Dark Souls 3 is such a comfy game.
>Solid gameplay, best in the Souls series in my opinion
>Amazing environments
>Epic boss battles
>Deep lore
>Easy to PVP/Co-Op
>Two great DLCs
Love it.
Dark Souls 3 is such a comfy game.
>Solid gameplay, best in the Souls series in my opinion
>Amazing environments
>Epic boss battles
>Deep lore
>Easy to PVP/Co-Op
>Two great DLCs
Love it.
It's a great game but I wouldn't call it comfy by any means.
Animal Crossing is comfy user.
I just wish they added more build variety, everyone just uses quality builds since they dominate anything else
>tfw I went pure faith my first playthrough
It's not comfy.
Level design too linear.
Mediocre lore piggybacking off DaS1.
Mediocre PvP.
First DLC was shit.
Otherwise good game.
It's shit and not comfy at all.
Chaos/Dark infusions got buffed for those kinds of builds so I guess you can count that as variety
It's not that great, but at least it wasn't unplayable like 2.
>terrible engine, pop-in, textures and clipping
1/10 shit worst game ever
>First DLC was shit.
Quality > Quantity
>epic rap battles
What did OP mean by this?
I enjoyed the second half of the first DLC a lot more. The boss is fucking hard though.
2 did way more things right than 3. You're probably shit and can't play 2 cause you can't infinite roll like in 3 or one shot bosses like in 1.
I can atleast agree that its Comfy, The game is so mind-numbingly easy that you can just shut off your brain and listen to some pod-casts while playing
I can't play 2 because I can't have fun like DeS, DaS, DaS3 and BB. Level design is missing, any coherence in gameplay is missing, even the boss movesets are trash. One day they're gonna reveal they outsourced 2 to DIMPS or something.
>lore piggybacking off DaS1
that's kind of the point of a sequel. 2's story had fuck all to do with the original game, and the continuities with 1 felt forced and jarring as a result.
man they could've at least given the poor guy pants
>Quality over Quantity
>those frost reskin sorceries and one miracle were quality
>selling a single PVP arena when there were several in base DS2 is quantity
Or unique armor?
Or fucking anything?
Fucks sake they already had another character in the DLC that worked as a boss candidate, willhelm, and they make this horseshit? And its the only other boss besides litterally Lady Maria?
>play the game on release
>pretty cool I guess
>swamp area
>a bunch of meh bosses
>still pretty fun
>explore all side areas and beat the final boss
>"time to ng+ I guess"
>get flashbacks of all the shitty and tedious locations I've slogged through
>never touch the game again since
After that I got another (6th now) character to NG+3 in BB and it felt amazing. What a huge disappointment this DS3 was
Or what was stated in one of the Millwood equipment.
i think the abyss dragon appeared in the ringed city.
Abyss Dragon is not Midir. It's obvious the knights were hunting an abyssal creature not a corrupted dragon.
It's not comfy. Look at that piss tainted cover
I'll piss on your taint
The Abyss Dragon is Midir
No other dragon fits the description of Abyss Dragon
>Swamp Souls: Bloodborne Edition
It was honestly just ok
I loved DeS, DaS, and even 2 was pretty alright, but I'm just so bored with 3. I really wanted to like it and I've tried multiple builds but it's just not that good. It's so linear, environments are boring, enemies are uninspired. Half of the content is just reused from 1. NPC quests are so convoluted that you need to use a guide if you want to get them all. The only area I really liked was Ithyrl dungoen
Why does everyone get off at bloodbornes architecture? Its the same boring buildings over and over again, enemy variety is really lacking, only good bosses before the dlc are Logarius, Gehrman, Gascoigne and maybe Ebrietas, Forbidden woods is pure tedium, and the only incentive you have to play ng+ is so you upgrade more weapons cause you only get 2 blood rocks. And dont get me started on chalice dungeons
Not even one item that reference the Millwood in any way on the Ringed City DLC. Not even a vague one. Any of the equipment that the Millwood describes of the creature is very ambiguous. Plus Shira stated that Midir has sworn to fight the Dark/Abyss and guard Fillianore's rest forever. Which leads to a:) Millwood knights was never referenced to reached the Ringed City thus never encountered Midir and b:) The Millwood knights are not forces of the Dark or Abyss.
it's a shame AoA had neither outside the final battle
>best combat
BB has the best combat. But 2 does if you're only talking Souls
>amazing environments
Only a few stand out, even those aren't jaw dropping amazing
>epic boss battles
There were indeed some nice boss battles, hit and miss though
>Deep lore
It's not like this is the first game you introduce lore, and they created more questions than answers, but Pontiff's story is interesting
This game's pvp is horrendous
1st one is way too short. 2nd one is decent
3 is just painfully average all around. It hardly tries anything new, and doesn't capitalize on the few good ideas it introduces
Souls series is by far the least comfiest series in gaming history. Everytime I'm playing a Soulsborne game I feel like I'm on a fucking exam, I'm nervous, expecially if I'm playing it for the first.
>Amazing environments
That's the only reason why I play these games desu. Have yet to try DS2 and 3 though
BB>DeS>DS1 btw
>the least comfy
>Solid gameplay, best in the Souls series in my opinion
poise doesn't work, roll spam, estus spam
>Amazing environments
irithyll is really the only area that looked good. everything else is swamps
>Epic boss battles
wyvern, deacons, curse rotted greatwood, wolnir. yhorm and i don't really count halflight as a boss and the ones i listed are shit
>Deep lore
literally dark souls 1 all over again
>Easy to PVP/Co-Op
which makes it shit
>Two great DLCs
first dlc having 2 bosses is a joke and can be beaten in under half an hour the second in under an hour
still better than ds2