Don't mind me, just being a shit game that only hipsters would say is better than souls

Don't mind me, just being a shit game that only hipsters would say is better than souls

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It objectively has more gameplay depth than Souls. That said, I prefer everything else from Souls. It's really up to what you prefer. Gameplay or window dressing.

all the darksouls clone suck

they put alot of work into their stance gameplay

There's no way to cheese this game like Dark souls

How do I git gud? I can't even beat the third mission

Practice Ki Pulse, it's the most important technique you have. Learn the ins and outs of each stance, you don't have to do it right away but knowing and using the strengths of each one goes a long way. Be patient but keep in mind the huge amount of mobility and options you have. Blocking is very useful as well.

What do I gain if my clan wins the weekly clan battle? Like, I just joined Todo because it seems to be strongest at the moment. Do I need to contribute something somehow myself, or is it enough to be part of the winning clan?

does sloth count

I think you get bonus Glory based on how much you contributed and whether your side won or lost.

not anymore

divigorate and weaken melee weapons is now the meme

So is the digital deluxe edition the definitive version of the game? As in no more DLC?
I don't even like Souls. I just want to pick this up because I'm a sucker for in-depth bestiaries.

Todo seems to want hand cannons. Do I just give those or do I like, kill revenants?

I think it is the definitive edition. No more than 3 dlcs

>in depth bestiaries

wtf I love nioh now
how good is the bestiary, exactly?

Off the top of my head, here's a list of all of Nioh's DLC.

>Season Pass (Three story mode packs; two of which have been released)
>Crimson Sanada Armour (Pre-order for physical copies from some retailers and early digital purchases. The same set, albeit with a new name and different bonuses, is obtainable in the second DLC pack)
>Black Nio Armour (Included in all digital purchases and in pre-order physical copies in the US. PAL countries got screwed out of this one in physical copies)
>Gold Nio Armour (Included free in an update as a thank you for the game selling a million copies in two weeks)
>Nio weapons (Only in the digital deluxe)
>Demo helmets (Obtained for completing the demos. The forging texts are available as extremely rare drops from the appropriate bosses and the helmets from some revenants in NG+)
>Pre-order helmets (Japanese pre-order DLC from different retailers. Available if you get lucky and manage to kill a Japanese player's revenant)

Killing revenants, doing co-op, doing PvP and donating equipment all give you Glory. If you donate the specific things it asks you to it gives you extra Glory and the bonus rewards it mentions if you donate enough to fill the bars. Donations and time spent in the clan strengthen the boost it gives you, which is the main thing you want to pick a clan for.
It's pretty great. It has 3D models you can turn around, and several paragraphs of info about each character and enemy, with sections unlocked by fulfilling conditions usually related to killing that enemy enough times or doing certain missions.

Totally picking it up next month, then. My only request being you list more games with expansive bestiaries. So far I got Nioh and FFXII

Reasonably in-depth if you're into Japanese history and whatever. Though Nioh is sadly pretty skimpy on different enemy types. There's also a character viewer in the same format.

So what's going to be the final weapon class?

Nioh has objectively deeper combat than souls and it was a fun game. I wouldn't say it was harder than a souls game (but I wouldn't call most souls games either just punishing and requiring to learn a stage for all the tricks and enemy placement) but it was pretty damn solid and didn't feel like you were handed victories in fights at all either.

Of course, I went easy mode and mained hammer and spear with heavy armor which absolutely wrecked 90% of the games shit the vast majority of the time.

The single katana was probably the worst weapon in the game. Chain users did some pretty crazy stuff though, I will give them props for that.

I have been meaning to redownload it and start it fresh with a pure light armor, chain and kat build to see how I fair. Hammer, spear, and heavy was just like playing as the juggernaut after a certain point.

no idea, you can easily shove a naginata as a skin for spears though

I was thinking a staff or scythe because of Ninja Gaiden.

I would but I can't really think of any others right now sadly. Maybe someone else can chime in. Enjoy Nioh though, it's a great game.
Smart money is on it being Magic related since we already have two Dexterity scaling weapons, but then again that assumes the devs will be smart as well. I think it'll be one of those Buddhist staves like the bird tengu use.
Katana is actually a very strong weapon. All the weapons are strong and balanced well, with the exception of Kusarigama which is retardedly op.


But William is more of a samurai then a ninja

and Ninja gaiden is modern era, not sengoku

Not him and I apologize in advance for autismtropes, but here.

the bat bitch
what makes Kusarigama so good?

Most of the more modern SMT games do it pretty well, usually listing the creature's mythological/religious roots.

It's better at almost everything than all other weapons that have singular clear strengths, and has none of their weaknesses or weaknesses to speak of at all. It's not like you can't or shouldn't use the other weapons since they're all more than capable, but just equip a kusarigama and press some buttons and you'll see exactly what I mean. Just swapping to it won't immediately help you though if that's why you're asking, better to focus on the basics that were mentioned and practice them. Particularly mobility, that will help against Hinoenma which is a boss designed to make you more aware of it.

It had some nice ideas. Stances were good, even without the unlockable weapon skills it would be cool to see something like that integrated into a game with the weapon variety of souls. The stamina mechanics were better and made stamina feel just as important as health, and would be especially welcome in the 'You can't hit someone more then twice before they can roll out' souls PVP meta.
Revenants were a good idea too. I would have liked to see their AI get tuned or tweaked a little according to how their player played though. Like, the game tracks how much damage you take and deal in what periods of time, how frequently you use each attack, and so on every time you fight a revenant yourself, and then adjusts the aggression, priority of moves, and tactics of your own revenant accordingly.

>keep playing pvp
>All these new rankers who dont even TRY to ki pulse

There are like 20+ bosses and 30 different regular enemies. In the base game, before NG+.

The reasoning behind Ninja Gaiden is that it's made by the same devs and most of the weapons so far have been in Ninja Gaiden, although I guess that's not a very valid argument with so few weapons.
They do share the same feeling though, in terms of weight, animation, sound and effects.

of course it's better than souls

it has inarguably better combat

>The single katana was probably the worst weapon in the game

it's actually the best weapon in the game next to the kusarigama

Modern Team Ninja can into combat but fucking nothing else.

Should have just made Ninja Gaiden 4 desu.