It's ogre isn't it
It's ogre isn't it
>77% positive
What did he mean by this?
That's bad
Especially for a new game
you're missing the important part
>206 reviews
>for a game from the creators of one of the biggest franchises of the last 10 years
volition hasn't made a good game since red faction guerrilla
>this ass-looking game wants a 750Ti minimum, GTX 1060 recommended
>38GB install
Welcome to the future.
all the reviews are technical (which is fine)
the rec specs are twelve (12) GB of ram and a 1060 for this shit. i dont even.
>750Ti minimum
GTX 750Ti minimum, actually
This game is literally battleborn tier obnoxious holy shit this game is awful
This game is BADASS
>no co-op
>no customization outside of a few skins
>Gat is a pre-order bonus
why even fucking bother
>ahaha flipping off the camera i'm a b*dass xD
This has never once been funny or endearing.
Agents of Denuvo AntiTamper
I genuinely don't know why people do that shit
>minimum 3 year old graphics card
>recommended absolute bare minimum graphics card of this now-dated generation (only retards would consider a 1050)
I see nothing wrong with this.
Is this Randy's newest flop?
too bad the game runs like dogshit on a 1080 at 1080p
i won't even bother trying to run it on my 1070
Way to miss the point.
Look at how last-gen this shit looks
Does Steamspy operate on some sort of severe delay? Because even for a bad PC port of a new IP release, 25k sales seems astonishingly low for a AAA game.
Like the site says, you can't count on it till like 2 weeks after release.
At minimum 3 full days is the "line" where steamspy's numbers start becoming relatively accurate. Realistically more like a full week. I've assumed the reason is math that's 2hard4me.
The game looks pretty fun. But apparently is has shitloads of performance issues.
Damn, that's really bad.
The impression I get is that it doesn't appeal to old fans of the Saints Row games and it doesn't seem to be pulling in any new fans either. So what's even the point of this game existing? Who is it supposed to appeal to?
All they had to do was take all the superpowers from 4 and Hell, and use that as the foundation for a crazy balls-out superbrawl game. They're some of the best super-mayhem mechanics anyone's ever come up with to-date, and they just leave them there like they have no idea what they made.
Volition just literally doesn't want money or something.
>no coop
Biggest problem is that the open world is apparently completely empty and what there is to do is always the same.
Its worse than gameplay problems, the game is badly designed from the ground up.
In my opinion, if you can't make an open world feel alive, at least you have to make it look pretty and varied. If you somehow manage to pull it out all those things, then even better.
But from what I'm seeing so far, that's not the case with this game. The world is to unexciting, with the city barely changing between areas (might be wrong though, maybe near the end the game gest more varied), is stale, and the lack of NPCs in the streets make it feel hollow.
For those who have played, is my criticism wrong? I'm saying what I'm seeing, which is not the same as playing.
>with the city barely changing between areas
There's, like, two areas (city and dockyard), the map is really small. I'm guessing they wanted to focus on making the roof tops interesting instead of making the city bigger, but there's no reason to jump around on top of the city since the only thing you'll find are useless shards.
It's not really a formal math thing, more to do with how Steamspy works. Steamspy only samples so many users each day and gets rid of old results, and it takes a while for the sample to become up-to-date
Volition really need to drop the saints shit in their other games and make them entirely it's own universe. Everything with them needs to be purple and have the fleur de lis and LOOK IT'S NOT SAINTS. Shit suffers for it because people will just always ask where's the new saints row, as if people really want that after the abomination that was saints 4, perhaps the most pointless game to play.
>Same font as Overwatch
They're not even trying to hide it
>750ti min
it looks no differant than s4 and i can run that on my toaster