
So true!

Just follow the waypoint and do the left route.



>implying you didn't look on map and use saves and loads untill you got past the deathclaws

The third one is modded, right?

you are the savescum, user

why the fuck is half the map empty

Cause your in a literal desert that's been irradiated somewhat recently

i think its cause NV "open" world is total shit

So they could fit the whole thing into a square, retard.

>save scumming
>not just brute forcing it

>somewhat recently
Didn't get hit by nukes thanks to house, and it was hundreds of years ago.


Nevada is 90% empty space in real life too

It still got hit but nukes, just not the city itself. 200 years isn't that much time when it comes to radiation and deserts

Less so for rpgs, but in rockstar games I just drive or horse directly from mission to mission. I'm not really a "make your own fun" kind of guy.

They didn't get hit by nearly three hundred nukes thanks to House, you mean. Some still got through, due to glitches that the Platinum Chip was supposed to fix.

did you make this, user?

Hiroshima is completely radiation free right now, how the fuck do you think that makes sense with your bullshit logic?
200 is a lot of fucking time when it comes to radiation, in all aspects, because radiation decays.


Hiroshima got hit by 1 nuke. The Mojave got hit by 9. Another 9 were blasted out of the sky which also probably spread radiation. 59 others were forcefully disarmed.

Radiation is different in the Fallout universe (duh).

Anyways, saying that radiation is reason the map is empty is bullshit. Radiation is only concentrated in impact sites and waste disposal areas at this point. The reason most of the Mojave is empty because the Nevada is empty AND the game didn't really get time to flesh itself out due to the low development time and lack of Legion content.

Hiroshima also had clean-up and water nearly-by to soak the radiation. The Mojave in Fallout had neither.


my state is LITERALLY 98% public land

>Radiation is different in the Fallout universe (duh).
Such a bullshit excuse.
No matter what all of the radioactive fallout would be gone after 200 years. The only radiation should be from radioactive waste and shards of fissile material from the bombs.
There's a reason they test bombs in the desert, and it's because it's the perfect environment to dissipate fallout quickly, rain would make it catastrophical, which is easy to avoid in a desert.

maybe because it's a fucking desert

As much as I loved NV, the map was shit. If you weren't doing a quest there was nothing to do

Map could've been a lot better, yeah. At least the quests you got to do were engaging enough to keep playing through, though.

And all the fallout is gone. Doesn't mean that there was anyone left to build shit in the Mojave. The entire plot is based around how it's only now that there's a group with the man-power and know-how to set up anything new, rather than scavenging the remains. Most of the Mojave is barren wastes now. Why would a full scale nuclear war change that?

>Such a bullshit excuse.

Seriously, it is. High amounts of radiation still lasts by vault 87 and the glowing sea 200 years later. There are drugs and chemicals that get rid of it. It turns people into ghouls in an instant!

It really isn't an excuse. It's just how radiation is in universe. It's based around 1950's SCIENCE tropes which includes all that.

>No matter what all of the radioactive fallout would be gone after 200 years. The only radiation should be from radioactive waste and shards of fissile material from the bombs.

Once again, this isn't our universe. In our earth sure, but in Fallout? No.

I appreciate you user.

at least you can map out where you can go.
I'd hate to do that for FO3, it would take you days.

First playthrough
Several playthroughs later
>Pro playthrough
RUNNING from good springs to the strip just to steal from that one plasma gun shop from freeaide and getting ban from every casino

these has been around almost as long as NV has came out my dear tourist. There's even one for 3 regarding Tenpenny tower but I have no idea when that was made.

They test bombs in deserts because they are empty, useless and you get results that are near to its intended application but they also test bombs in water, which isolates the radiation.
I read over some articles real quick and apparently the bombs over Japan were both weak and detonated really high in the air so most of the fallout got blown away.

Yeah, groundbursts release much more radiation than airbursts and the Mojave had plenty of those. So it makes sense that even a little amount spread a shit ton of Fallout.

Also, the scale in Fallout games is much smaller than real life. So impact craters of nukes are actually much larger in lore. Probably 3x-4x larger.

>Not just fallowing the train-tracks to that one station and going over the cliff behind it, taking out the single Blind Deathclaw and quickly making it to Novac.

It's like you didn't spend 168 Hours playing new vegas.

>The Mojave got hit by 9.
Can you actually find 9 bomb craters in game? That'd be a nice detail.

>Map outline on right

I see a man ballroom dancing and dipping his partner.

I do not understand. What's with the purple and blue horizontal lines?

>There are faggots that don't explore everything in the game.

I haven't gone to the Strip yet and I marked all the locations where I killed everyone.
Am I doing this right?

>i think its cause NV "open" world is total shit
I know right? Why aren't there more big cities in the middle of the desert, just like in real life?? They should've dropped in 500 carbon copies of the same Falmer dungeon just to pad it out, now THAT'S open world design!