Do you ever go to videogame conventions, Sup Forums?

Do you ever go to videogame conventions, Sup Forums?

no. I try to avoid people like this

>All of my hobbies introduce me to people who don't know how to socialize

Can you imagine being so autistic that you follow a false religion built around a cartoon frog, and even worse, you parade this idiocy around in public as if it were something to be proud of?


I went to QuakeCon

Everything fun costed money or you had to wait in line

People were dragging their whole PC rig around to set up for competition

John Carmack did a presentation

and it sucked my cock

I think they're just doing it for a laugh, user.
Everything about this kekistan stuff reeks of irony.


I've gone to anime expo with some buddies because it's super close to me, all I ever do their is play on the fighting game machines though, I want to enter EVO if that counts

ironic retardation is still retardation mate

If you say so.


what kind of person thinks pretending to be retarded is ok? who's more foolish the fool or the one that fallows them?

poor fellow has no idea what a razor is

Calm down.

Looking at the posters in the background and OPs picture at gaming conventions these guys are browsing Sup Forums.

you're at the reddit meetup and this guy slaps your gf's ass
what do you do?

I went to one, once, and it was a really fucking awesome time. I highly suggest checking out like I'd let you ruin it

And it would be nice if they fucked off.

suck his cock

no, theyre filled with the same eveleb and twitch cancer that has ruined games

>it's all Nintendo posters
Really makes you think

where do you think you are?

At least the heroes beating up these stupid larping nazis have the decency to cover up their faces.

Cuck detected