Filename thread

filename thread

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That's surprisingly accurate.




>copy your mind into a machine
>kill self in the process so there is no overlap
>find out hell is real


> Your machine self eventually becomes so powerful it invades hell

>imagine stay alive long enough til you can upload yourself on machine
>pic happen
how would you feel if it were you?

Needs a name.

like the afterlife better be fucking good as hell considering the huge favor i just did for my digital self

this is why you have to replace the neurons of the brain one at a time to ensure continuation of consciousness


nigga what

welp im must be getting retarded in my old age because I don't get it

accurate name at least

starfox assault

>have some process to scan the neurons of your brain, their function, and all their connections, one at a time, and copy and replace them with nanomachine equivalents also one at a time, so you end up with a machine brain without there ever having been a hard boundary where 'you' died and got replaced with a copy.

He copies his brain to the computer assuming it will transfer his consciousness into the virtual world but instead it creates a copy of his mind in the computer.

a fool and his money

so if you just slowly die its not dying

When you 'move' a file on your computer, you aren't actually moving the data, but writing a copy of it then deleting the last (Well, disabling the old data's readability and making the space it's occupying free to write over).

If you uploaded your mind to a machine, most likely you'd be reading the information / makeup of your brain, and writing a copy of it digitally. So YOUR consciousness isn't going anywhere, you are making a digital clone of yourself. So if you want to hold up the pretense that your 'self' is transferring, you gotta die right after.

Bad analogy. When you "move" a file on a computer it just rewrites the logical path to the file, while physically it's still stored at the same place on the hard drive.

Still playing mental games to claim you didn't 'die', or that the the copy is the 'real you'


i got it after a bit, but the way the walls seem to slightly change colors and the doctor characters also being similar made me think it was implying he was quantum leaping between two

i can't believe i wasted time thinking about this, thanks anyway


your brain cells die and are replaced with exact copies by your body all the time. By your logic we die slowly and are just copied constantly.

Still hurts, but I laughed.

>move it to a second hard drive
>take the first hard drive out
>mfw still have magical link to hard drive no longer installed



Trust no one not even yourself

>continuation of consciousness
But you lose that every time you go to sleep.

check out my iwata cosplay

>we die slowly and are just copied constantly
>what is continuity of consciousness
You die when you fall asleep tho.

There's just SO MUCH wrong with this that I feel it had to have been intentional, and not just some hack webcomic.

>tfw you have died every single day since you were born over and over again yet still must continue on your miserable existance

>as good as hell
Don't you mean as good as heaven



D-Dog has marked an enemy.

>your brain cells die and are replaced with exact copies by your body all the time
no they're not. and most of the brain isn't replaced ever. every time you have a concussion you suffer that shit for life. even in the magical, mystical wonderland of the future where all parts of one's body could be replaced with medicine you couldn't fix broken brain; you'd just replace it with new brain - like adding new hardware to your computer to replace what was broken. it may kinda do the same stuff, but not exactly; and it wouldn't be the same, and the old part would be dead/destroyed.

this is like a 1:1 copy paste of that one comic page

some Sup Forumsfag please post what im talking about


That ain't true kid, stay in school

this can be applied to us replacing ourselves with a copy (a child) and slowly dying (old age)

the situation which you can just copy yourself wholesale in just a short period of time would cause some serious existential dread.

still his best one

>newfags won't get this

lol. ageing and dementia comes from the inability to make perfect duplication of cells, not that some brain cell is REALLY 80 years old


VN black mirror is my fave.

snibeti snab



Nigga is cause the cells are dying, not that they stopped multiplying. The brain mostly makes new sypnases not neurons

lol time to go back to school, and a school that dosent teach you your left and right brain do different things lol

Superman 48?

>legion content

>being this fucking new
Please fuck off to reddit where you belong

Wtf that does that have to with the fact that neurons rarely multiply, and there are differences in hemispheres, just look at the broccas area that are mostly in the left hemisphere

How the fuck would a machine be able to turn a person into this?

this is it thanks

it has a lot of free time and resources would be my guess

The story was basically a fantasy story with any sci fi elements beyond superficial labels. Actually a lot of evil supercomputer stories are just an evil wizard with the word wizard changed to computer.

AM is basically a god. It's not hard sci-fi or anything.

>backtracking from dont to "just not often"





I hope someday people who feel the need to draw stuff like this will realize that they are not contributing to the gestalt entity that is human funny.

Sup Forumsfag please leave
You degenerates are worse than bronies because at least they stay in their damn containment board.

Thats not the point, it might as well be zero, you made the claim that dementia comes because neurons aren't being duplicated but that's not the case at all, however neurons you have are just dying

>/vg/s guild wars thread
no really take a look real fast, itll become obvious a few posts in


>claim that the body has trouble making duplicates
>point out that the body cant make duplicates of something

>video says lost her hand
>she actually lost both hands


>Sup Forums

More like deglowing

>implying dissatisfaction for merkel's job performance is based solely on refugee's


What you made the claim that neurons are being replcaed all the time
>brain cells die and are replaced with exact copies by your body all the time.
This is not true, thats all im saying



The gtag threads also had some ups and down with that, but they still managed to survive, I guess.

Oh shit, you're right.
She actually hides the one without the hand on the high-five part, she must be ashamed.
Fuck, why they didn't gave her two?

>it's even more hideous from profile
Stop it already Bioware.

Communism. They can only afford to give her one and it is verboten for her to get a second when muzzies need their welfare to buy pressure cookers, sheet nails, and lawnmower supplies.

>I never asked for this

Wouldn't she get replaced by someone else? Like Schulz? He could turn Germany into a caliphate in less than 5 years.

Sniper Wolf

Why did you make me notice. Now I can only see how she tries to be enthusiastic but she's really ashamed of the whole thing.

To be fair any kid would hate being trotted around like a show pony, hands or no hands.

True, but the way she hides her missing hand gets to me. It's likely that there are other amputees in the audience and she still feels the need to hide it as if it was something to be embarrassed about.

first thought her shirt spelled gopnik

lot to unpack here


Anti-vaxxers confirmed to carry out a plot to become cyborgs and fight the Jews.