Played this for a about an hour and I'm loving it so far. How are you guys enjoying the game?

Played this for a about an hour and I'm loving it so far. How are you guys enjoying the game?

Other urls found in this thread:

Chemical planet boss is the meanest Sonic boss in history. Couldn't stop smiling.

>tfw my appetite for a new 2D Sonic died more than a decade ago and I can't manage to get excited about Mania

>tfw the other thread died
so what do you guys think about the true ending?
>tfw actually played puyo a lot when I was younger
>tfw I remembered how to do stairs
>tfw meme'd on eggman with an 8 chain
completely unnecessary but felt pretty good tbqh

I can't beat Titanic Monarch Zone Act 2. There is no clear objective. It should be renamed to Labyrinth Zone because it is the true Labyrinth Zone.

It's like the final stage of Yoshi's Island, there are 4 portions to complete in any order, then you get the boss. It helps if you use Super Sonic.

Imagine being the wrongest person who ever fucking lived.

How do you "complete" those sections? Just play through them?

Piratable version where

Yeah, just keep going, and you'' notice after you go and can't go any further, you'll go back to a room with 4 areas.

It's $20. Stop being a poorfag.

When you stop being a fucking peasant

Maybe he is mustard.

just get to the end of each section
once you complete a section, the door seals off
once all four doors are sealed, the final boss happens

there's no labyrinth to navigate, just finish the four linear sections in any order you want

>tfw can't pass the octobot boss

Its fucking locked though

I was having fun until I reached the water stage. Even when I was a kid whenever I would get to these stages I stop playing, because I keep drowning and the speed flow just stops for me.

Couple of tips, jump underneath the platform repeatedly to avoid the lasers completely. Don't stick around too long after hitting the octopus, there's no way you can dodge all of those bullets he fires at such a close range. After hitting him, just get as far the fuck away as possible.

Hydro City is harder this time around. IT really reminds me of Labyrinth Zone. My God, so much of the first act is submerged.

thanks for the new reaction pic user

>playing Sonic & Tails
>just fly as high as possible whenever above water

I kind of ruined it for myself, but I hate underwater, so I guess I win in the end.

>First run as Sonic, get to Oil Ocean with 16 lives to spare
>Now as Knuckles have only 1 (one) at Oil Ocean
What the fuck? I've been dying a little more because Knuckles practically forces me to use super and blow all my rings before I can finish off a boss sometimes, but I didn't die so many times to be down that much lower than Sonic, which means I've collected fewer lives too. Stupid red hard mode knigger.


>tfw all this knux fanservice

I didn't bother to use Tails to fly above it all. It was frustrating, but the challenge was kind of fun.

>he doesn't chuckle
>he just would rather flex his muscles

Anybody else super upset that THE barrel from Carnival Night Zone didn't make a return? Can you imagine the pure coalesced rage of the millennial video game """"journalism"""" crowd?

I want to play Sonic Mania but I've decided to play and complete every mainline game before I buy it. I've only played 3 as a kid and I loved it. Which one should I play now? Also, is CD considered a mainline Sonic?

>we could have had a barrel chamber, but instead of walls it's more barrels that block your path
they could've gone full meme, but hopefully it's in mania 2

>Also, is CD considered a mainline Sonic?
Yes. It gets referenced in Mania.

1. Get an Amazon Fire TV stick, cheapest option to be able to play Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog, and Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which are only on tvOS, iOS, and Android.

2. Get Christian Whitehead's Sonic CD for that as well, or on PC or console.

3. Get your favorite genny emulator and download this rom.

That's the best way to play and the best versions to play, period.

CD may not be mainline, but it's considered core by people with taste. I would say go in release order if you want to be die-hard, skip 1 if you want the essentials, skip 2 if you just want to experience the high point contenders of the series.


t. Christian Whitehead

Just fucking emulate all of them, user.

>he never learned how to play the S&K mini-game

But Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog and Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog 2 are objectively the best versions of those games.

But which one is the most genuine and most truthful to the original concept?

You guys know you can destroy the octopus' bullet orbs, right?

Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog, and Christian Whitehead's Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

Serious answer. You asked more truthful to the original concept, and he twakes it to the game it should have been, but which was limited due to the time. Sonic is above and beyond because he completes a whole missing area form the original game.

So yeah, truthfully, Taxman's versions are closer to the original concept behind those 3 games.

>I want to play Sonic Mania but I've decided to play and complete every mainline game before I buy it
play them in production order
so 1, 2, CD, 3&K (go download Sonic 3 Complete for sheer quality of life reasons instead of playing it as released).
best versions of 1&2 are mobile only (and I still can't download Sonic 2 mobile on my S7), and I think CD isn't on the Play Store anymore (but it's available on PC on Steam, play that version)

after that, play Mania
warning: Sonic 3 Complete might make you kind of pissed about shit they should have fixed in Mania (like Super Sonic transformation)

they're great ports with loads of extra shit (S1 mobile has unlockable Knuckles if you get all the Emeralds) and widescreen

Yeah, it's just that I'm afraid I'll hit the bullets while attempting to attack them. Sometimes I go after them, other times I don't chance it.

Or I can just go Super Sonic and not have to worry about anything.

>Sanic's face when you have to play Mean Bean Machine
funny shit

Is there new areas in the port? I have played 1 and CD for a bit, they look pretty good but I'd rather play em with a joystick

>pre ordered on PC
>also bought it and played through it on my friend's PS4 because hype was too much
>Have to wait 2 weeks until I can play as Knuckles and see the final boss after you get the chaos emeralds
at least I can listen to the soundtrack now, PC Leak when?

on tvOS and iOS, you can use any MFi controller. On Android, you can use any controller supported by your fork and hardware. The current Xbox One controller works with many newer android phones for example. If you have a phone which can connect to a TV wired via a dongle, then all you would need is a controller to play on a TV.

Why these 2 gems of a game have not been released on console or PC is puzzling.

I meant the ports*

in S1, no
in S2, you can enter a "finished" Hidden Palace Zone
in CD, no (but you can get it on Steam anyway)

also, all the mobile ports support controllers (at least, on Android)

I have a iPad, I'll look into those controllers. Thanks for the info.

Yeah, I'll get CD on steam then. It still feels surreal to me that this Sonic even exists, I've never heard of it until this week. I'll give it a go.

I'll play the sonic in release order then. Thank you anons!

Really good, glitches out a lot for me though. Not sure if it's above S3&K though, need to beat it with all characters first. Definitely beats out CD for my second favourite. Rehashed stages or not.


literally jump when it flies above you

RIP JWai. Wrongest person who ever fucking lived.

Wating for PC release

Th-thanks for beta testing... ;_;

Why is everyone call it that. I even saw Youtube vids calling it that.

It's name is Dangerous Ball Tower you fucking PLEBS.

I thought the official name was Caterkiller Prime?

>Mania threads on Sup Forums are dwindling
>Blue Sphere user nowhere in sight
>Post-Mania depression is close
I will miss you all

>die to time out
>the locked areas I had completed are unlocked and need doing again

Makes the checkpoints kind of redundant except for finishing my Gold coin Blue Spheres on my first playthrough.

I've been playing knuckles for my second playthrough. Kind of easy to clip into walls by accident but at least I've been able to get back out.

im going to kill someone if the mania threads are dead when the pc version comes out

Just do everything you can to keep the fire shield.

Then the fight is gonna be a breeze.

I only beat Sonic CD for the first time the night before Mania and I still cannot believe how bad a game that is. I keep seeing people praise it and I don't understand at all and the straight copy pastes of CD into Mania are killing a game that is absolutely awesome otherwise :(

>That alternate ending if you beat & Knuckles mode using Knuckles and getting all 7 chaos emeralds

I was happy when it happened. Did not expect it because I had already beat the game with Knuckles and getting all the Emeralds.

I wonder if there are more hidden endings

>2 weeks
bullshit, there are some additional routes added through the levels specifically for knuckles in the sonic 1 mobile remake

Beat it last night as Sonic. Really solid experience, but I feel it falls short of S3&K in a lot of areas. The special stages in particular seemed really unbalanced. Blue Sphere is great, but it's entirely too common at 25 rings a post. I felt like I spent half the game going fast, and half the game playing Blue Sphere.

The UFO stages are just crap. The controls are extremely skittish, and like any time trial sort of game, you need a good deal of trial and error to succeed. They should've subbed Blue Sphere in here; as it is, I don't think I'm going to bother getting all the emeralds.

Honestly if they would have added an unlimited lives mode for these babies the average score of this game would of been a lot higher.

only casuals hate the special stages. They're really fun once you get good and it feels amazing to catch the UFO before mach 3

As someone who FUCKING LOVES BLUE SPHERE, I'm glad it's the post mini-game, but I am totally understanding as to why it's annoying people.

I really do like the UFO game, and again, a bit of prior fandom, especially because of the Sonic CD bonus stages. I really don't mind the trial and error of the stages, what I dislike is how sparse the warp rings are. Maybe I'm just not good at seeking them out, but I remember having Super Sonic by the end of Marble Garden Zone in S3.

>only casuals hate the special stages
Yeah, I hear this 'argument' a lot. I hated them in CD, and I hate them here.

are the time attack leaderboards even up yet?
I'm racing some dudes on discord but it would be nice if the damn inbuilt system worked

>I really don't mind the trial and error of the stages, what I dislike is how sparse the warp rings are
That's exactly it. Having to play things multiple times to succeed + not having many instances to do so = poor design.

yeh, gotta agree

CD is a brainlet filter and it shows considering you think there are any sections from CD that were copy/pasted into Mania. The layouts of the CD levels are completely different.

You guys joking? I know how to get super by Chemical Plant Act 1, and I found all those rings myself.

Pretty much this, didn't get Super as quick as Chemical Plant, but failed a couple and had Super by Studiopolis Act 2, it's pretty easy desu

>Beat the game on no save as Knuckles and Knuckles w/ all the Choas Emeralds for an alternate ending

user, you best not be jesting. This is bordering on "that kid" level.

Dude I'm not. The ending was discussed in the thread prior to my arrival

It really does sound "that kid", but yeah can confirm it's real

Does this game have any new content or is it just a remaster of selected old levels

a mix of old level themes with partially redesigned stages and entirely new stages

All the old zones have new level design with some deja vu sprinkled in, usually the deja vu is in the first act. And then there's a few new zones.

I get people that have gripes with CD, but Stardust and Metallic Madness are some of the best zones in Mania.

Just use level select to do it.

>CD is a brainlet filter
Why? Please, explain what part of not liking CD makes one stupid.

CD is an acquired taste like sonic 1

the fact that you even need to ask that question user, come on.

I'm already done with it. Beat it with all 3 characters and unlocked everything.


This game is great. It has actually made me consider buying Sonic Forces just to see how this ends up tying in with it, even though I know it's sure to be a shit show, and I have not cared about Sonic's in-game lore ever.

Fuck you you shill it's fucking delayed.

>Hydro City
*tips fedora*

Had all the emeralds before the end of chemical plant zone and flew through the game. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Unironically wish there was a spinball homage.

Explain, or stop shitting up discussion, faggot.

>being this much of a fanboy
The physics in Taxman's Sonic 1 are slightly off
His version of CD has 3 major issues
>Cropped cutscenes
>Compressed music because he used the beta version of the music to make some pointless loops

His Sonic 2 is the definitive version but that's it.

Also Sonic 1 and 2 only have the remastered version of the soundtrack(I swear some tracks sound a bit different) and no option for the original ones. Also no option for 4:3 aspect ratio. I'm sorry but Sonic 1 and 2 look like dogshit in widescreen and the fact that the bosses change in widescreen is awful and kills many quick kill strats.

I know, I know I'm a huge fucking picky nerd but if Taxman/Stealth gave some of these things a consideration they'd improve their remasters by a lot.

>CD is a brainlet filter
Lol this only applies to filthy millennials who also can't into Sonic 1/2/3k. Otherwise CD ain't really hard to figure out.

>getting all emeralds early

I must have lost my ability to explore sonic games. I never had a problem in the first 4 but im on monarch and have 3 emeralds. I failed a few but still.

The bosses demonstrate why people who like video games should be the ones making them.

want to ask everyone who's played: how many hours worth of content??

I'm a pcfag and haven't played a good sonic game since I was a child and this shits kinda got me excited

Uhh..bullshit. Sonic 1 is actually a well designed and polished game unlike Sonic CD which feels like a mess. And don't get me wrong I like CD but fuck anyone who actually says CD is a better game than 1.

Blue sphere has been kicking my ass. I'm seriously considering buying a monitor with a higher refresh rate & less input lag. would a 144hz Monitor help much? What's the best monitor out right for someone who plays a lot of platformers?

Don't get too excited this shit doesn't come out 'till the 29th on PC and fucking leakers won't upload a torrent already.

Its a good game but if you judge games by "hours of content" its probably not for you

Tldr its short

>What's the best monitor out right for someone who plays a lot of platformers?
CRT monitor.