Why was Fallout 3 so much more fun than New Vegas?

Why was Fallout 3 so much more fun than New Vegas?

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It's not

Sup Forums has shit taste

250+ replies

More freedom. None of that impassable mountain crap.

They're the only developers that do it.

They're both shit.

Turns out, nobody has the same opinions as you do

Same here. 100%'d Fallout 3, did all the DLCs, but had to quit NV after reaching that town with a giant dino. The whole thing just felt like a shitty rehash, not cohesive and devoid of its own direction.




Ever heard of "less is more"? New Vegas felt like a shitty fan mod full of autistic features that nobody gives a crap about.

Ever heard of 'more choices is never a bad thing'? New Vegas immerses the player in its world and has the world react to their actions in a logical way.

The original is always better, that's why.


>implying Fo3 is quality

Moira Brown is the best.

>implying you know shit about anything

Because you've shit taste kid

I didn't like New Vegas

nothing but mutant mosquitos and anus-fisting robots

it's trash




lack of subtlety and nuance
instant gratification
appealing to the lowest common denominator
strong marketing campaign

a perfect formula for fun really
I especially appreciate how Bethesda abandoned the lore of the previous games in the series so you could just jump right in without having played them
and who could forget about VATS just watching all those zombies and soldiers fly around and explode never got old
playing FO3 it finally felt like someone made an RPG just for me

Because it does try to act pretentious, or more complex than it really is. New Vegas talks a big game but falls flat. Because of that fallout 3 felt more fun and complete.

>implying I wasn't right and you weren't bootyblasted

They made super mutants look really weird in NV, that really pissed me off.

what was his end game?

I thought it was better designed than 3 but I swear to fucking God the companions on NV are so cringe it's unplayable
>Hi, my names Snipes McSnipes, I'm fucking edgy and 'll blow your brains out from 300 miles away psssh nothin personell
>lol hai im deh epic penguinz of sueprmutanz that thinks hes an old lady gram grams ex dee please ubpoat
>ah yes calculations man is all correct here Im useless and obviously the gay fantasy of the designer
>a fucking cowgirl
>forgettable bitch in rags
>uuuh...dog. dog? cyberdog. Sell it.

Why do I have to pick one?

I like both equally.

Can't you see that this pointless tribalism is killing us?

i dont often see this comparison but i have the same argument for gta vc and SA
F3 and vc are the more memorable and nostalgic of the series, while NV and SA are like the huge DLC that was too big to fit into one game so they made it a sequel. in my opinion for all of these series, quality over quantity. F3 > NV

its not kiling anything but time, but for all you pathetic losers, time doesnt mean anythng

you forgot the best companion

Yeah except VC has probably the best setting\vibes and characters of all GTA games and F3 is a bunch of uninspired grey shit and is probably the worst of all Fallout games. BoS doesn't count

>is probably the worst of all Fallout games
I would say no but all I can do is

Because everybody was already literally overdosed on F3 when NV came out. Even more of the same? Fuck off.

Why does this image ring true every time FO3 is so much as posted?
The NMA invasion is real

Why are they all green and shit?

Because Bethesda Fallout is gameplay first, story second. Obsidian Fallout is too cinematic, it's a shitty VN for fedora tippers.

Good one

>not using ttw and having it all
fallout 3 even on win7 is an exercise in futility. thankfully i can play both games on 7 and 10 with all the neat stuff nv brings in one comprehensive game with all the community fixes.

NV had more of the original creators staff than FO3, what drugs are you on?

The only decent thing to come out of FO3 was The Pitt (barely) and Point Lookout. Vanilla and the other expansions are pure rubbish.

Excellent bait. 10/10

Try the GoG version of 3. Apparently it's friendly with all systems.
You left out the part where all of the original staff liked FO3 except Salty "Check your privilege" Sawyer.

Because nv is just a shittier modded F3

Downtown DC was the shit. Rest was poop.

It's weird how deluded these Obsidian fans can be, like how they talk about how KotOR 2 was a more honest Star Wars game than the first was and that Avellone shits all over it. Chris Avellone himself can not stop sucking KOTOR 1's dick and he still praises it to this day, too.

OP couldn't agree more

NV felt like a fan made mod to be honest

flat, boring empty map that lacked the density and depth and interesting locations of FO3

3 had amazing dlc too.. like Point lookout and that trog area... when mothership zeta was awesome

just a sense of adventure and wonder and character and exploration. So many good memories

NV was so boring and empty... map was flat and 90% empty flat desert. the removed a lot of the clutter and so it felt more sterile. new enemies were annoying. new factions corny as fuck

Nothing beats the disappointment of making it to the strip and seeing how tiny it was

You're aware that obsidianfags threw Avellone under the bus the second he got sick of Sawyer constant cutting out his writing? Apparently now he's a "hack" because he worked on Prey, which was published by Bethesda Softworks(not BGS, you idiots).
True be told, I love most obsidian games and especially New Vegas. But holy fuck I cannot stand the autism that comes with the fanbase.

3 for exploration and atmosphere
NV for story and writing
now quit arguing, faggots

>Operation: Anchorage
>Amazing DLC

I fucking love New Vegas, and FO4[/spoil], and I fucking hate the Obsidicksuckers here.

Like, they can't stand that someone can like something else, too.

The last part was okay. It felt like the entire DLC was meant to be like that (buying soldiers to accompany you and whatnot) but for whatever reason they added in some linear forced stealth section that took up most of the DLC. Wasted potential

>I cannot stand the autism that comes with the fanbase
Truer words have not been spoken. Although it's fair for most fanbases these days somehow.

very few reach sanic or souls tier
obsidian fans/NMA is one of those few
most of you faggots don't even know that NMA shat on 2 and tactics on their release as well

Anyone who unironically thinks F3 was better than NV is almost assuredly a nostalgiafagging kiddo who played Fallout 3 on their Xbox 360 as their babby's first RPG when they were 10 years old and unfortunately are old enough to be posting on Sup Forums now.

Literally all the love for Fallout 3 by these people is nostalgia. The game is fucking awful. It's the worst Fallout apart from Brotherhood of Steel. The RPG mechanics suck dick. The shooting sucks dick. The moral choices suck dick. The quests suck dick. The ending sucks dick. New Vegas at least attempts to improve on most of these and succeeds far better than 3 ever did, mostly because Obsidian knew how to make RPGs that weren't glorified sandboxes. Bethesda is long past the days of Daggerfall and Morrowind.

It's so fucking ironic because I remember when it came out all the dumbfuck 12 year olds on Sup Forums were screaming that people only like 1 & 2 for nostalgia reasons. Meanwhile those games hold up in the gameplay, RPG mechanics, story and quests department very well and are still really accessible as far as classic computer RPGs go compared to their contemporaries.

Literally get aids and die, Fallout 3 fanboys. There is nothing good about your game. New Vegas and especially 1 & 2 do the setting, the RPG mechanics, quests and story way better and Fallout 4 does the shooting and exploration way better. And to Fallout 4's credit at least there was a hint of originality to the factions and weren't just a soft reboot/remake of Fallout 1 & 2's conflicts with a bucket-full of lore rape (Brotherhood, Super Mutants and Enclave rehash).

Avellone is responsible for talking mole rats and le epic pop culture references in fallout 2

this triggers the obsidiot


Are they still relevant? I remember good banters on the forums back in the day.

>Talking mole rats
>Bad in any conceivable way

Oh neat, new pasta. Or maybe just so old I can't even recognize them anymore. Either way, fuck you and try something more original next time.


they're fucking insufferable.
I honestly can't think of anything more revolting than your average Obsidianposter


There's nothing wrong with Cass, Raul, or ED-E.
In regards to 3, though, they really should've let you keep Sydney as a companion.

It's not a pasta. Fallout 3 is a piece of shit.

Get an original thought in your brain.


>And to Fallout 4's credit at least there was a hint of originality to the factions


it wasnt

>people who were 9 years old when FO3 came out are now allowed to post here
Explains a lot.

>implying 3 isn't just a shtty modded oblivion

But user, pasta or not, he's right.

>Get an original thought in your brains

Says the hivemind faggot. You're just a contrarian little shit who barely played FO3 and were just trying to create a TORtanic before TORtanic was even a thing. A lot of original Fallout fans (FO1 in particular) liked 3, myself included. If that triggers you, go back to your same safe space that has crying for a decade now.

I don't know man I'm pretty sure The Institute, Railroad and Minutemen are brand new factions. They might not be good but they are both new and original to the franchise. Which is what Bethesda should have done in the first place instead of rehashing the same old stuff for literally no reason.

Meanwhile in Fallout 3 you have Brotherhood and Enclave.

One of them decided in their giant trek across the entire country that they would completely throw out their own beliefs and lore and followings and decide to become white knights. The other was previously wiped out by the chosen one and the stragglers hunted down by the Enclave, but happen to inexplicably be alive and well in great numbers.

> A lot of original Fallout fans (FO1 in particular) liked 3, myself included.

sick false flag, retard. try and guess if you fooled me you mouthbreathing 16 year old.

>Brotherhood and Enclave

both of which have strong internal conflicts that are part of the story. bethesda fucked up with not letting you side with eden, but the whole black vs white shit is a straight up lie from people who didn't bother to play the game

why not both?

>false flag

It's almost like you're a mouthbreathing 16 year old.

No wonder I don't see this image posted as often as that other simpson one, several parts was just straight up 'it wasn't explained" "he got lucky" "I don't know how" and was passes off as real argument.

That image that started with the Simpsons image is 20% wrong and has some points that are over-exaggerated or overly-simplified but it was mostly correct.

Is Fallout 3 your first video game? I bet Little Lamplight struck you as great, deep writing.

>A lot of original Fallout fans (FO1 in particular) liked 3, myself included.

Good for you fag seeing how FO1 is nothing like 3

>no u!!!

alright kiddo, back to neogaf

>A lot of original Fallout fans (FO1 in particular) liked 3
Funny you mention that. I remember how every Fallout thread was filled with rage and hate towards oblivion with guns. And when the dust settled the general consensus was that it isn't a terrible game per se, it's just a terrible fallout game unworthy of its name.

I played my fair share of F3 and it can be pretty fun at times, but it doesn't have anything that made F1 and F2 so damn great.

pretty aggressive response for such a passive narrative, user
calm down a bit and play some video games

>Modded his Fallout to resemble CoD trash more

the essence of Sup Forums in one post

I'm starting to think a lot of these New Vegas fags haven't actually played a Fallout game before 3, and they're just trying to impress strangers on the internet.

stay salty bitch

>FO3 was more like 1 and 2 than New Vegas

you have to be fucking high if you seriously think anyone is going to buy this memebait

>You're just a contrarian little shit who barely played FO3

I am pretty sure most people here played 3 way before NV since it's the biggest thing in that era and bethesda making shit games is not a commonly-agreed thing on Sup Forums yet.

I myself went back from NV to 3 and I am amazed that I got bored as soon as I got out of the vault. Mothership Zeta WAS my favorite FO3 DLC and I can't stomach it at all.

>back to neogaf from nowhere
>NVfags are also kekistani faggots

makes sense in retrospect, I guess
that's how it always been. this little war has been going on even before NV
War never changes

>a lot of these New Vegas fags haven't actually played a Fallout game before 3

Nothing wrong with being a filthy secondary as long as you knew your place and go back to appreciate the classic though.

If anything I find it hard that hardcore fans of the original Fallout would actually enjoy 3 after the giddyness of getting a new Fallout game wore off.


Official objective Falloutâ„¢ games ranking.

Have you played a Fallout game before 3? Serious question because if you had you would realize how similar in narrative and how much better New Vegas fits into the setting than 3 does. The Fallout series was always about post-post-apocalypse, not shit like Threads taking place in the immediate aftermath of nuclear war. The people have been in the vaults for forever and get let out and try to rebuild societies and governments (NCR, etc.) and the games (especially Fallout 2 with the Redding/Vault City/NCR conflict) had a heavy focus on the politics in the post-nuclear world. New Vegas picks up that mantle and carries it as well as possible.

Meanwhile in Fallout 3 people are scavenging the same supermarket of never-ending radiated stale food for 200 years.

Diminishing returns. New Vegas is fundamentally the same game as Fallout 3, but with better writing.

Why was Fallout 2 so much more fun than Fallout 3?

>same game
>but with better writing
Seeing as both games are presented as RPGs, I'd say that makes NV a better game.

That doesn't stop them from being fundamentally the same game.

It wasn't. It fucked the original.

>Temple of Trials

>New Vegas is fundamentally the same game as Fallout 3, but with better writing.

sad but true, essentially NV is just FO3 with more contents (i.e. quests/weapons/fluff) if you are simply addressing the gameplay.

t. FO3 brainlet

I played all of the listed games, and I actually hated FO1. I don't get the appeal, it just felt like a mess to me. I thought 2 was way, way better because it felt much more organized and open.