BB thread

BB thread

Wow, no one here? Quite surprised.


If Overwatch never existed, how would this have done?

Probably be a reasonably populated shooter but all the casuals would still be playing LoL

Everyone can shit on this game all they want, but when it comes time need for me to feel bad ass, Battleborn is there for me to feel

you mean hots?

DAE le hate randy pitchford? xD

Did not enjoy it during open beta. Its flaws were plentiful and evident even back then. It apparently clicks with some small amount of people, but it clearly wasn't a recipe tuned to mainstream success.

It badly needs to go F2P if they have any hope of keeping it around. Paladins shows that that can work to a small, but better than BB currently is doing, degree.

why is his head so small?

It went F2P months ago. Steamstats has it that there are around 40 regular players.

I was Hoping this would have killed Gearbox

>it actually did

Then it's not salvageable. When people won't even put up with your questionable design and clunky mechanics for free then you've just lost it.

>you live in a world where money, time, and resources that could have been put into Borderlands 3 were instead used to make and maintain this trasheap


This game was born to be dead



>you live in a world where people enjoyed Borderlands

>Homogenize every champion
>Split them into two types: AD and AP
>Recycled 3-hit "mechanic" on almost every champion
>Calls HotS a casual game despite the roster being more diverse

Nigger, I don't even play moba games and I know you're retarded.

>Wanting borderlands 3

The first game was the only good one.



found the lolbabby

Not a LoLbab, but every wannabe try hard nigger acts like LoL is the apex of competitive gaming

>tfw even Free to Play didn't help it
Feels good

Post the funny one.


how did you know?

>how dare you speak to me
Every single time.

Why do you think the same 40 people keep playing this dead game.


i'll never not giggle at that

>see this pic almost 100 times
>laugh every time

>battleborn shitting thread will have more people on it than actual people who play the game right now