What were they thinking?!
Does anyone here unironically like this game?
What were they thinking?!
unironically the best non-mainline KH game
t. BBStard
>the spinoffs meme AGAIN
you know damn well what I mean, "mainline" is 1/2/3 and MAYBE BBS if you really push it
but then again, isn't every kingdom hearts game "mainline"?
Genuinely enjoy the GBA version, ya
I like it on GBA, never really saw how it could transition well into 3D.
>Not the VASTLY superior GBA version
i have the ps4 version
so the gba version is better? i notice many of the areas are bland in 3d
Just because it doesn't have a number doesn't mean it's a spinoff.
New Vegas isn't a spinoff.
>Literally the connection between KH1 and KH2
>Not mainline
The entire game was literally made around it being on the GBA, which is why the card system works so much better in a 2D isometric view than full open-spaced 3D. The main benefits to Re:CoM is the better 100 Acre Woods, as well as the option to choose a difficulty, along with some other things.
Also GBA version deserves to be appreciated for its gorgeous spritework.
Not them but I've played both. The control scheme and maps are shitty on a console with full controller, but on the handheld it felt like it couldn't be done any better at the time.
CoM is good. Re: CoM less so, but still enjoyable.
I loved the gba game. I also love battle network so maybe I'm just into weird action/card game hybrids.
no one likes kh
no one likes you
i do.
i do
A big problem with Re:com is how mostly everything is recycled from KH1 which causes a lot of animations to be fucking weird and fights to be much harder than they should be.
no, worst game in the series
>Re: CoM
>harder than it should be