Fuck that shit.

this shit looks like it was taken straight from deviantart

Why do you care?

>I can't fap to a fictional video game character if I find out they're underage, that would be immoral


cowtits are the very definition of poor taste

It's more I really don't care for lolis. At all.

Unironically this. I remember her distinctly having big ass titties. Where'd they go?

uh huh

Also should add even if I was, how do you even jack off to those shitty chibi models?

>something about may
That something would be how stacked she is/is thought to be

She doesn't even look like a loli user
if the number was what determined a loli, then all those 1000 year old dragons would be considered "mature"

Who knows?

Didn't know you could mod 3ds games, is there a guide?

mmmm delicious

Please don't.
Please dont summon another

>he hasnt hacked his 3ds

thread. You can do without.

Well she doesn't look old, that's for damn sure.

I have hacked my 3DS though, I just want to fap.

Can you let people enjoy things, brappers/thiccfags?

Just for once, NOT inject your false superiority into a thread?

Have you ever posted anything videogame related on Sup Forums?

May is for lewd chest cushions.

Did you find it?

>TFW you will never be May

I use Sims 4 as a degeneracy simulator

>self insert starts a relationship with Bella
>one week later Bella introduces self insert to her big black bull
>self insert watched bull fucking the shit out of Bella
>Bella convinces self insert to start cross dressing
>convinces self insert to start sucking bull's cock
>eventually Bella decides self insert will go through the surgery and turn him into a shemale
>shemale self insert now lives happily as a live in maid to Bella and her bull
>bull has impregnated Bella at least four times
>shemale self insert stays home and looks after the kids as their nanny while Bella and the bull go out to clubs getting drunk and fucking in public

The Sims 4 is really neat. Pic related is my shemale self insert.



in the show she had breasts way bigger than any 10-11 I ever saw when growing up

>dark skinned Ashley Burch

They weren't even that big

I didn't know you could mod the 3DS Pokemon games. Any other cool model or texture edits?

When will Chicken-chan get a lewd mod?

About the only other ones worth using are a mod that colors the protagonist to the version you have, and a full nude mod

its an anime so some angles gave the appearance maybe
I guess I was around late developers when I was 10 although I can't remember them that well after 10+ years


>tfw 11 yo little sister and all her friends have massive breasts
>tfw she'll become a slut because of that

May's a slut who flashes her BF in public

sauce boss

right here
tho they obviously removed them in later seasons

On her thigh stupid

I've installed both a nude mod and a lewd armor mod for vanilla WoW. It's pretty great, and worth searching through ancient websites to get the files.

I like you.

Emily Bloom, according to some guy on /gif/.

Real talk, when I was in middle school I saw 13 year olds walking around bigger knockers than many adult women have.

10 is pushing it though, not sure if the designer was just horny that day and no one called him on it or what. "Correcting" them with the ORAS designs was an even bigger dick move, though.

its alright user it doesn't always happen
my older sisters had huge tits early on and they aren't slutty
at least you can lead your sister while I had little influence over mine

for real though its the shit we eat that everybody is reaching puberty faster

You might be homosexual

Hopefully never, because she's hideous.

Actually Sup Forums agreed that she's the sexiest MC

Nah, Sup Forums agreed that she's the worst pokegirl of all time.

>not sluts

no u

How is she not the sexiest?

>they aren't slutty
That you know of

Because her outfit is hideous, mostly.

Don't know what timeline that happened in but clearly not this one because Sup Forums always argues over these two, not the screaming chipmunk.


She really is the worst though. She's so bad they didn't even bother naming her.

Her body is really sexy


>thinking anime applies to real life

You're right, 2D girls can actually be pure


Her name is Moon.

Shit fire, how do you do this, I might actually finish S&M with some big ol tiddies

Nowhere in the games does that happen. The closest thing would be the battle royal mode demo but that hardly counts since the other demo names didnt become canon.

So? Like 90% of the games dont mention the canon names of the player characters.

They literally all do when you are given the option to change the name at the start, except SM.

I guess if they were its better to not know but I'm pretty sure since I know their personalities since I grew up with them


does she have a canon name yet?

What the FUCK was his problem?

No. Maybe they'll get around to it for the ultra games.


I hope not. I want her to stay Chicken-chan forever.

thanks boss

Yes she does.

Not really the same, but learning to mod a game for fetish purposes isn't beneath me.

more like Emily Braap amiright

Elder Scrolls

that's all I wanted to say

>still no SFM May
Why even attempt to mod Pokemon?

On what do you two based these claims?

Personal bias

When S&M released, everybody agreed Chicken-chan is LOTY 2016 thus making her the sexiest MC

>no SFM May
There is a thing for Garry Mod though.

Good taste. Loli is for beta male