Can't handle general physics and momentum mechanics

>Can't handle general physics and momentum mechanics.
>Too inapt to know how to platform.
>Doesn't like the fact that game takes more than one button to beat a stage.
>Hates that the story isn't filled with memes, meta "humor", and PBS Kids tier writing.
>Disgusted that all the playable characters aren't Sonic.
>Cringes from the music having vocals with a variety of genres that embodies the characters, stages, and themes of the game and not just the same modern-retro sounds.
>Becomes confused when the bosses aren't all reused from past games.
>Gets depressed when the first stage isn't Green Hill Zone and the other stages not being rehashes from the 4 central classics.
>Unable to handle Eggman not being the final boss.

In short: It's not the Adventure games, it's you. I think it's safe to say these games are the ultimate filters to causals for this franchise.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, absolutely OP. Fuck this post is true

Let me expand on my point OP. The only thing the anti-Adventure losers have is "muh bugs" argument, which is so pathetic it's not even funny. The DESIGN is amazing, it's one of the most comfortable series of video games out there... next to Megaman Battle Network, which also had excellent design, these games need a proper sequel with Chao Garden and everything pronto.

Well the games have so much speed and freedom that it is easy for the player to screw up.

>Disgusted that all the playable characters aren't Sonic
I wish they had the same fucking objective which is run to the goal ring as fast as possible. I don't want treasure hunting, I don't want shooting. I just want to run to the fuckin goal, fight some enemies along the way, and look a little stylish while doing so. That's one thing Heroes got right (except the Chaotix)

Treasure hunting and shooting were both kino though. You just don't want to admit it.

stop before you attract THAT guy, you know the one

I don't think they're bad at all. I personally just would rather run to the goal with neat level design. That's all I wanna do.

No I won't fucking relax, these games used to be my childhood, all anyone ever wants is for Sega to get their shit together and make a GOOD FUCKING SONIC GAME IN THE MODERN ERA FOR ONCE. Sonic Adventure 3. Or something, jesus! And before you say I'm getting too emotional or anything, tell me, how much money have you spent on these pieces of shit that are hyped to hell as "revolutionizing" the Sonic franchise when they turn out to be the same moronic, broken, dull, gimmicky pieces of garbage they keep churning out on a yearly basis. I'm fucking sick of it, I've had enough, at some point these fucks in their ivory towers need to be held accountable by the GAMERS! That's who they're making them for, right? It's so simple, just stick to the original gameplay and stick a full-fledged, detailed Chao Garden in there and maybe add a few different playable characters without changing the gameplay around too much... make it open world, and add lots of permanent upgrades like the Sonic Adventure games... and voila, there you go, a good Sonic game. Should not be fucking hard but for some reason Sony can't get it right. The last good Sonic games were literally the remastered versions of Sonic Adventure for Gamecube. Jesus, people like you honestly make me sick to my stomach, you're on a video game forum, how can you be complacent with pure garbage when they're literally spitting in your face, laughing at you for buying their bullshit over and over again, when the alternative could be so good? It's not like Sonic is a bad property. Like the OP stated, these games used to be good. The franchise needs to be wrested from these idiot's hands, it's really a travesty!

>Sonic Adventure 3

That already exists, it's called Sonic 06.

Every single post you make, every thread you make, just makes it obvious how defensive you are about your favorite childhood game and nothing no one will say will change that. If you were so right you wouldn't need to keep making these threads every fucking day to try desperately to get the majority to confirm your rose-tinted opinions that these games were perfect, but deep down you know that they're deeply flawed games.

I enjoy them, but they're wonky and have tons of problems, they just didn't age well. Should SEGA give up on making a fully 3D sonic game instead of just on-rails racing games? Not at all, but they should definitely NOT look back at the adventure games, at least in the gameplay area, for inspiration.

Also chill the fuck down, it's a video game, made by a bunch of rich people who only get richer at your expense. Go focus your energy on something else instead of trying to relieve your 10-year-old-self lost joy.

Imagine being this upset at literally nobody that you have to go and start a thread this way. This is how nu-Sup Forums operates. You open threads in response to an imaginary audience that doesn't even want anything to do with you. Fuck this board, so many of you faggots HAVE to be divisive, you can't just come on here and talk about good points about your game, instead you have to layer them in six tiers of argumentative meta to even be able to get to the point. It's like if you just wanted to discuss your favorite movie and you go "WOW, I SURE HATE ALL MOVIES THAT AREN'T THIS ONE SPECIFIC MOVIE." Just fucking say what you like about the game instead of bitching about how other people dislike things about the thing you like. Fuck.

>inb4autistic typing this much

Fuck you if you think that's too much to read, I bet you flunked high school.

But user, I don't need to get the majority to confirm it.

They already agree with me.

That's right, the people are on my side.

You reddit-spacing faggot.

no, no, dude, stop really. Before you attract the pic related guy

I guess all these threads means you guys are already finished playing Mania.

>reddit spacing
sick of this meme

Only SA1 has a variety of music really, SA2 is way more homogenised.

Hit the nail on the head OP. I'd kill for a more open ended game instead of the on rails boost drivel they've been giving us for the past decade.

Yeah that's why you've been getting BTFO non-stop and keep making these threads.

Seeing the box art, or any official art, of SA2 gives me such a euphoric feeling of nostalgia, it's crazy. That game was my entire childhood and I wish we could go back to things being shitty, but fun. Now it's just "hold boost and jump occasionally"

>That already exists, it's called Sonic 06.
That's Sonic Adventure 4. 3 is Heroes.

i miss 2006 when you could just make shit up and people would believe it happened

OP, you enjoy a shitty game for shitty reasons, and you expect everyone else to enjoy them for the same reasons. The thing is, people don't want to enjoy those games, because they're shit.

It's fine that you like the games, but the reasons that you list as "pros" are actually "cons" for most people. You have shit taste, just learn to live with it.

I've always wondered why he puts DX on the left but not Battle. Is there some difference between the control of battle and SA2? Or is it between DX and the original SA?

>2006 Sup Forums

It's so innocent yet embarrassing to look back on.

>"anonymous lies" right there in the picture

>Gameplay, story, music, characters, level structure, originality, and general mechanics for a VIDEO GAME are "cons" for most people.

Then maybe those people should be ignored.

>turning on a dime and defying the laws of physics is good momentum
I love this meme

>Only being able to blast in one direction is good momentum.
I think this is the spiciest meme.

That doesn't even make sense.

Those are just things, they aren't inhenrently good or bad.

Sonic Adventure games have SHIT gameplay, story, levels and general mechanics for today's standards. It was fine when they were experimenting back then, but nowadays it's just old and aged. It's fine to go back to it and enjoy it as a childhood game, I do it too, but you have to be completely fucking ignorant of what makes a game good to claim that those claims hold up in any way whatsoever nowadays.

If all you can come up with is "git gud" then you have literally no argument.

Sega could just, you know, refine the gameplay?


I know, that's my point. They have to refine it, and newer sonic's handling is a refinement over the way sonic controlled in the Adventure games, but OP can't accept that and thinks the games should control exactly like they did in 1998.

Sonic in boost games controls like a tank when he's not running in a straight line. He felt much smoother in SA1.

You know, your criticism would be more valid if the alternative of the argument wasn't Modern Sonic "gameplay".

I'm not saying those games are perfect, but they control better than SA, from an objective stand-point.

How, user? HOW? How is firing like a bullet in one direction "control better" from a "objective stand-point"?

It does what its intended to. It doesn't break down when you move sonic in the wrong direction, the game keeps flowing no matter what.
You're putting your own opinion, taste and bias into the factoring instead of taking into account the fact that in SA1 and 2 the clunky gameplay often leads the player to break the game without realizing that he's doing so. Lot's of cheap deaths, clipping and just all around awkward moments result from this.

Are you the guy that made the webms?

Adventure Sonic is better at platforming, which is what a Sonic game is first and foremost. Generations had platforming sections and they were the worst part of modern sonic's stages because that control scheme was built for running down hallways. That's not a refinement, that's a clear downgrade.

Christ, this was rough.

The adventure games are definitely NOT platforming games "first and foremost", they mix a miriad of genres, and Sonic stages follow mostly the same formula as the boost-style games, but with more freedom. The thing is that except in some rare instances, mostly in SA1, the freedom is needless and actually only serves to get in the way of the player. The fact that you're not locked in place when racing through a track makes the controls feel unwieldy and unnatural.

I prefer the Adventure style of freedom, I'd rather have the character go anywhere than being locked in a running lane, but I feel much better playing a boost game than SA1 or 2, because the controls feel awkward in relation to the level design.

Sonic Adventure would work much better with better momentum and bigger stages with multiple routes, kinda like the overused example of Utopia.

>>Can't handle general physics and momentum mechanics
Neither could Sonic Adventure.

The issue is level design.

Either you try to make an objective separate than getting to the goal (i.e. flickies island or the treasure hunting stages) OR you make the stages more linear.

Sonic Adventure definitely has momentum mechanics.

interesting points but you forgot that sonic adventure is shit and sonic adventure 2 is even shitter

hey faggot why don't you go play Big the Cat missions again and then come back and tell me about how the design is amazing

And you have a penis but it's never put to good use either.

is this supposed to be a rebuttal to something?

At least it's gameplay and actually takes a level of competency to perform.

"hey dude you're eating shit"


>be me
>like all types of sonic games
>enjoy the different gameplay styles
I just want more sonic games

I like how you literally just make shit up.
The great debate.

You're not wrong. The board is mostly insecure babydicks that need to argue about literally anything. There are 2 sonic games coming out with good hype behind them and this sperg would rather insult people for not liking adventure. Its ass.

That's because his brand of game is stuck in the middle. It's not actually good like the classics and it's not current like boostshit. It's got nowhere to go

Reminder that after Forces gets released it's the Adventurefriends' turn for a game.

What's with all the Adventure dicksucking lately? Is it the same guy making all these threads or just a bunch of random autists that hate that Mania is a good game for some reason?

Based on what, exactly?

Pretty much the same few people.

SA1's issue is that it's a rushed as hell game that never got fixed and actually got worse each release after the western DC one, and the gameplay ranges from good (Sonic) to decent (Tails, maybe Knuckes) to meh (Gamma) to awful (Amy, Big).

SA2's issue is that they made Knuckles and Gamma's gameplay styles worse for some reason, despite the game fixing other shit wrong with SA1 (in particular, SA2 is drastically less glitchy), and spacing out the fairly good Sonic style gameplay far too much.

SA2's gimped emerald radar was retarded in a game that had larger environments than SA1.
if all the shooting stages played like in Cosmic Wall, they'd be pretty great

Because all these people want modern Sonic to die and only have Classic Sonic back.

It's literally one guy making dozens of webms to try to prove the rest of the world that adventure isn't a badly aged fossil of a game.

Yeah they just can't accept that their favorite childhood game is actually bad, so they keep making threads yelling at no one telling them how great it is, when everybody already knows the games are bad.

Because the Classicucks got their dream game and the Boostbabies are getting theirs in the same year. It's time for Adventure to take the mic back.

Read above.

Oh, I thought you were actually implying that another Adventure style game was going to be the next Sonic game to be made.


I can't accept that someone older than 20 would type this shit seriously and not realize how autistic they sound

I'm not on OP's side, but you're retarded if you think the Adventure games aren't platformers first and foremost considering that Sonic has the most stages in both and in the first one Tails and Amy also have platforming stages

do you see webms anywhere in this thread, you fucking imbecile? Maybe there's actually more than one person who like the adventure games

In Sonic Adventure 1 you kinda have platforming, in some levels. In Sonic Adventure 2 sonic levels are basically just boostless modern sonic stages, race to the finish style. If you want to call that platforming, sure, but it's no platformer I've ever played.

The most "platformer-like" stages are the emerald hunting ones, and even they that's kind of a stretch since you basically just glide and climb everywhere. You do as much platforming in those stages as in a fucking spider-man game.

live and learn>>>open your heart
it doesn't matter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>it doesn't matter sa2

>Maybe there's actually more than one person who like the adventure games
I trust the average Sup Forums user to have a bit better taste than that.

Man, you're such a fucking cherry picker. Go watch gameplay from SA2 or better yet, just play it yourself. There's tons of platforming. Yeah, the stages are faster and more linear. But is the platforming gone? No.

This is the exact reason I like adventure better than 2.
plus 2/3 of it is annoying fluffcompared to only 2/5

How am I a cherry picker? I literally played through the game this week since all Sup Forums's talking about lately is sonic, and there's hardly any platforming in it for it to be called a platformer, or at least a platformer "first and foremost".

"Tons of platforming" my fucking ass.

Yeah look at all that nonexistent platforming. The game is really just boostless modern sonic!

hey man "platforming" is not the same as "times when sonic is not going fast".

Why were all of Knuckles level music rap songs? and why are they all good

What exactly do you think platforming means in video games? Because there sure aren't more than 5 minutes of actual platforming in that video.

Did you not see the parts in City Escape where you jumped on the rising platforms to get across? Or everything in Green Forest (the most platforming based stage)? Or the moving platforms and the bounce bracelet sections in Pyramid Cave? Or all the gravity based platforming in Crazy Gadget? Or all the floating platforms between rails in Final Rush? The only Sonic stage to not really have platforming is Metal Harbor.
Not to mention that this is only Sonic's stages. There's also Shadow's and if you want to get specific, Knuckles and Rouges stages could also be considered forms of platforming, even with the flight and wall climb gimmicks.
It's not as much as SA1, but it's there

How do you know what reddit spacing is like...

It's not really platforming though, it's just jumping over obstacles or into springs and shit. Green Forest looks literally like a regular Generations stage. If that's platforming than the boost games are platformers too.

You should have included Sonic Heroes in your post OP.

I've only ever liked the Sonic stages in those games. Everything else ranged from bad to mediocre.

It's the exact definition of a platformer. What do you think a platformer is?
>then the boost games are platformers too
of course they are?? When were they not regarded as platformers?

I don't get what's so wrong about gradually turning to the right instead of instantly

I mean,instantly is less realistic for o ne.

>Because all these people want modern Sonic to die and only have Classic Sonic back.


>No I won't fucking relax, these games used to be my childhood
Hey, now you know how I feel when assholes crap on the Genesis games for stupid reasons.

That's a good thing.

It's a video game, it should control like a video game.

Sonic has never been good.

Adventure was just a new flavour of shit.

That's retarded. Weight and momentum are things that have to be taken into consideration when we're talking about character movement. Just having a 1:1 movement response is lazy as fuck, and feels cheap.

I was under the impression that you were claiming the adventure games were somehow more of a platforming game than the modern games, when really they just do the same thing but in different ways.

That's your problem, though, not an actual problem with those modes.

You are shitting on it because of what it is, not because what it is has flaws or issues.

end this meme, 06 isn't any more aventure 3 then heros or shadow are

>nd newer sonic's handling is a refinement over the way sonic controlled in the Adventure games, but OP can't accept that and thinks the games should control exactly like they did in 1998.

Bullshit, it's far worse. In Sa2, sonic was a bit slippery to control, but once you got over that it was highly responisve and allowed for a huge degree of player control. It's essentially equal to how SM64 played, in SM64, the intial hurdle was Mario having a bit too much traction.

In the boost titles sonic's movement accelration and tuning isn't even consistent across different directions, he feels far too weighed down, and his jump feel is all fucked.

from an objective standpoint (literal use of the term objective, this is something actually quantifiable), the player has more direct control over Sonic in the Adventure series
It's drastically more effort to move Sonic in the "right" direction in Unleashed onwards, and he basically relies on sliding around the walls, drift, and sidestep to even vaguely attempt to move in anything beyond a straight line. He handles like a flying pig, which is the wrong extreme from SA1/2 being ridiculously twitchy, and it enforces stage design more linear than SA2's. For any kind of actual platforming section, the game mostly just switches to 2D, with a memorable exception being that one bit in Dragon Road with the spinning platforms.

as an aside, I've probably died more to the Unleashed-era homing attack just cutting all momentum when used without a target than the SA1/2/Heroes homing attack ever sent me flying into the abyss, shit's pretty awful

No. The guy said that the Adventure games weren't platformers and I was correcting him

>You are shitting on it because of what it is, not because what it is has flaws or issues.

what kind of fucked up defensive logic is this, of course he's shitting on it because of what it is, how is he going to shit on what it isn't?

Having too little sonic stages and too many shitty side-character stages is a huge flaw

>comparing sonic adventure to SM64
Okay now I know you're the other guy. Start posting the webms, buddy

>end this meme, 06 isn't any more aventure 3 then heros or shadow are
1: learn to spell please
2: the game is structured almost exactly like SA1, Adventure fields and all, and the story is ridiculously similar

>from an objective standpoint (literal use of the term objective, this is something actually quantifiable), the player has more direct control over Sonic in the Adventure series

That's true, and it's a bad thing.

>It's drastically more effort to move Sonic in the "right" direction in Unleashed onwards, and he basically relies on sliding around the walls, drift, and sidestep to even vaguely attempt to move in anything beyond a straight line.

How is it any effort to move Sonic in any direction, when the stage basically pushes you towards the right direction all the time? Adventure sonic is much harder to control during highspeed segments since instead of curving he just dashes towards the direction you're pressing, which breaks the flow of the game, goes against the expected feedback and results in awkward stumbling and falling into death pits.

He's trying to say that you're complaining about things that bother you specifically in regards to what it is. See how you claimed shitty side characters was a flaw? That's what he's talking about. You're complaining about what you don't like rather than complaining about its actual flaws.

>rants about furfag video games

Both adventure games are like 5/10 games, and I'll never fully understand why people like them so much.

>treasure hunt stages are dull filler
>mecha stages are dull filler
>homing attack makes every enemy instantly trivial to deal with
>Sonic and Shadow stages are very linear with a ton of "self playing" segments with boost pads

Really, I just don't see why these games have such a defence force behind them.