Why don't they just release a left Joycon with a proper dpad?
They will once the Switch gets out of beta testing.
Just diy bro
Doesn't look bad.
But then how am I supposed to play Mario Kart with the hookers I pay for sex
That's actually pretty cool.
I've never had issues with this, i don't even get why people complain about it.
Like my thumb is big enough to compensate for the gap in between those buttons if the comes to it.
So why are people complaining about it?
is it cause of games like street fighter?
For me (op) it is for games like Street Fighter but also Sonic. I just don't understand the logic of using buttons instead of a dpad, especially on a console like the switch where dpad using games will be common.
I don't know why people care, the buttons are small enough that you can use it as a d-pad just fine. I beat Cave Story with it no problem.
The Pro Controller d-pad surprisingly sucks anyway, so if they do make a d-pad Joy-Con there's a chance it'll be bad.
The logic is that the controller can also be turned sideways and the buttons can be used as action buttons instead of a d-pad.
>modding for a fucking D-pad and not a clicky-stick
Kiss yourself, my man.
>joycons are asymmetric
what a fucking waste, asymmetric is probably the biggest fucking meme and the most uncomfortable control layout
Is the "two portable controllers" meme really worth bundling the system with two shit controllers?
Personally I'd have preferred the thing to have come with a pro pad and no joy cons at all - or at least have that as an option.
I had my doubts too, But i've been closer with my coworkers and sibblings cause of it.
Theres some charm into having the option to play with your friends and family at any given time.
....of course it gets pretty annoying if you do wanna play alone at some point and can't put out a better excuse without looking selfish.
but the d-pad is still missing one half, and is still too damn small
you fixed nothing
>one half
>too damn small
Yeah thats a given.
It doesn't need it. There's literally no reason to have a physical d-pad because unless you're a toddler you can place your thumb on it and literally use it like a d-pad without any problem.
No, "asymmetric is uncomfortable" is the meme here. It doesn't make sense that you'd suddenly become discomforted just because your two separate thumbs are placed in two slightly different positions.
The layout doesn't even matter at all if you play more than one game genre. Symmetrical sticks makes sense for shooters, since the default resting position is "left stick + right stick". But what about, say, platformers? The default resting position for those games is "left stick + right action buttons". In fact, MOST non-shooter genres use "left stick + right action buttons", so overall the ACTUAL "symmetrical" layout is one where the sticks are not aligned. You might be jumping to the right stick to make camera adjustments, but the resting position is on the action buttons.
I guess if you're a mouthbreather who plays nothing but CoD all day, ~muh stick symmetry~ might matter to you, even though the "comfort" it brings you is a placebo.
So you can buy the new model that has it in the future.
ok sonyfriend
>irrelevant thread for irrelevant console about to die
>suddenly the loyal drones attempt to drum up a bunch of hot-head opinions and counterarguments for attention
>hurr look at my dumb opinion
>your opinion is dumb
fuck off retard
why tf does it matter? do you have really tiny thumbs or something???
user, your console is the only current one with symmetrical sticks. And generally has been since the dualshock first came out. Only exception I can think of right now is the WiiU.
>but the d-pad is still missing one half
The real answer is it doesn't matter. It's all preference.
The irony of your post is I can remember when the chief argument for asymmetry was pro shooter because "symmetrical analog sticks make my thumbses bump into eachother >:((((("
Every configuration is fine for whatever. It's literally happenstance that creates fans of one over the other and cliques of brand loyalty then echoing that cultivated preference.
There is no objectivity to this. This is literally a "you do you" situation.
One half of what you baka?
>someone has the objectively correct opinion about asymmetrical controllers being trash
a real classic meme
>Sonybros THIS paranoid about Nintendo
This really only happened because Microsoft aped the Saturn 3D design. The attitude informing it was that since 3D was the future and Nintendo was hedging their bets on a controller dedicated to analog control being the new dominant method for 3D games, it ought to supplant the d-pad's location. Sony fucking invented the right analog and got lucky that their bet on "more is better" actually wound up being right. What they bet wrong on, arguably, was the placement of the left analog. They kept it in the tertiary slot as the afterthought to the Playstation controller that it was.
The thing is the d-pad didn't fall off in use. Analog is better for 3D analog movement but inferior to 2D games and menu navigation. Neither movement input has fully replaced the other in use. No location for them is wrong.
Some very high IQ individuals in this thread
You could start a bussiness with that. Looks really good
But it's not just Nintendo's you dumb consolefag.
We're in a nintendo thread so I think it's pretty obvious who you're defending kid.
That said I don't play on consoles now days and the last console I bought was a 3DS
The best controllers of all time have all been asymmetric for a reason
You're popping off about symmetrical sticks so I think it's pretty obvious who you're defending kid.
See, I can do it too. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, friend.
>having autism
just stfu and roll a barrel full of dicks up your asses you double niggers
Oh, don't even try to do that pretending-to-be-another-neutral-party bullshit, you were wrong about Nintendo being the only company with asymmetrical sticks and you know it.
>saying symmetrical controllers are shit means you love nintendo
The Wii U was symmetrical retard
>baseless assumptions
oh mah lord you are so mad! who hurt you user-kun~?
>"your" console is the only one
>except this one, which is from the same company as the console in said thread
Well fuck me user, maybe he liked that about the WiiU
Not fooling anyone my incredibly transparent friend. Go ahead and dump the rest of your reaction image folder, I'm too tired to make many more posts for you to use them on.
He's already admitted he didn't have one.
did the nintendo posters hurt you user-kun? oooh my poor baby!
So you agree this poster is just as bad?
>people were hoping for all sorts of different joycon designs and layouts since the announcement
>there's been fuck all
t. handlet
That also admits to not being a Sonytard. Which means this whole arguement is pointless as that acussation was what started it
>there's been fuck all
Theres been none except shitty colours
>Those designs
>making a custom mini controller to pretend you're not a handlet
It just gets sadder.
>that acussation was what started it
Maybe you should learn to read.
The argument was started about stick placement.
Those are too big to be wasted on video games
is that a thing? My hand stretches from pinkie to thumb about 24 cm
Good. This would be really stupid.
>games are now $80 instead of $60 because they all come with a gimmick controller you'll only use for that game
>people hoped for a retarded ugly as fuck idea that had 0 basis on every happening
>it didn't happen
colour me surprised
If nintendo were the real jews I know they are capable of and wanted to make people happy, you would order your system online, with the joycons color you wanted and then sell a case and screen protector with it, but only if you order online for your ala carte joycons.
see, that's how you kike but don't piss people off nintendo
And then some brainlet just cried Sony and started this shitfest
It absolutely is. Look for any controller thread and there are people complaining about the Duke being too big and heavy. Poor little kiddos.
I don't think kikes care about pissing people off.
Go cry about your console wars somewhere else, thanks.
>wanted to make people happy
But they dont wana do that. Especially if it requires effort like that
Nigger im bitching about people starting console war shit and not just talking about the topic.
Fucking hell
You're clearly a part of it, otherwise you wouldn't still be bringing it up. You can prove me wrong by shutting the fuck up.
>d-pad is still missing one half
They already have that in Japan
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Xbox's controllers also not have symmetrical sticks?
You are just as bad. Get off your high horse
Im fucking jelly.
I'm not the one participating in a console war.
I knew of this when I posted my post, but what I was getting at was giving the buyer the joycon color they wanted IF they buy a screen protector and case at the same time.
I think people would pay for that, outside of japan.
Hell they'd probably sell more consoles if they had a limited edition of the neon YELLOW joycons
the red actually looks better than the blue for brightness on mine, and blue is my fav. color, but the yellow is poppin.
>Only people who didn't get it bothered to respond
I guess the d-pad joke is getting too old by now
>ONLY 20 bucks more for the required controller
And it's a pretty fantastic feature, it's really useful.
If you have friends, of course. So Sup Forums wouldn't really get it.
>D-pad on the right side if JoyCon is detached
>only 20 dollars
You are like a little baby, watch this
>Wanting gimmicky controllers
Gimmicks are all Nintendo has had going for them for 15 years. Do you think the Wii would have sold so many consoles if non-gamers didn't love the motion controls in Wii Sports?