How do you git gud at building stuff in Terraria? I've played this game for almost 400 hours and I still suck

how do you git gud at building stuff in Terraria? I've played this game for almost 400 hours and I still suck

Use your high IQ

Can't teach genius

>400 hours and you still suck.

user. it's okay to use the wiki.

Lurk terraria threads, save hundreds of pictures of other people building things.

Study them.

Find a real life building photo you want to emulate.

Try to apply those prior studied techniques to building that.

Think outside the wooden box.

wait, i redact that. i didn't notice you meant building.

Don't slap a chandelier in your kommunalka and call it a build. That's what 90% of terraria "builders" do and it's fucking shit. Disregard NPC's build something neat without caring about their pathing or door requirements.

Make something other than squares, for starters.

Find pictures of other people's buildings and copy them.

Terraria thread?

>playing Thorium
>craft an item called the Strange Skull
>it's just a shitty reference to undermeme
fucking dropped

>one reference to one thing you don't like changes your opinion on something

wowie zowie

Become a communist

Get creative!

pretty neat. post more

>implying I actually care that much
It's just a shitpost. It's a neat little reference I suppose. Thorium is a ton of fun and I won't drop it just because it has a reference to a game Sup Forums hates.

R8 my base, it's currently under construction

>not having customized rooms for your different friends

It's like you're not even trying!

By being an autist with OCD

>those shitty "t-they're not commie blocks guys"

Pretty rad but you should use different stone blocks too.

I have actual, clinical OCD and I can't play Terraria or Minecraft because I need every fucking square to be perfect. Shit like underground desserts between jungle and snow biomes throws me off. And when generating a Terraria world I need to have a certain background. The one with the mountains. And it can't have any of the specific foregrounds I don't like.

I've never actually developed a world that far before deleting it because I didn't like how the corruption or the unicorn land was spreading or something.

Also I've put like 300 hours in Endless legend and have only actually completed a game twice because whenever I come across a Ceratan or Dweller village in a snow or dessert biome I just can't look at that map anymore. Seeing those little bits of green grass and flowing water in the middle of the arctic circle or a sandy dessert just kills me.

I wish I could edit maps like in Civ IV.

The secret to building well is just making odd shapes for the most part instead of rectangles and using the hammer.

>what are hot springs and oases
why, exactly the kind of places villages would spring up in those climates.
contain yourself, user




Building is easily my least favourite thing to do in Terraria so im sticking to my commiehotels

Where do you put your 21 NPCs? Your construction is inefficient, A E S T H E T I C S don't get you anywhere. Replace all materials with wood and make small square-shaped buildings.

I don't get you people at all. How do you do this?
Isn't it an eyesore? I can't just have a commieblock, it irks me.

I always buy myself a nice house and commieblocks for NPCs.

A E S T H E T I C S get you style points

How do I spend these style points?

For me, terraria isn't about building
it's more a freeform, loot driven explorathon boss fighter with building being a side option

Terraria can wholly stand just on it's loot and fighting. It's not like minecraft where if you can't build, there's literally no reason to play.

Don't worry comrade, I have you covered with this temporary housing

>wasting this much space

That is awful.

I wish I'd saved a picture of the customized apartments I made for everyone.

capitalist spy detected

This will always calm down the workers and farmers. Good job comrade.

Babbies First build. For some reason its always a castle, good Start tho, you need to get better at cluttering and Use more different Materials. Try using wood paneling with beams and wooden backwall to emulate a wooden tower on top of a stone fundament, make your crafting area into a comfy smithy, Hang ropes from the ceiling or chains for medieval flair. Sparingly Use light sources to get good visual effects AT night

Im at Work right now,someone Post good builds

>Try to build something neat and interesting
>Halfway through I can't help but think that all of this effort serves no practical purpose and go back to building commie blocks
>This happens every time in everything I do

How the fuck do I get creative? Every time it's just pure function over form, and while everything is efficient and practical it also looks boring as shit.

Sup Forums server when

i too do the same bg shit

i have forced my self to start with a completely blank character on a blank expert hardcore small world with corruption and some mods to void my ocd tier shit, and i do my best to perfectly shape an imperfect world to overcome those tendencies

when it's all said and done, i feel like a fucking god for not only having survived on one life so long, but absolutely conquering the fuck out of that world

>Putting all those chests in plain view from the back

Build commieblocks and have fun playing the game instead.

Has there been any announcements on Terraria 2 or Terraria Otherworld? They both got announced forever ago.

they pretty much dumped the team that helped working on otherworld and now they're scrapping half of the game and start all over again

It has little to do with Terraria in particular, and everything to do with your own creative ability.
If you can't draw/design/at least visualize good, you can't make something goof looking in Terraria without copying someone else.
This is why I gave up on it and games like it. It depresses me.

Look up a bunch of different houses online to have references and such, don't stick with a single wallpaper, use many.
Don't build in flat terrain, use uneven surfaces like cliffs, and have the building climb it's wall, modifying the terrain as little as possible, it helps in making you used to using atypical layouts. Stuff like that.

What are the best mods, and which oned conflict with others?
I've never modded the game, at over 500 hours played.

>tfw my first big build was making a massive cabin-like tower built into the side of a snow-covered cliff
>burrowed into the cliff-side to make a comfy underground forge

Forcing yourself to have to adapt to the environment is pretty solid advice. It makes the build more unique and it makes you think more about it.

Also, when using wallpapers, you can get creative with it. Like, make simple patterns or designs in the back wall using different types of wood or stone.

Almost ready for hardmode, can't progress because I can't build a satisfying base

Some mods that add a lot of content aren't that good. Tremor, Spirit, Calamity, and Thorium are the ones I've heard of. I haven't heard good things about Tremor, Calamity has fucked up balancing, made by some thin-skinned brony faggot, and is only worth it for the thick waifus it adds, and Spirit I haven't tried out much but I hear it's fine. Thorium I think is the best one as it balances itself around base Terraria and I think it adds some post Moon Lord content. You could try mixing Spirit and Thorium for some fun results, but I didn't really like that mix. I think sticking with one mod is the best.

The other mods I use are mostly QoL ones, like a recipe browser, an auto trash one, a boss checklist, and a boss healthbar. I find myself constantly using the recipe browser because going to the Guide is a pain.

>>tfw my first big build was making a massive cabin-like tower built into the side of a snow-covered cliff
>>burrowed into the cliff-side to make a comfy underground forge
Sounds comfy af, wish I could see it.

>Also, when using wallpapers, you can get creative with it. Like, make simple patterns or designs in the back wall using different types of wood or stone.
It may seem like little, but it does a lot, small stuff like adding a one square strip to the bottom of a small room's wall gives it a lot of character (I'm sure it has a name, but I can't think of it for the life of me). I tend to do that a lot with boreal wood walls since they look pretty good in single strips.

Another thing one can do is to use deactivated blocks, since you can shape them with the hammer you get to have a lot of different shapes to play with rather than what walls give you.

What mods?

What is the best vanity item and why is it the Robot Hat?

I always just commie block but i build each room out of a different material.

>Slowly scrolling through the entire recipe list when I want to craft something
There had to be a better way to do this there no way to force a sandstorm to end? Already tried saving and quitting. I just want to know the layout of the fucking map and not be harassed by tumbler.


Press the hammer icon or whatever and it should open into a full display

Actually scratch that. This laptop I have is too shit to play even this, if I'm getting FPS drops in a sandstorm/area transition then I don't even want to imagine how bad it'll get when something's actually happening on screen.

>you can combine the Ankh shield and Cellphone to create an Nvidia shield that has the effects of over 50 items

Damnit Calamity mod.

>Tfw I'm up to Moon Lord and didn't know I could do this

make commieblocks for npcs but then try and build something small for yourself like a little fishing dock with a shack or something, work up to big stuff

Are there any mods that add RPG elements?


>no reaver shark
Why bother?

you mean anime titties?

For example, yes.

>same kind of chest
>crafting stations in the same spot
Fix all that and it'll be perfect.
Also, try hammering that dirt by the stairs into slopes. That makes stairs look better and more "clean", desu.

i once played in a Sup Forums server and it was one of my most beloved vidya experiences ever

Pic related is a build I'm currently working on. Any tips/suggestions? I plan to build a lot more actual building to the left.

Also, how do I make the wooden walls in the banquet hall more interesting?

>like castles
>see all these cool looking ones ITT
>despair because most i build end up looking like shit

Looks great, but you need a lot more block variety. Just gray brick/wood/stone slab is pretty fucking boring. Also paint.
as for the banquet hall, look into the different kinds of wood. Ebonwood is a popular choice since it's literally normal wood but rotated 90 degrees (paint it brown, of course).

>you need a lot more block variety. Just gray brick/wood/stone slab is pretty fucking boring. Also paint.

I was thinking of doing something like this with anything at least three blocks thick. Would you say this is a little more visually interesting?

Also what would you recommend using the paint on, the walls, the bricks, or both?

I know what you mean, I feel with you. Have you tried making rectangle-shaped simple appartments made out if wood?

Putting blocks inside blocks is definitely a solid choice, but I would steer away from granite, if possible. From the pics I've seen, granite's usually reserved for mystical and spatial designs, but if you can find a good colour to put on the granite, then use it.
Use paint on whatever you think fits, but don't blast the whole place. Since you're using stone for the majority of your palace (?) use colours that mesh well with gray, such as white.

I make commieblocks and I don't see any desire to do more than that because I don't personally care and anyone I could show that would care would just nitpick every single thing. I'd like someone who constantly bitches about everything being commieblocks to give an example of the minimum "this is acceptable" building so I can hopefully understand if they're just shitposting for no reason or not.

>giant ass tower
>nothing up there
Still looks awesome

From last thread someone posted this then was super nice enough to upload the tedit schematic to uploadfiles
uploadfiles dot io/0tty2

I played the shit out of Terraria way back before the Crimson and all of that other stuff was added. If I'm thinking of going back to play some more, should I download any of these overhaul mods or not? And if so, which of them are the least shit?

play for 4000 more

>A single meme on an item that is easily replaced within an hour
>Not noticing the metroid reference pet

KYS yourself

Just wanted to confirm that im doing this right, but as i've seen no other possible way to do this (as a mage at least) to defeat skeletron in expert mode i need to go to hell first to get molten armor and the demon scythe spellbook? because the space gun and water bolt do fuckall to him.

Are there any 3rd party tools for direct world manipulation? Like being able to draw blocks in the world like it was paint.
If there is does it have a way to save segments you build to be used later like "stamps"

Eh, the best mod I think is Thorium. Adds in some useful items and fleshes out some concepts. There are some simple mods for finding shit in your chests and whatnot that are also useful.

If you are merely interested in Boss Battles do Calamity. It is horribly unbalanced but it has some decent ultra-late game stuff going on. I DO NOT recommend it with any other mods though since it is imbalanced.

There is an editor just google it. It works pretty well. It sucks all the fun out of the game to me though.

Are you destroying the hands before the head?
Also, get a Shield of Cthulhu and Jungle armour (if you're not using Space) and learn how to dodge.

Are you using potions? IE Regen, Ironskin and magic damage? Do you have a campfire going? etc? It's expert mode for a reason and it isn't easy. Abuse everything. That's how the developers wanted it to be.

Alright, thanks m80. I'm gonna give Thorium a try.

I have no idea why I made this

i've always just gone to hell to get the book and armor and thats always enough to kill him, just wanted to know if it was possible to do it with waterbolt/spacegun. guess ill try to do it without going to hell this time around.

Go to hell and get whatever you need. Isn't there the scythe spell down there?

>Playing Thorium as Bard Class, Solo Expert
>Get to Moonlord
>Lose will to play because I'm pretty sure I haven't beaten the Moon Lord without cheesing him
Guess that's the end of my run, unless I cheese it with the minecart just to get to the Post-Moonlord Content.

Is there a mod that removes wraiths?

1. Have all potions active
2. All accessories set to defense
3. Make arena

It's expert mode. There is literally no cheesing it. Normal mode? Yeah, using the nurse is cheesing but in expert? The devs knew you would do it so they madei t extra fucking difficult to compensate. There is no 'cheesing' expert unless you somehow find a way to literally take no damage or auto-kill a boss. Especially moon lord.

>Get a Death Sickle
>Wraiths die before they can even pass through the blocks
There's your mod.

>spend every fucking night babysitting NPCs especially if you spread them out

yeah nah

Are you sure you're replying to the right person?

I need some ideas for an underground forge.
My base is a clusterfuck since its my first playthrough after years but I want to start upgrading before I move to another world

Could you zoom in on the pirate ship?
