How in fuck's name is this piece of shit balanced?
How in fuck's name is this piece of shit balanced?
as you can see, it has 4 legs to properly balance its weight
i haven't seen her new shield buff yet but i mean as of now she's pretty weak. are you complaining orisa is too weak?
Giga niga is a much bigger problem
I remember when she came out and was completely useless.
Isn't she literally sub 5% pick tier
>Defending Volskya
>Plop down a barrier in between the forklift and the edge and frame of the chokepoint
>refresh the barrier every time it gets mildly damaged
What does it need a fucking buff for?
I thought she's still shit. What has changed since she came out?
>Drops ult in the middle of a choke out side her shield
>Entire team ignores it and instead keeps firing at her shield
Well I don't know. The entire upper body is resting on one end. If this machine were to outstretch it's arms it might go over.
>ult is literally just someone else's regular ability, but on a longer cooldown and slightly better
Somebody at Blizzard needs to be fired. I'm pretty sure there's a handful of characters like this.
only one I can think of is widow/hanzo
Orisa is just a half-assed combination of a lot of character's abilities
be any character that flanks. a tracer, pharah,dva or even junkrat and you you break the enemy hold on the choke. Orisa's barrier doesn't even have a super high stat so if you and your ass buddies really wanted to move through the choke than you could all easily blast the barrier hard.
Orisa is cute CUTE
Orisa feels like she was made just to make people who wanted another tank to shut the fuck up. She feels bland and uncreative and is basically filler in this roster. Like other user said her abilities are half assed abilities of other characters put together in one. She was a waste of dev time
Shes kinda ass. Either go around her shield or just shoot it. Its not even that strong. Why are you having so much trouble with her?
It might seem like a blanket statement, but pretty much any character with zero extra mobility options is going to be underpowered at higher-level play. And Orisa doesn't even have zero mobility options, she has negative mobility since she has to slow down to attack.
They will never nerf Tracer, Genji, or Hanzo to where they need to be because people will drop the game.
They will never make a melee Offense character because it would fuck over their favorite Tank, DVA.
More importantly, who thought that design wasn't awful?
Fuck off until Bastion gets meaningful buffs.
Orisa is the coolest and cutest looking hero in the game.
god i fucking love it. there is nothing better on the planet than a horse pussy
The pitlord design is alright, but doesn't really fit Overwatch, especially with the African girlbot overlay.
inb4 barneyfag
I think the bug skin is cute.
If Overwatch was balanced then it wouldn't be popular.
I like her Null Sector skin desu
The "centaur" frame is fine, it's just the theme that sucks
There is a sfm video of 76 fucking Orisa. It's pretty glorious
lee is a fucking faggot that needs to off himself, MLP is a good show is good stories, and GREAT waifus. not to mention the mountains of top quality porn that have been made for it.
also horse pussy > human pussy in LITERALLY every way. i know, im an expert on these things.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
but is it horse pussy?
kys pretend lee, no derpibooru picture was posted for your script to catch.
Orisa is cute, you take that back.
Orisa SFM porn is god tier.
But D.VA is effective close range?
>playing mystery heroes
>nullsec skin
>me and another orisa
>we alternate shields while firing and beating down on the enemy team while our teams backs us up
It was pretty fun.
She's good support and can handle her own well enough if you know how to play her.
OG Barneyfag never posted source you mongrel.
Park volada
>being a stationary directional defender when dive comp is the current meta cancer
doesn't matter much what minor buffs they give her when her fundamental design is specifically countered by the current strats
Yeah other than the one they literally just put out you flaming retard
I didn't see it on Rule 34. Sauce?
>just put in
>came out over two weeks ago
What did he mean by this?
I hate it's design.
>a couple weeks is a long period of time
you should be in bed, school's tomorrow
He meant he is the most recent character out relatively, you fucking dunce.
>What does it need a fucking buff for?
Mercy runs through the barrier and pistols Orisa to death and Orisa can't do anything else but hope to run away with Fortify because her gun is really tough to aim from real close.
Which is why they are buffing her gun so that embarrassment wouldn't happen so often anymore.
>Regular ability is someone else's ult, but on a faster cooldown and slightly worse
>They will never make a melee Offense character
Go be wrong somewhere else
what really happens above gold:
>put down barrier
>barrier get melted in 2 seconds
>you are on 5-6 seconds cd and the enemy team rush the choke with a dva matrix
Her 400HP with the slow ass gun and movement is an attrocity as well. She has four legs but slows down like the chiken leg meka. 400Hp is JUST not enough for a tank. She can be useful on some defenses but mostly because Rein is so weak in the new meta. Her gun is at least does some damage.
all of which happens as the Gorilla just jumps over it onto the point and starts melting the healers
I know they can't put Zaryas ult on a normal ability but HALT is fucking useless. Small range, especially in this dive, short ass incapacitating time. That shit needs to slow down people a lot more at least.
doomfist is so fucking broken
how is blizzard so bad at balancing? every new hero is released in a broken state. how the fuck can a professional developer look at roadhog and doomfist existing in the same game in their current states and think "yeah these power levels are good, these heroes both are situationally useful"
this thread is fucking gay, get to the porn posting already
>boosts behind her
>"nerf this"
>get potg
Get gud OP
I bet you are one of those faggots who wanted widow to only have a bikini instead of a tasteful beachwear.
Orisa is not for lewding.
desu I'm fine with the idea of ults just being upgraded regular abilities, so long as it isn't a super common thing, which it isn't
wut? Other than Ana(who no one even realized was broken until the following season) which new character was broken on release before Doomfist? Sombra and Orisa were both instantly relegated to never picks
Sombra is now a meta pick and she basically hasn't changed.
horses are for lewding, you fucking normie.
horse pussy is teh best on the planet.
which meta is that exactly?
She was literally just a stopgap hero they pumped out with some horseshit lore about muh smart black girl to appease tumblr.
btw they nerfed hog into the dirt not because reddit complained, but because they knew that he would destroy doomfist and no one would play their hot new meme character
he still destroys Doomfist if the Hog isn't retarded
She's been buffed a few times. She's still a niche counterpick, and basically only particularly good for her ult.
Especially since the Monkey melts he and is picked in virtually every game at the meta level
Not sure why people say she's not "creative"?
Design and ability wise, she's more interesting than Sombra and Ana.
What he means is that her shield doesn't stop melee
I was worried I was being a faggot when I stopped playing after streetswine nerf, thankfully it seems the game has gotten even worse
thanks blizard!
Do you want to rape this machine, user?
Orisa online.
>Projectile shield compared to winston/rein
>long range gun for decent suppression
>Halt is great for disorientating people and situational positioning.
I'll concede that fortify is a pointless, unfulfilling ability.
i hate that her gun isn't hitscan
I do believe you have the roles reversed.
how can OW be visually well designed, but WoW is still an ugly pile of shit?
Design wise, shes a robot centaur.
Ability wise, shes a hodge podge of several other existing abilities.
Not to say its bad, but I wouldn't exactly call her creative.
Because it wasn't made 22 years ago like wow was.
they've shuffled art styles for the expacs, but they're still ugly
Orisa is pure!
they made her sucction orb good, shes secretly the new roadhog but no one realizes it.
>6 second cooldown on orb just like oldhog
>orb means death to pretty much all 200 health heroes out to a certain range. just like oldhog
only thing is unlike hook people can use defence abilities and it requires more precision
Why does shooting seem so 'off' with Orisa? Am I just retarded?
>go around her shield
>get pulled back in front and die
>go around her shield
>she fortifies and does the waltz with you around her shield and you die
Fortify is super fulfilling when not just used as extra damage mitigation.
It's instant death for charging Reins and Doomfists because her damage is insane close range, especially against these large hitboxes.
>Design wise, shes a robot centaur.
What other games have a robot centaur?
Plus, the tribal design elements are important. Leaving those out of a description of Orisa's design would be like describing Zenyatta as "robot" without mentioning any of the Buddhist influences.
>Ability wise, shes a hodge podge of several other existing abilities.
>A barrier, with different properties and shapes to other barriers, that can be fired as a projectile
>Gravity ball on a regular cooldown that yanks people to a position but doesn't hold them there, giving it a completely different usage to Graviton Surge
>A completely original ability that makes her immune to the various status effects and stuns while buffing her defense
So abilities that share similarities to other existing abilities, but are clearly different?
Is Translocator just another version of Tracer's Recall?
Is Sleep Dart just another version of flash bang?
I think the comparisons between Halt and Graviton Surge are the dumbest, as if a lengthy ultimate could be compared brief cooldown ability. That'd be like comparing Rocket Punch and Dragon Blade "because they're melee attacks and do lots of damage."
Nigga this is not fucking Yasuo she is the one at the disadvantage if she dances in her shield.
Well, they're upping the speed of her projectiles next patch. They're pretty slow right now, so you might just be experiencing people avoiding them easily, or you're shooting at where they are and never hitting them since they're moving.
>hey guys lets add a robot to a game but lets make it a NIGGER