What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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They mean you can buy 30 year old Mega Man games for the 10th time.

who is this faggot in the middle

Don't trust Capcom to do anything good.

>Re-releases of vidya that fans have been vocal about receiving sequels to, and have bought, only to receive no sequels (DMC4, Dragon's Dogma)
>'Epic trolling' of their fanbase (Street Fighter x Tekken Megaman)
>Generally just shit with money and are still reeling from listening to Inafune's "hey we should outsource a bunch of stuff to Western devs!"
>Axed Clover Studios (arguably justifiable from a sales standpoint, but Platinum are doing alright now)
>Deep Down is Deep Dead
>Still no proper word on RE2 Remake
>Still no update on a release for RE7's 'Not a Hero'

Capcom are trying to do better, and I can respect that, but they're still doing so much stupid shit

it says his name is capcom, retard

Sounds like you have a toxic relationship with Capcom.

You justifying buying into Capcom for the bare minimum they put in to keep fans, but then put up with black eyes for just about every franchise they drill into the ground.

>complaining about shit that happened over a decade ago

It's time to let go.

At full price

>$30 for a re-release of Devil May Cry


I feel like Monster Hunter World is going to make or break this company.

sf5 still exists and so does mvci

Considering DQXI just led to a huge spike in PS4 sales in Japan, World will probably do fine over there. And then it'll be on PC everywhere else.

Crapcom does it again!
As if I'd give those fuckers money to play old Mega Man games when I can just emulate them.

I actually wanted to give them money so I'd never have to turn on my PS3 to play 9 and 10 again, but they managed to fuck up the ports.

Don't forget not localizing every other Ace Attorney game.

I guess if 20k can be considered a huge spike.
Also isn't DQXI the worst selling DQ game to date?

>the worst selling DQ game to date?
I haven't looked but let me guess, comparing total sales of games that have been out for ages with week 1 sales for DQXI?

I'm pretty sure it's only sold about 2.50 million between both platforms

To put it in perspective, they considered RE7 a failure because it didn't sell 4 million by March, and still hasn't. 4U sold ~4 million worldwide. World's budget is obviously larger than RE7's. I highly fucking doubt it's going to meet Capcom's expectations.

SFV still one of their biggest flops I think, and I honestly have no idea how well MvCI will do, but it's obviously being rushed out the door.

Dragon Quest 1,500,000
Dragon Quest II 2,410,000
Dragon Quest III 3,770,000
Dragon Quest IV 3,040,000
Dragon Quest V 2,790,000
Dragon Quest VI 3,190,000
Dragon Quest VII 3,893,293
Dragon Quest VIII 3,538,860
Dragon Quest IX 4,344,200

Those are Japanese lifetime sales for each game's original release. It'll do fine by the time it's been out more than a week. Plus the Switch version isn't out yet, could be people waiting to get that instead of getting it on the 3DS.

It humors me that they decided to push Donte and the girl from Remember Me to the front as if the former wasn't horribly received and the latter was received at all.

>Plus the Switch version isn't out yet
I'm under the impression they said they weren't considering a switch version at the moment

They're still trying to make the money back.

>World's budget is obviously larger than RE7's.
Is it? I mean it looks pretty but they're clearly still reusing all the animations and shit every MH game does.

The fuck? Last I heard it was just delayed compared to the others for further optimization or some shit. It's been announced to be on the Switch since the start when they accidentally slipped the "NX" logo and Nintendo got pissed because they weren't supposed to talk about that yet.

You're thinking of MHW.

>DMC1 Dante on the DMC pack
Fuck OP, what the fuck did they mean by this!?!?!?!? Is DMC HD Collection coming to Steam!??!

Not in a million years

The thing is I don't really get how people can blame Capcom when in truth RE7 is actually a way better game than a lot of recent games that have sold better than it

When you make a good game you deserve to have high expectations for it
And its not like this is exclusive to just one game or developer
The industry screwing over good games and rewarding shit has been going on for a long time
The fact is the average video game player is dumber than rocks and the biggest rewards go to whoever has the biggest marketing budget
If anything I'd say Capcom is a victim of this rotten industry more than they are a culprit

>If anything I'd say Capcom is a victim of this rotten industry more than they are a culprit

>more than they are a culprit
>on-disc DLC capcom
>"we want the western audience" capcom
>"it's the fans' fault MML3 isn't happening" capcom
>DmC, Lost Planet 3, Dead Rising 3 and 4, SFV, SFxT capcom

>>"it's the fans' fault MML3 isn't happening" capcom
It was. No one cares about MML.

80% of that is all Inafune's fault, not Capcom's.

>Dead Rising 3
Pick one.

Capcom is the king of overpriced on-disc DLC and they've consistently made bad creative decision after bad creative decision for years. You reap what you sow, and everything bad that happens to Capcom is entirely their fault.

It's impressive that they've managed to stay alive as long as they have.

They knew how to hoard talent. Nowadays they're one step away from becoming Sega.

Which is probably why they're banking hard on MHW being a success probably

Had* a toxic relationship with Capcom, if you wanna call it that.

I'm not touching yet another version of Dragon's Dogma on the PS4. I already bought the base game and then Dark Arisen, and then bought the thing again when it got ported to PC so I could play it at more than 20fps. DMC5 is obviously not happening, so all the 'we're looking at sales numbers to see what the fans want' is actually 'we're going for things that we know will sell for ezpz money at low effort, so we can divert cash to projects that aren't anything to do with sequels to those games, silly gaijin.'

I'm fine with proper titles like the upcoming Monster Hunter World, but being wary of Capcom isn't a bad idea.

>hoard talent
>itsuno has done fucking nothing for years
explain this shit

It's only natural they try something else with MH though. The audience stagnated a gen ago.

Dead Rising 3 is dog shit

He started a project this year, we still don't know what it is.

This. Capcom's burned far too many hands to be considered trustworthy in any way. Everyone should always be wary of anything Capcom does. I get people want to be excited, but people need to be rational too.

With a series like MH that is so synonymous with being "grindy", it's bound to happen where the main people remaining are the people that are the most tolerant to that kind of stuff.

>Capcom's burned far too many hands to be considered trustworthy in any way.


If a bank robber robs a bank but doesn't take any money then they didn't really rob a bank did they?

How can you blame a company for ruining an entire industry when they themselves are suffering at the hands of that industry just as much as anyone else?
If the industry was truly following Capcom's lead then it should be like a paradise to them by now shouldn't it? They're games should just be flying off the shelves shouldn't they?
but clearly thats not the case

How about actually functioning DMC3 pc port?

>No argument

This is completely fucking nonsensical. Learn fucking English before you get a shilling job, you third-world retard.

I just got Dead Rising and played it for the first time in years. Still great. Ive never played any of the others and will keep it that way. Maybe when RE7 is 8 bucks in a couple years ill pick that up as well.

>Deep Down is Deep Dead

Don't need an argument to trust something.

I'm still hoping that they're at least reworking Deep Down into Dragon's Dogma 2 and that's why it's off the radar.

RE 6 worth it for 6$? (Yes bad game and all,) But playing mostly for co-op and mercanaries.

I'd go for it.

>'Epic trolling' of their fanbase (Street Fighter x Tekken Megaman)
That was planned by Inafune to cross in with Mega Man Universe having Bad Box Art Mega Man too.
Then Inafune quit, Universe was cancelled, but the devs of SFxT kept the character.

no they did it as a cheap shot against all mega man fans, but ESPECIALLY me.

As a fighting game player I'm done with capcom and not even buying infinite. all tekken and anime fighters (praise arcsys) now. on the other hand. I bought re zero, 1hd, 4, and 5 because I have never played a resident evil game and want to get into them.

Capcom still had to give green light for anything Inafune came up with.

what is so nonsensical about it?

If Capcom is just as bad as other commonly maligned companies like EA or Activision then why don't they have the profits to match?

The bottom line is you can't be accused of controlling an industry when you're not even making any fucking money
The numbers don't lie
I mean all they wanted for RE7 which is a big release in a very popular and well known franchise was a mere 4 mil and apparently they didn't even make that
meanwhile PUBG a goddamn early access game that has microtransactions now too made like twice that in half the time
But no Capcom is the problem they're the ones pulling all the strings

Your entire argument is "Capcom can't be shit because they aren't making as much money as those guys". If you don't see how that's completely fucking retarded, you need help.

dude just spend the extra 2 dollars and get Dead Riseing 1 instead. One of the best zombie games ever. The squeals will forever live in its shadow

That's not actually true. He started Legends 3, Dark Void, and LP3 either without informing anyone or under different projects.

its not even that

its that as much as everybody always loves to bring it up none of this ever has anything to do with the quality of the games or "business practices"

Its this bullshit holier than thou routine that really gets me
Because in reality you're all just petty fuckers that will kick a company when they're down because they feel personally slighted that the 100th game in franchise X hasn't been released yet

Metroid fans were exactly the same until recently but I have faith that they'll go right back once it wears off
Its just never enough for you people

Who started this contrarian damage control for corporations fad?

>it's not even on sale

street fighter

No wonder Capcom is always in the red if their employees can just do whatever they want with company money.

I dunno if serious or retarded, but I dealt with some real retard megaman fans during that fiasco. Making fun of them was some of the best shit I've ever done on the internet. Ryu is capcom's true mascot, Megaman hasn't been relevant since the 80s, Megaman was never good, ect.


That's Mr. Capcom to you, you ugly sack of shit.

It'll take banruptcy and a new direction to bring Capcom back. At their current state they are NEVER going back to their glory days.

>All their games look ugly
>3D fighters, as ugly and clunky as they are, are their top priority
>Keep making Dead Rising sequels nobody wants
>Barely any effort into their emulated releases unlike M2 going all out for Sega
>Insists on still using Udon for their promotional art. Udon is GARBAGE
>Keeps trying to improve or reboot Resident Evil because they want that monetary success of RE4 again
>RE7 was a boring and cringy movie walking simulator with N O Z O M B I E S and zero replayability
>Street Fighter V arrived vacant and focuses on DLC and season passes
>Marvel vs Capcom 4 looks HIDEOUS and the cutscenes (which, don't fucking kid yourself, ARE their highest priority) are so dated and stiff

Honestly? I'm legit surprised that Capcom is doing anything with Megaman. After Smash and Inafune leaving, i thought they were content to let the series stay dead.

Hell, Sigma plays a big role in Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, combined with Ultron. Again, I am super surprised that Capcom is putting Megaman characters into the spotlight.

I'm not convinced they're going to make a new game though.

They are. They got a shitty cartoon in the making. There was also a tease of brand new concept art in Legacy Collection 2, but that might be nothing.

A New Mega Man cartoon? I wonder what it --


... What the fuck is this garbage? What ever happened with that rumor of Nintendo possibly buying out Capcom from a couple years ago? After Inafune left and I think they were about to go bankrupt? I would have liked to have seen that.

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