Is this the future of Let's Plays?

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Reminder that shit like this exists

No, it's the present

>all she plays are flavor of the month meme games, and gacha mobages

This is probably because she doesn't really play much video games irl, but I'm still disappointed.



It's a neckbeard in his basement using text to speech and face capture.

what a lil slut

*closet sized apartment

>clearly knows how to play because of the way she humps to get to her first drop
>proceeds to sperg out over the rest of the games

ai-chan's model and voice are very cute but I can't watch these videos they're so dull

why are you lying?

>text to speech
you are retarded

that's a real voice actress

Still better than a roastie succubus doing that

It's a voice actress, no one is sure who exactly.
Most speculation is that it's an animation company and idol producer working together to craft the future idol stars. The equipment, spacing, and planning is to perfect to be one or two people.

She's cute because she tries.

Ai-chan is mai waifu.

delet this

It's an interesting concept, and definitely a potential fan pleaser

it's probably happened a fair bit in the past through different but vaguely similar things-- only made up example that comes to mind is two pro wrestlers playing battleship as an april fool's day gag

No this is the future of lets plays


>Future of let's play is a sweaty fatass in mocap rigged to a MMD model, which people genuinely believe is artificial intelligence

It's genuinely pathetic that people watch this.

>instead of Waldo the Bear from Black Mirror the future is actually geared towards digital idols taking over
This is the best timeline.

I like most videos of Ai-chan but this one sucks

>Is this the future of Let's Plays?
ironic weebs seem to be eating this shit up so maybe

Other than the face capture gimmick it's really not super different from any production value let's play. I think it could catch on but most people who do it for a living are too lazy to bother.

wtf porn and movies

and youtube mixed? what the fuck is this shit

holy fuck this took me down a rabbit hole i didnt know existed

Very intelligent Ai


>Waldo the Bear
worst episode

This shit always happens to me

Instead of advertising you put videos on a blockchain and get paid for it

>text to speech
you're a special kind of idiot

I literally can't fanthom why I find watching her videos so enjoyable. I can't help finding them cute and funny.

What the fuck.

what? being retarded?

Could it be? Is this the most autistic thing I've ever seen? Despair, for the world as we know it is changing.

I'm glad that she sounds like a normal human being

You're thinking of Yukarifag

Getting attacked by a player you didn't see coming


She's pretty autistic. It's very cute.

Wow. Roleplaying has expanded.

Theres an Alice Margatroid one.

Japanese society is fucked, parents are giving their kids money for education and the kids are giving it all away to anime peddlers. It's going to end up with the underclass as feudal peasants and the corporations as royal houses, I swear to God.

Wish she'd just stick to one game instead of constantly jumping around

Her Inside,Resident Evil and PT stuff are all really good infact she should try playing Cry Of Fear and really get spooked


Dear fucking god, watching people play this game poorly is infuriating

>I'm genuinely enjoying this

>It's going to end up with the underclass as feudal peasants and the corporations as royal houses
So, America?

Society as we know it is dead. Anime has brainwashed the younger generation, rotted their brains so they're no longer capable of rational, logical thought. This is a generation of children conditioned never to think, just to throw money at anything that looks cute and anime.
The end is coming.

hello redit

She actually sounds even better in her non-anime voice.

Fuck, I'm crying.


It's a girl or a guy with an extremely feminine voice, she said some sentences with her real voice in a stream or video.

>End up
You're implying it hasn't always been this way and will always be this way... why?

Wow Nyanners has really hit rock bottom.

Why the fuck am I enjoying this

You're autistic, I'm so sorry

I'm sure she did, user, I'm sure "she" did.

It's a medical test for Autism. It looks like you tested positive.

It's a minority. Anime isn't such a big in Japan.

>did one for Nico's birthday
>didn't do a video for Honoka's birthday

really? I should give arisu my support.

Did you see that cosplaying slut at C92?

She was surrounded by 2 hundred plus men all taking pictures of her while she acted like a retard. What a fucking whore.

love is over you dumb AI

>tfw started off watching Ai-chan ironically and ended up watching her unironically

Ecelebs need to get off Sup Forums, but I must admit for a money-grubbing stupid autistic bitch whore who should be killed, Ai is decently amusing and entertaining.

why do so many numales like this whore?

Jesus, why you dumb Sup Forumstards always spam your shit on those threads, nobody cares about your hysteria.

Most people do.
Her other vidoes are better though.

>money-grubbing stupid autistic bitch whore who should be killed

What's with all the incel-tier responses in this thread?
Do you people actually feel threatened by this kind of shit?

Why so tsundere~~

it's actually a cute tomboy

I only watch her main channel

corporate propaganda is killing the white race
don't fall for it and get a white girlfriend


cute CUTE


>tfw you will never have a qt tomboy japanese gf
her real voice is even cuter

Pretty much spot on.

It's better than e-celeb cancer.

When we go to space do you think it s going just ot be white people or fucking the whole human race



Sup Forumstards feel threatened by anything and anyone. Just image always living with that kind of endless paranoia, with shitposting on an anonymous chink chong board as the only way to vent it.

other races are suffering to corporatists, but white people and the Japanese seem to be falling for it the most. Stop falling for it or the entire white race will be extinct before genetic engineering can bring every ethnicity back.



>" they are doing it for the greater good!"
Jesus Christ you are dumb as fuck

Nice shilling.


It doesn't need shilling, amigo. If you don't already know her, you're probably not on the right website.
Finally, there certainly are also certain truths, hidden behind hieroglyphs in ancient times, preserved by only the most tried and tested part of humanity, certain insights into the higher truth which not everyone can fathom, because a thousand obstacles, prejudices, passions, etc. prevent him from penetrating this deeply. These have always been veiled by secret mystery schools behind images, presented to their pupils by and by, and according to this plan, the hieroglyphs of the three symbolic degrees of the Fr. Ms. are also organized. Everything our ill. Order teaches and does must affect the best of the world, must lead to elevation to raise humanity once more from the depths of perdition into which it has descended, making it receptive for higher a good and wisdom. This is why the Order has also studied the outward institutions of all public and secret organizations, preserved the best parts, and avoided their errors. Yea! Even now, its outer plan of operation becomes more solid and more fitting to the times every day. But even the best intentions are often thwarted by evil men or desecrated by unworthy ones: However, our secrecy and the strict tests of our mbrs. preserve us from both. Now let us summarize the Ord.’s entire plan in a single point: our final goal is to:

Thus, all our people must be pitched to a single tune, cling tightly to one another, have only one goal in mind, assist each other, and thus impregnate the entire world. One must gather a legion of men around the great men of the world, men who tirelessly guide the whole matter for the good of humanity, men who change the entire nation; no external force is required. The rulers of the world will soon open their eyes, and they will see that their advantage will be increased, but that they will run into unfathomable difficulties when they enforce evil. The nobler men will soon gain the upper hand on the evil ones who now play masters and bring unhappiness to anyone who resists them. But those who are too womanly, too prejudiced, too inactive to earnestly fight for the rights of humanity must be motivated; good men must seek one another out; those who do not know or trust themselves must be brought about, and one must show them that two honorable persons who are united can be stronger than a hundred scoundrels. But all this must take place in secret. Our small heap must not abandon one another and assist everyone who is oppressed, provide every good man temporal advantages, outward happiness, and attempt to win all positions where power can be won for the good cause. Why should it not be permissible to establish oneself by righteous and gentle means to influence governments? The first objective of every state constitution is to place good persons at the helm, reward merit, and crown virtue. If the Order can attain this through advocacy and by guiding the heart, if it has educated the most faithful, best, wisest, most thoroughly tests persons for the state, if it tries to promote them and reward their diligence, it consequently fulfills the duties of the most faithful subjects and thus also fulfills the original purpose of human beings entering into social bonds.

Did something happen to /x/ that this retard came here?

Why aren't people dumping their aichan folders?

You mean /x/ has the same propaganda bots as /politically/correct/ you

I think you forgot that after ww2 the european union was created
and after ww1 the league of nations

Report it.

On my other computer unfortunately

ahh report because it does not go with the propaganda