Why was it so shit?

Why was it so shit?

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Draw magic system instead of materia system

It wasn't.

Plot wrote itselft into many dead ends and solved each one with layers of deus ex machina until you get shit like "I forgot we grew up together!"
I swear the made the entire thing up as they went.

Made none of the reveals as interesting as Cloud not actually being the SOLDIER he thought he was.

It wasn't.

shit combat system and story

It takes too long to take into. In VII you're a terrorist who assaults a powerplant with a giant Robo-Scorpion RIGHT AWAY, and in VIII you're a goth whiner who has finals and prom coming up.

It's just boring as fuck.

You know the worst part is, if you remove the amnesia thing then the story actually becomes a lot stronger.

Think about it. If everyone remembers each other then it makes sense why everyone is so obsessed with helping Squall out of his shell. They know what he went through and want to help him overcome it because they're basically family. In addition to this Squall himself becomes a lot more sympathetic because the source of his angst was always losing someone close to him but since he didn't remember her anyways he was basically just a bitch. If he remembers Ellone then it actually works. Seifer's betrayal makes sense because Edea was their mom, Quistis wanting to bang him makes sense because they've known each other forever and he's not just some asshole now.

It just flat out works better.

Dollet isn't far away, too bad that it slows up again after that.

you someone who gotta challenge everyone in school to d-d-duels

Dollet is only memorable for the soundtrack, which is one of the best in not only the game but in the franchise.

Shit story, shit characters, incredibly broken junction system, and level scaling.
It's graphics were good at the time, and so was the music, but it failed to do anything else right.
Even Triple Triad suffered because it was easy as shit if you manipulate the rule system, and incredibly tedious if you don't.

Yeah there is some slowness and it seems like a bad episode of whatever Chinese highschool cartoon is popular, but you fight a Fire Demon in the first half-hour and if you can stick it out till Dollet then you see one of the coolest FMV cutscenes of the time during the beach assault. Plus you fight a near identical Robot-Scorpion at the end of that mission. It just requires an hour or two of patience, which I guess the ADD/ADHD generation didn't posess.

IX starts out slow too and people fucking love it.

IX just has this "magical" and even though this word is overused, "comfy" feel to it, you can't compare.
The game doesn't really start until you're out of the Ice Caverns, that's not even an hour or two it takes for VIII to start but nobody cares.

>IX starts out slow
>kidnapping the princess of a kingdom with a group of thieves under the gauze of massive theatrical play

So I forget, how exactly does Ultimecia going back to Adel's past cause Time Kompression to start happening?

Cannot choose limit break

The game explains this if you bothered to play it instead of just spouting FF8 hate memes


Having a full cast of teenagers didn't help. It's always kind of bullshit trying to buy into the only people that can save the world are a group of kids. At least in ff7 all the characters were like 25-40 and you're able to empathize with their struggles. In ff8 most of the cast didn't really feel real and just felt like products

Enemy level scaling. Making my hours wasted on grinding useless.

hmm? But FF8 is the best in the series.

Plot takes a pretty big dive after disc 1
The characters can be absolutely retarded and annoying at times.
The junction system is just shit theres no 2 ways about it. Its interesting at the least but actively trying to persuade you to not use magic while at the same time making you procure it constantly(if you dont know how to break the game and get end game stats in first 2 hours)
The enemies scaling to your level is a bad idea especially since they tied loot to different level brackets
Everything pertaining to rinoa
Ruining the card game with dumb rules spreading
No real equipment system beyond weapon upgrades unless counting magic as equipment since it can do the same practically
Limit abuse being far too easy
Disc 4 locking you out of everything

I still like it decent enough though but if they made it where after obtaining 100 of a certain magic it was permanently learnable the junction system could have worked so much better
Or if they added a real equip system and left the junctioning elements/debuffs to weapons and defense only
Rinoa is really inexcusable though

>inflating 8's score that much with minigames when its gameplay and story are piss poor

>Sloppily handled exposition that was probably added in after the fact.

I don't think you actually get what the problem is. If you have to resort to flavor text to make your plot make sense then wrote a shitty story.

Here's a thought. What if all through the game we get signs that the characters are always forgetting shit be it important or just fluff. What if Zell somehow always FORGETS about Hotdogs. What if on the first mission the team leader FORGETS where the meeting zone is or their objectives. What if Selphie FORGOT the way to her class room.

You have to weave exposition into the narrative. One faceless shitheel saying something that most people will, perhaps ironically FORGET isn't a proper set up for a major plot twist that effects the entire parties lives.

There is a good chunk of roaming around alexandra with vivi prior to that but slow starts have never bothered me so I always enjoy getting all the treasures some decent cards and a high jump rope score before setting off to the play with puck

thank you for this post, so sick and tired of FF8 fans thinking the orphanage plot twist is good because of a few text lines

For anyone interested, a new FF manga (original) started out.


Surprisingly it's quite decent.

>I need story elements to be handed to me on a silver platter with big fat red arrows pointing to the main plot devices saying "LOOK HERE"

I played this game when I was fucking 9 and I knew what was going on because I wasn't a spastic who mashed through the game pretending I was an anime character. I talked to the characters and I read all the side text that I found. The fact that there are 18+ year old people on this board that can't figure out the plot (or the junction system for that) on their own is astoundingly hilarious.

best FF of all time bro

>hurr durr you don't get it

Never once did I said I didn't understand the plot. It's easy to understand. Painfully so in fact.

The problem and pay attention this time. It's bad. It's uninteresting. It lacks depth and humanity. The game wants us to care about things it throws in our lap without taking the time to engage us to the elements.

It wasn't, you're just a fag.

You're all forgetting the worst part of the orphanage thing.

It was completely pointless. The only character whose amnesia really matters is Squall's because it tires deeply into his insecurities and pushing people away so he doesn't have to suffer abandonment again.
Nobody else needed to be from the damn orphanage.

It wasn't, it was just shittier than VII and IX.

But what about X?

Well the other characters be generally devoid of character arcs is a wholly separate issue honestly. One that applies to the game as a whole rather than just that scene.

There's nothing close to being redeemable about X besides the music and the combat, so VIII is better.
In fact the X cons are so fucking negative they completely overshadow the pros.

I get they wanted to have their retarded sport ball mini game, and I even understand making the protagonist a player of it but who at square decided to base the entire world's religion around it and why wasn't he stopped

FFX was the superior game, the only thing that FF8 had on it was objectively the music and
Triple Triad being better than Blitz Ball.

>Triple Triad being better than Blitz Ball.

It's impossible to NOT be better than blitzball.

No it wasn't.
Sphere grid was worse than Junction by a landslide.
Overdrives were shit compared to Limits
Characters, as bad as they are in 8, are far worse in 10
Setting is literal cancer in X, plus the sin of no explorable world map.

X is fucking awful, they should have just remade any of the other games with X combat and it would be better.

I'd rather play Blitzball than Tetra Master. jesus fuck how do you screw your card game up that badly coming off of Triple Triad?

Yeah, it's one of the few aspects of FF8 that was better than X.
But even Triple Triad has its issues, with its difficulty being tied to the rules. Just like everything else in the game, you manipulate it enough, and it becomes easy as shit.

>Sphere grid was worse than Junction by a landslide.

other way around, SG was a simple level up UI (which is even better in expert mode) while junctioning was a broken, convaluted mess

>Overdrives were shit compared to Limits
too minor for me to give a shit

>Characters, as bad as they are in 8, are far worse in 10
Auron's inclusion alone shits all over 8's characters, Jecht is awesome too

>setting is literal cancer in X
what? The setting of Spira is one of the biggest reasons why X is so popular

>says X is awful
>praises X's combat in the same breath

>assign a stack of magic into a stat and never touch it again
>press F5 until the limit pops up
You're retarded

Junction is broken, drawing magic is shit, and they completely forgot how to do character development. Every character by the end of 7 when through their own character arc but everyone in 8 other than Squall learns nothing and stays the same

Half of those are jokes.

>VIII story 3
>IX story 1

what the hell's even going on with that chart

Junctions and limits are broken as shit, and made the level scaling in this game even stupider.

I agree with most of this except the characters in 10 were more likable than 8

>There is a good chunk of roaming around alexandra with vivi prior to that but slow
dude that's a 10 minute segment
maybe 30 minutes if you're dicking around playing cards

Because the series stopped being good when it came out.

You can run from point A to B in a few minutes, but why are you even playing unless you explore and talk to everyone? You got Steiner's segment just a bit latter when you go around the place and once again explore and talk to people.

IX starts out slow, even Evil Forest is slow.


It was made to capture the success of ff7, but couldn't live up to its older brother.

at least tetra master wasn't broken by swiming behind a goal and waiting for the clock to run out

Well the thing with Zidane being the chosen one at the end was shit writing.

Well they were, their personalities were pretty limited let alone their design. Then more than half become background characters.

This, if you are going to using a plot device you can't make exceptions for that device, it has to be affective at the worst of times as well as the best of times.

he wasn't the chosen one, he was a puppet with an artificial soul much like vivi

chosen one what?

There's no chosen "one2 where there are multiple of said chosen ones

Being Kuja's successor counts as being the chosen one.
Garnet and Vivi already got their origin stories revealed and it felt to fit in within the story but the thing with Zidane seemed so forced, along with full 10 minutes of him going full edgelord

He isn't a chosen one what are you talking about?
He's was made to make war and even then he had someone to replace him as well. Do you even read?

Then motoko is the chosen one because she was made for the same reason as zidane, to replace the previous one. There was no "chosen one" here

FF8 did the same damn thing with the "legendary SeeD"

>full 10 minutes of him going full edgelord
Aside and entire game of squalls edgyness. Zidane broke the record of being edgy to back to normal by just 10 minutes.

Can we all agree that:

V > IV > VI > IX > XII > VII > X > XI > XIV > III > VIII > II > XV > XIII > I

Too many subsystems at once that all fuck each other up. That and letting non-writers write the plot.

>le contrarian hipster

The SNES ones are overrated as fuck by nostalgia fags. 4 isn't even top 5

No because peoples taste value somethings over others
I use tier list that generally go like
4 5 6 7 9 11
1 4 8 10 12 14 15
2 3


The only good thing to come out of FF8 was establishing Gilgamesh's game-hopping shenanigans.

>X and II that high


Only ones i played

>He isn't a chosen one what are you talking about?
>He's was made to make war and even then he had someone to replace him as well. Do you even read?
That's exactly what I meant, how that contradictatory?

Aside thatdepressed or edgy teenagers are the only type who enjoy these characters. Anything different is either childish or gay. They have this belief that their issues are the only real issues in this world that matters.

It does, being made for war isn't a chosen one when you have a fucking spare behind you, that means you are disposible not chosen.

>Japan loves Final Fantasy VIII
>America hates it
How come? Is it because of Spoony?

But for real. I do wonder why.

Japs are notorious for shittaste

Eyes on me was one of the first video game songs to have a single and chart in Japan. Businessmen and school kids used to skip work/school when a new Final Fantasy was released shows you how popular the series used to be

You might want to look up the chosen one here, it's desired by fate and there is no replacement for that "chosen" character. Zidane was the opposite of that, he after Kuja, was made with upgrades, then when lost, Garland made a new one to take Zidane's place. There is no chosen one here, this is manufacturing soldiers just like the Black Mages were made for.

It's story falls apart into a mess.
It's main character is very unlikable to people who isn't riddled with teenage angst.
The main cast is just a throw away group of people who can replace each other, very few get to have more to their character arcs.
The style it self is more of an aquired taste and that doesn't help it either. Then the battle system is awful and could be broken if you wanted too.

>and could be broken if you wanted
That's a plus. Really. Fuck games where everything is """""balanced""""" throughout.

What I meant is that Zidane turned out to be someone special from another planet even thought it never improved the story, and we already had origin stories of 2 secondary characters, it was enough.
It was unnecessary. Zidane being his true self, an orphan adopted by thieves would have been perfectly fine. It's like the writers thought this plotpoint was really necessary in a JRPG.
They could have made him go rogue for a while, leaving the party behind or something.
Him rejecting his true purpose basically invalidates that plot twist and makes it something that could be left out of the story.
Zidane was a good guy from the beginning. We never needed confirmation on his morals.

A RPG in which being at level one makes it easier to beat is not good game design.

That's what defines and thing a thing.
His origen is what made the story move forward in other temples, you are completely ignorin that fact.
From the Iifa tree Zidane was the only one who could use this technology and the very point of the mist is tied to zidane and kuja.
Do you know how story telling works? MC goes through arcs, he has to eventually question himself and make mistakes to get stronger. He wouldn't be the MC if they didn't do that. Seems to me you have no idea how character arcs work at all.


Rinoa: I'll be here...Why...? I'll be 'waiting'... here...
For what? I'll be waiting... for you...so... if you come here... you'll find me. I promise.

Ultimecia: Reflect on your... Childhood...Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions...Time, it will not wait...No matter how hard you hold on...it escapes you. And...

What did Squaresoft mean by this?

Get one of your depressed employees drunk and make him write his feelings on his receding hairline with no editing after.

Riona ruined the whole game for me. Worst FF girl next to Lightning.

It's not a choosen one thing though. It's just the course of events.
Would be like saying Einstein was the choose one because you were in 1850 and saw the future.

Muh nigga

But the impression I got from this was that the MC has to have a special origin story in Final Fantasy.
It worked in FFVII. It didn't work in IX. It felt unnecessary.
We already experience the change in Garnet, Vivi and others. Zidane's twist was unnecessary.

Because you're a brainlet who doesn't understand the story or how to junction. It's the best final fantasy besides 9

They've got better tastes than America. You know it to be true.
At the very least they don't spend every year playing CoD, the annual sports game(s), and games like Uncharted and the Last of Us.

they really don't, despite America having shit taste too and I say this as an American

That doesn't matter what you got from it because it did leave one for everyone else. You don't seem to get how close cloud and Zidane are in terms of origin stories, both find out that they aren't what they thought they be. In fact Zidane's arc was to reveal he was no different from vivi. That whole time vivi was questioning if he was really a living thing, that his fate was to be a killing machine, zidane was there to tell him other wise. Later when zidane finds out that he was also manufactured to kill just like the Black Mages that doubt that vivi had hit him, and it was Vivi's turn to tell zidane other wise along with the other characters who thought they had Zidane figured out, like Steiner who only looked at Zidane as a lowly thief. The whole thing is not just about life and death it was about how you live that life. Zidane's whole character was helping the others grow and it came time for him to do the same.

>At the very least they don't spend every year playing CoD, the annual sports game(s), and games like Uncharted and the Last of Us.

Yes, instead they devote all their time to gacha games.