Does anyone actually play this game on pc or is it a dead game? second night and still no one online...

does anyone actually play this game on pc or is it a dead game? second night and still no one online. did i just blow my money on this?

You fell for the "best fighter on the market" meme that nobody plays.

Why do you think people used to call XRD Xturd back on 2015?

EU is active on PC, outside of EU you probably have to use discord to get matches.
Also remember that nobody plays ranked matches, everyone is on player rooms

no one plays ranked matches??

god damn it

Rooms are up fairly regularly from what i find.
Don't do ranked though. No one plays ranked in arcsys games.
If all else fails just ask on the discord and you'll find someone a majority of the time.

No, it's not worth it just to play one match against a random guy, you learn much faster playing longer sets against one person in a player room so everyone does that

Pc is always rough for fighting games. Join a discord or play it on ps4.

no. also, you should probably look for matches when it's not like 2 am or some shit. if i try to find games around 4-8 pm, i can usually find them. but at this time of the day, only if it's friday/saturday and that's a maybe

Open your ports, or otherwise you will not see any lobbies. And go to player match, there is where all people are. I have not trouble finding lobbies in west usa.

more like he fell for the buying a fighter on PC without console crossplay meme

other than killer instinct, what fighting games have crossplay?

Street Fighter V...That's it
Every fucking game should have crossplay or we'll forever be stuck in this hell

Better get on discord and beg for matches

SFV (and it sucks)


GG Rev 2 was planned to have crossplay but sony wouldn't allow it because it would compete with SFV which they have money in


I don't remember Baiken's tits being that big in XX

Source? I doubt Arcsys would spend the money for implementing crossplay, I hear it's expensive as fuck


can you post the full image?

>I hear it's expensive as fuck

The only thing preventing crossplay is Sony saying no

Some user said that there's a Baiken doujin from C92. I can't fucking find it, is it not real?

you may be right, I remember reading that somewhere but can't find it

if you wanted a fighting game you could actually play online you should have gotten tekken

You also have to make your own server system, no? You can't just use your normal PSN/steam servers for crossplay, which requires money

People don't play ranked, and the world lobbies seem like a disjointed mess not worth the hassle. Everyone uses the player room, and for good reason. They are great.

You already have to do that for PSN games. Sony doesn't provide servers to host on.

i got it specifically for baiken, then i realized she doesn't have sword spin or triple Tatami anymore and i can't do her parries for shit. need someone else to play with to get better.

Parries aren't that hard to use when you realize you can mash the followup. Baiken is a struggle though

To add to this. If you choose not to use steam servers, Valve will reimburse your server costs. So practically adding no extra cost.

>playing Tekken

more like waiting


i can't get the timing for the follow up right at all and it doesn't help that im using an xbone controller. do fighting games get any easier with fight sticks? im considering getting one.


Why do designers do this?

They should be hiding matchmaking during the load at least. Maybe even pre-pair you with someone whose match is about to end.

hmm about 30 sec is the average right?

You don't need to time the followup at all. Here's how it works:
>Start the azami for example with S+HS
>You can stay in azami just by holding one button, so you let go of S if you want to do sakura
>While still holding HS, start mashing S, you'll get sakura as soon as you catch something with azami
Sticks don't make the execution magically easier, it's mostly preference. There are some things that can be easier with sticks though, but I can't think of anything like that with Baiken

its hard for me to do precise movements on game pad like the Z movement or half circle back without completely overdoing it. the only movement i can do halfway decently is quarter circle.

Can this just be a Baiken titty thread?

Get a stick if you feel like it could help, but prepare to be frustraded since it takes a few weeks to be even at the same level you are with pad, and even after that it might not be any easier.
The biggest advantage with the stick in my opinion are the buttons, for example if you play Zato or try to do plinking stuff like FDCs on pad you might need to use a funky layout but it's not a problem with a stick since you can press everything easily

sure, why not?

Why is there never a Baiken stump thread?

i figure, with the restrictor plate I should be able to tell the position of the stick without having to guess and overshoot my movements.

Let me guess, you're trying to play ranked. Since I'm almost certain I'm right, I'd recommend player lobbies. That's where you'll actually find people playing the game on either platform.

>Since I'm almost certain I'm right, I'd recommend player lobbies. That's where you'll actually find people playing the game on either platform.

That's the world lobby.

Buying another pad with a better dpad is also an option if Xbone dpad sucks. I don't think overdoing movements is a problem as long as you have a solid dpad.
Go to locals to try out a stick if you have them, maybe?

Those are not the lobbies he's talking about, those are the world hubs which are also empty usually

Crossplay should be standard in FGs desu, just like GGPO should've been. I don't care if it costs more money or if Sony doesn't like it, most of these fighters are fucking dead past the first month.

tried it, apparently no one is online this late at night

I wanna fuck white korra.

i have a friend with a fight stick, i could try that out i guess.

You might need to check your ports then.

I see like 8 or so lobbies up right now.

I'm fine with that.

fuck, think those fuck wits actually copy pasted comic girl into their show and called it a day?

oh shit was looking in the wrong place.

There ya go.

Now go get your ass kicked user!

>GG Rev 2 was planned to have crossplay

oh i can't wait for the raw ass beating and shame!
also what the fuck is up with this pic?




>falling for the anime meme

if you don't play street fighter, marvel, or kekken, you better rev up that discord and start begging for games

killer instinct isn't dead too is it?

Baiken paizuri would be the greatest thing ever.

What's wrong with getting games through discord?

I've never once had to go on discord to ask for games, but I have used it as a tech resource and some MU advice.
The few times that there are no lobbies, all I had to do was make my own, and spend a few minutes training for a player to show up, and more come when there is an odd number or a larger amount of players.

I have never had a problem finding online matches in GG. The only people who do are either looking in the wrong places (ranked/world lobbies) or live outside the US.

>SF and Tekken aren't anime


>ywn tickle a valentine

feels terrible man

if you're not shit at any of those listed games, you're generally using a 3rd party service to try and arrange games with people that know what they're doing. but if you're just another super silver/10th dan/1st Ranger then sure matchmaking is perfect to play all the other trash, til you stumble on that 1/100 players that are actually half decent

>doesn't know what an anime fighter is

t. newfag




>doesn't know what anime is

t. illiterate chimp

nigga does she look egyptian to you

sure thing Lord Knight man tits

fuck off retard


Wanna know how I know you're some FGC chump that only plays Capcom shit?

not him but do tell

>i got called out for being dumb withbuzzwords better samefag like a good redditor

goodness there's a lot of retarded babbys on tonight.

This is on PC? Where are the thicc mods?

If you don't know what anime games mean in context of fighting games, you must not play a lot of fighting games.
Pro tip: it's not about the artstyle

if you manage to mod Xrd you're a god


Just say air dasher and stop being a mental midget mmkay?

>Don't know the nomenclature.
>Act like a bitch when you get called out for it.

thats newfag lingo

I mean, I don't make the FGC lingo, I'm all for saying airdashers but it doesn't mean that most of the US/EU community will keep referring to them as anime games.
Fuzzy is another stupid term that should be changed but what can you do

It's the proper term the style butt dumpling

will not keep*

you can't just change the naming conventions established over a decade ago just because you're triggered


You'd have to do it yourself or lend her a hand though


Just bind her breasts real tight and thrust in there.

>fighting games

Is there people on PS4 EU? Whats the best for PS4 EU?