Why are there so little female protagonists with short hair in vidya/?

why are there so little female protagonists with short hair in vidya/?

because you dont play enough games

It's ugly.

don't worry, soon there will be only such games. they will have pink and purple hair

play Any game from before the ps3 came out you dumb nigger

because short hair looks like shit and it's the sign of a damaged woman

>virgin with shit taste

>butthurt op

Short hair is fucking gay. I dropped Monogatari because of short hair.

Literally every female protagonist in video games has had short hair up until the last few years, you idiot.

best girl always has long hair

Kanbaru looks best with short hair

There is quite a lot of them on the japanese spectrum. Look at pic related.
Her hair are quite short for a woman.

of course, she's a dyke

Literally and figuratively kill yourself.

because you don't know shit about video games.

Because it's less effort to animate.

be honest and tell me op doesnt look better

>having shit taste

Short hair is for closet homosexuals.


>Being this gay

Negga, please.

An user on Sup Forums said you were crossposting on Sup Forums so I came here to find and bully you, fucking nerd lmao.

Sup Forums...


I know we call ourselves "Sup Forumsirgins" but it's an ironic name, like calling a huge guy tiny. You're not supposed to be here if you're actually a virgin.

Short hair is best hair

Neck length hair is objectively GOAT


they're the majority though because devs are too lazy to make good hair physics.


They will either be butchy lesbians or nigras with afros because they're not black enough without afros.

>what is 2b tomato



That's a very good question. What DOES it mean to be a tomato? What is the essence of tomatoness?
