Why are fedorafags so drawn to Japanese games?

Why are fedorafags so drawn to Japanese games?

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Because elements of Japanese culture and philosophy don't translate easily to most Westerners all the time. When that happens there's a void that should have been filled with an understanding of subtext built up by living in Japan.

But when you don't have that, fedora-tippers and everyone else will fill in the blanks with their own meaning.

Pretty sure there's an annoying group of Japanese people who do the same with Western media.

what a retard

Fucking nailed it.

>Pretty sure there's an annoying group of Japanese people who do the same with Western media.
No such thing

>who is Hideo Kojima

>all dark clothing
>hat, coat and all
>in texas
>during what looks like summer
how do people do it

Most of them only play PC games, and those are literally ALL western.

>fedora memes

is it 2012?

>how old that picture is


because MOST japanese games are about "chosen" people who are special and different from the regular masses and fedora tippers want to be given attention like that for once in their life.

Do you think he ever made it to Japan?

There is. I forget the word, though. It's a real thing.

>Studying vidya developing in Japan
Aren't most jap developers doing it despite being professionals in other fields?
I doubt they have pseudo schools teaching that, at most something computer and programing related and the rest is trial and error.

You "forgot", because there's no such thing. KYS.

do weeaboos even exist anymore?

he protec
but also atacc

I hope.

>culture and philosophy

like what? legit curious

A few months ago I saw two fat guys with long black coats and fedoras in Akihabara. Maybe it was him and one of his friends.


>that should have been filled with an understanding of subtext built up by living in Japan.
you can just learn their language, you don't have to live there
once you get your head around the passiveness of it and how that differs from english and its insistent of director actors, things get clearer
Unless you're the type to believe true understanding can only be brought by suffering

Mostly this. Also they are more apt to believe the beautiful utopias shown in Japanese media are real and this reinforces the fantasy that they will someday extricate themselves from the world they truly live in. It's like going to a new school and getting to wipe the slate clean, forget the humiliating things that happened to you and pretend you're a much more interesting person.

Hideo Kojima

Follow the buzzards?


director actors?

Imagine the sweat accumulating all over his overweight body.

We just call them sieyo otaku, which basically means western geek. Contrary to meme board beliefs otaku is not a term exclusive to depraved anime hobbyists, but anyone whose obsession damages their social standing.

A good chunk of anime is evidence to the contrary.

>anyone whose obsession damages their social standing

This is largely understood.

Why are redditors so drawn to paying for a digital "copy" of games and sucking Steam's cock?

never understood what atheism had to do with fedora tipping. I mean the rest are all typical tryhard things to say, but not believing in god is something like half of the western population already does these days.

Why do autistic people have a sexual attraction to flat plastic donuts? Why don't they admit their irrational fetish instead of creating farcical hypotheticals to justify their deviant predilection?

Half the west is black or hispaniard (or muslim in yurop).

Try again.

That might very well be winter. Winter in Texas is still really bright and sunny most of the time, just about 25-35 degrees. Depending on what part you're in, of course, because it's so fucking massive.

This is brilliant

I've met some. They're as much freaks as weebs are.

yeah, and they are pretty much the only ones who are seriously religious

I mean I know the USA is way more religious than Europe but here hardly anyone takes religion seriously anymore except for maybe the elderly.

Because most atheists are atheists because they don't give a shit about religion, they are the silent majority. The vocal minority is the fedora atheists who take it all to seriously and treat it like a lifestyle. They are more outspoken so they are what many people think of when thinking of atheism.

>*Swipes left* Pfft. Nothing personell....Kid.

Isn't there an entire sub-culture in japan dedicated to dressing up as southern white trailer trash?

so half the whites are religious, which means that about 75% of the total people are religious

you're a fucking fedora tipping idiot

Wouldn't be surprised since there is an entire sub-culture based around dressing up as greasers from the 50's, The Rockabilly culture.

>you can just learn their language
This, the language barrier is what makes people think other cultures (not only japanese) are different and weird.

Friendly reminder that this is a photo of the "In this moment, I am euphoric..." guy.

you realise racial minorities only make up a few percent of Europe's population right? You really should get your knowledge from outside of Sup Forums sometimes.

Still, if Europe actually become 80% muslim that wouldn't make believing in it more logical or right just because more people does it.

Still, not being religious isn't something fedora tippers do, it's simply what most people here do. Associating this with fedora tipping memes is just a shitty damage control method.

That's autistic. How can not being involved in one thing, be another different lifestyle in itself? If you don't believe it then leave it alone.

Look, I'm sure you remember how trendy that whole hyperaggressive style of internet atheism was from around 2007 to 2012-ish thanks to utter retards like The Amazing Atheist and Thunderf00t.

I never knew that this picture was of /u/aalewis after all this time. Is he 16 in this pic like he said in the post?

>The Amazing Atheist
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while

You said it yourself, it is autistic to take atheism that seriously but unfortunately there are a lot of autists in the world.


Only in Europe. Atheists are less than 12% of the US population (as well as virtually 0% of government seats), and at least a third of the country believes the Earth is 6000 years old.
Pic related is what American education looks like.

otaku is just the Japanese equivalent to a nerd


>inb4 that faggot who says "he's not japanese, he's hispanic"

It's even statistically proven that intellectual people (without any memes involved) are a lot more likely to not be religious. Yet why do people here try to associate atheism in general with the very few retards who do it exactly because they just try to look intellectual?

gimme a quick rundown of this guy

I cant get over how delusional the people in these pics are, that they think they look good


t. jealous plebbitor
you just wish you were in anonymous like me loser XD

>tfw like Japan
>would like to learn the language and visit the country a few times
>don't actually watch anime or play much Japanese video games
>am actually more fascinated by the difference of fashion, Japanese architecture, scenery, and vending machines/convenience stores and anons posting fumos in /jp/

I wish I had normal weeb autism.

He pissed away a lot of his credibility with people who'd stuck with him when he was hassling that rape victim on Reddit around early 2012. Sign of the times, really, I remember we had a good portion of people on Sup Forums who were completely disgusted with him; if that shit were to happen now you'd probably have people agreeing with him just under the pretext of it being a supposedly SJW thing.

Guy was always a fucking idiot though; it's crazy to think he was actually taken seriously at one point.


It has already been mentioned in this thread, because they are the vocal ones.