Fighting games are fun as shit

Fighting games are fun as shit
Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about them?

Fuck off that's why

Oh, that's right - Sup Forums doesn't talk about games
kill me

talk about some you stupid nigger

We had Guilty Gear threads but mods deleted them because we actually played the game we also used to have sfv threads but those have just slowed down, I'm excited for DBFZ threads and lobbies when the game drops

Because SFV is shit and the niggers at the FGC threatened to shank me if I play something not made by Crapcom.

There are multiple threads about fighting games up right now.

Sup Forums sucks at fighting games and it's totally obvious when you try and talk about them. don't bother, if you ever want to talk/play fighting games just go on /vg/

SNK wins.

/vg/ shitters don't play fighting games either and just circlejerk about waifus.

Because Sup Forums is off playing games that take real skill.

/vg/ plays fighting games every single day while Sup Forums just pretends they play old fighters for cool points an doesn't play shit, with the exception of GG, who's general is now on /vg/. why are you making up lies about a board you don't even go on .

/vg/ has sponsored players, people getting top 8s in major tournaments, people getting articles about them on ESPN, getting acknowledged by Sup Forumss favorite eceleb Mike Ross, plays every game under the sun and will always play you, the list could go on. what the fuck does Sup Forums have going for it? every fighting game thread on this board ends up being nothing but spergs talking about MUH LORE MUH STORYMODE (DBFZ threads) or MUH FUNCTIONS MUH BAD GRAPHICS (any capcom game)

you guys are trash and it's apparent any time a fighting game thread pops up on this board, but keep making up lies to make yourself feel good.

>Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about them?
Have you browsed Sup Forums recently?
We had GG threads daily until they got banished to /vg/ and then some dude from /vg/ posted more GG daily threads on Sup Forums thinking it would bother anyone at all.

Also This:

>Modern Sup Forums actually thinks this way

That's what makes this bait picture the most scary honestly.

Proof of any of this shit?

I've always thought of fighting games as nigger games.

Because Sup Forums can't blame anyone else except themselves for their failure.

>/fgg/ tripfags

keep crying while /fgg/ players are featured on ESPN articles, getting called the best character specialists in their region, making top 8 at majors in multiple games, moving to japan to live out their dreams, and actually playing games and being good at them while Sup Forums just discusses lore and story mode

Theres always a fighting game thread in Sup Forums however it always end up in betas fighting each other for the privilege of smelling the best girl farts

I love fighting games and I have tried teaching all of my friends how to play and teaching my online friends, but all of them are so braindead from casual games like Overwatch, Hearthstone and FPS games that they can't comprehend a game that takes more than 5 seconds to learn how to play. They can't comprehend a game that takes skill and effort to succeed at. They just want a slot machine that can grant them a free win if they get a good team to carry them.

It's hopeless.

>ask for proof
>get ignored
Kek, I'd say play me but you'll dodge that too

Holy shit, user, calm down. Why so tilt ?

Nowhere in his post did he mention Sup Forums being any better. You're just sperging out shit without backing it up against something not even under debate.

Oh wait, I forgot we were on Sup Forums. Please proceed, user.

I want to get into Guilty Gear, but I don't like any of the beginner characters people suggest. How fucked am I if I decide to start on someone like Haehyun, or I-No?

Guilty Gear as a first fighting game is hard as fuck. Especially against people who even just know the basics of fighting games.

haehyun is super babby retard tier, with an almost slightly more difficult execution barrier than the average super babby retard tier character

Hey would you look at that he dodged me, it's almost like /vg/ is nothing but scrubs and average skill tripfags that lord over them, talking a big game until they have to actually play and run off in an autistic fit

There's like a half-dozen of threads about them every day, fuck off.

Street Fighter 5 sucks shit

i'm sure neither one of you are good so dont even bother being upset

they don't stroke your ego unless you're the top 1% and even then you'll get humbled every time you try offline with the top 5% players

waifuthreads and shitting on other games isn't really discussion

>fun as shit
people see "shit" as fun,OP

Because they won't see me in fantasy strike

>Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about them
There's a couple of fighting game threads every single day, you blind motherfucker