This is a joke, r-right?

This is a joke, r-right?

That's the only answer you need to your question.

Portraying a proper fantasy setting costs too much money, also real world is more relatable.

>real world is more relatable

It's not.

Well Sup Forums? Are you descended from an ancient hero? Will you save us from the monsters?

It's Hollywood continuing to show they have absolutely no idea what they're doing.

There's literally nothing else you could do to make your characters and story feel more detached than by making your story have a clash between fiction and reality.

howslowru? this shit was covered like, 50 threads ago on /mhg/. everyone called it gay and moved on.

>Going to /mhg/
/mhg/ is kill

>not making the movie a fake documentary about various monsters and their habits/habitats

It was fucked from the start.

>real world is more relatable.
Not when it comes to fucking Dragons and men with Great swords fucking up the hunt for everyone.

That's why Lord of the rings BOMBED, right?

its way easier to write a "real world" character react to fantasy stuff, than to actually have a character that lives in and understands the world around him

especially when the makers of the movie don't know shit about the games, and just want an epic dragon fighting movie

>still making video game movies
Do they even increase sales? Does capcom really think this will increase western brand awareness of monster hunter for world? People don't go to theaters any more, especially for shitty cash in movies that will inevitably have >25% on rotten tomatoes

>People don't go to theaters any more
I did just three days ago bro, went with my gf. shit was so cash.

>Going to the theaters with you gf
More like
>I went to go see the Emoji Movie with my mom

I would rather have the Monster Hunter manga animated even if it's shit than this Americanized trash.

>Expecting anything else from a video game movie adaptation

I bet the actors, directors, crew members and whoever the fuck else works on these movies have probably never touched the source material they're working with and probably just skimmed through the wikipedia article on it.

>for every monster a hero
Don't individual heroes tend to kill lots of monsters in video games theoretically leaving lots of other potential heroes without their monster to kick off their path to herodom? That must suck for those heroes, having their reason for becoming a hero taken out by some other hero.

>Going to the theaters with you gf
More like
>I went to go see the Emoji Movie with my mom
>I went to the cinemas to go and see Cars 3 with my wifes son
Lol fucking cuckold.

Wasn't there some leaked footage a while ago of two of the series monsters fighting in a shopping mall or some shit?

Why is this a fucking thing?


LotR is verbatim satire of reality though, bad example. Warcraft movie is a better example.

Based isekai.