Thoughts on class tree for my game Sup Forums...

Thoughts on class tree for my game Sup Forums? Already finished all of the stats and 5+ skills per each class just wanted to know if these seem like fun classes to play.

How the fuck does a samurai go against a dude with a machine gun?

Cuts all the bullets in half with his weeaboo figthan magic.

Well how is the pirate going to take on a fucker with a rocket launcher?
Or the Berserker survive a sniper attack?

>how is the pirate going to take on a fucker with a rocket launcher?
Raid the boat carrying the ammo.
>Or the Berserker survive a sniper attack?
Don't get shot in the first place.

>Don't get shot in the first place.
Bersekers are specifically built around running into fights with disregard to incoming attacks.


Op here. There's like super powers and shit. It's a pretty fantasy game. Best thing I can compare the powers to is like a mix of nen from hxh and devil fruits. So yeah a samurai could fuckup a machine gunner if their superpower was better. My b should've mentioned that. I could show some skills here too if you want

So run faster than the sniper can track and adjust for. Use your lung bursting berserker scream to startle the camper and throw off his aim. Hurl a giant caber at the bastard from the other side of the map with your retard strength. Think outside of the box.

This too. Tactics are also highly involved.

>characters can get super powers completely independent of their class to allow them to beat others of same class level
Oh so classes are pointless to winning.

I think you're thinking of an MMORPG. The game I'm making is like a JRPG and it's a 1-4 player very story driven game. The classes are just for the main party to choose, there are 4 party members in total and each one starts as one of those starting classes. Also the class you choose does matter because the powers are not your primary weapon, they are like a second MP/ENERGY bar (SP). Mainly used for very strong attacks or later on transformations.


Healer who has a staff branches into two wand weilding classes which is odd.
Preferably Necro would keep the staff, but I guess it'd also make sense for cleric to keep the staff.

Sniper should be on the rifleman path, other than that looks alright

a samurai is a warrior class not a rogue class, and ninja is the same thing as assassin

>kawaii desu shinobi being as crude as dumb assassins


>assassin has less agilty but more strength than samurai
nani the fuck?
get this shit outta here


Don't do this gentleman shit.

>No axe

it would also be better without tuxedos imhofam

instead of assassin you should add bandit, and give him a scimitar or something similar, the weapon variety looks kinda low.

they are all pretty basic classes, except maybe the advanced gunman ones
as someone said you should probably switch samurai and assassin around
I'd switch also rifleman and shotgunner, it doesn't make sense switching from shotgun to snipers

>No axes

Pirate seems OP.

this they could do without rifles and shotguns

why does this hurt your feelings?

back to school with you.

This document was originally just made for me so there was no spell checking haha

Never even thought of axes for the beserker, noted that down now thanks

The main character is always wearing a tuxedo for story reasons. I think I'm gonna make his armor like bulletproof clothing, so you still get variety when changing his cosmetics

Fuck man I couldn't decide I keep switching assassin and samurai around! It makes more sense stat wise but a thug going into a samurai seems kind of odd to me. You're right though, I think in the end I'm gonna swap those two and keep it like that.

Noted thanks

You're right it makes more sense in that way, but the way I was thinking was the left side is slower but stronger weapons with less shots per turn, where as the right side would be rapid fire of a ton of shots but low damage per turn.

The pirate is meant to be an all around class, the shotgun and revolvers are lesser tier guns so it balances out, I can see where you're coming from though

That's fucking badass. The samurai gear is most likely gonna look like that minus the minigun.

Thanks for the feedback guys I appreciate it.

>comes from thief
>not warrior
>what is bushido

swap samurai and assassin, delete pirate and add blade dancer - wields dual swords and buffs the party

Damn I didn't even think about it that way. It makes 0 sense with the warriors character to shift the samurai class over to him so I may rework the samurai class into something else. I just thought playing as a speedy samurai swiping down enemies with fast sword attacks would be fun. Is it that bad that I should change it to something else or no? Because I was digging the samurai, if you have any better ideas be sure to tell!

Serious suggestion, but you should drop the lame cookie-cutter class names for all your classes and think of more unique ones, because you'll only end up limited by them as to what each class can do and they'll end up being cookie cutter as well. (Ex. Knight wow gee I sure haven't played a kight before! Guess how he plays like?)

Also, what kind of game are you making?

Blade master is actually the warriors final transformation. Has dual wields and uses magic to control other blades around him. Renaming it to blade dancer for sure though.
As for removing the pirate, I already wrote down all her skills and stuff. But I will add some major tweaks to it, something along the lines of party buffs and dual wielding. Thanks for your feedback

samurai aren't 'speedy' they're armoured warriors

I didn't even realize the names seemed that bland, now that you mention it yeah they're super basic. Thing is I already wrote out all the skills and stats to the classes so changing them fundamentally would be a big task. I would love some name suggestions though, not for new classes but more like name replacements. Something like warrior > prince. That one actually fits the story so I might use it. Thanks for the feedback user, Im heading to bed now but tommorow I'm gonna do an overhaul of the names and make a new thread with a new class tree image like I posted before.

I always thought they were fast but that actually seems like it makes a lot more sense. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm probably gonna swap the samurai for something similar but faster. Got any ideas?


Hey man, I'd love to suggest names, but at the end of the day, or in your case, the start of it, it's YOUR game. It should come from your vision. You're making your game, not mine. I'd love to see what you come up with.

Maybe you should also start thinking of the setting your Jrpg takes place in, what kind of society and world the characters exist in. That can give you even more inspiration on what the classes can be. Look at how Etrian Odyssey, even the first one, named their classes. It gave them the frlexibility to play around and make each class more unique and different