Let's have a vidya' venting thread. What's on your mind about video games lately, Sup Forums...

Let's have a vidya' venting thread. What's on your mind about video games lately, Sup Forums? It can be literally anything such as a certain game, a series, a company, developers, etc. Just say whatever you want (as long as it's game-related of course).

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mario is masturbating lmao

I am mad how vidya companies opens up a firm in tax haven countries where they don't need to pay their taxes, profits get higher every year, yet there are still layoffs by the 1000s

That or how my shitty internet connection won't allow me to play any online games

I fucking hate how japs can't fine tune their games, and instead just place some dedicated grinding stages in their games.

I hate how any gain in compute power is instantly dumped into frivolous shit like 2160p "4K" or polycounts and textures instead of better AI or more interesting meta-systems.

That, or sell DLC grinding places

I'd really like to start my second playthrough of Automata but I don't think I have the patience to deal with all the random freezes again.

I'm scared that the monhun community will start to get an influx of ignorant "fans" after the MonHun movie comes out. Especially when there are people out there who only latch onto a trend like a lamprey and start talking about it like they're connoisseurs. I'm really afraid people making assumptions of Monhun gameplay from the movie, and then be given something completely different in the game, and then call Monhun a bad series, which would spoil the already welcoming community. idk just spilling my autism somewhere

I just played DMC2 again for the hell of it and because I never played as Trish so I wanted to do that.
I knew it was shit, I remembered it being shit, I know it's notoriously shit but I still decided to play it for some reason. I beat the whole thing as Dante, tried Lucia mode, got to the horrendous water levels and finally decided to stop because I wanted to kill myself. Unless I missed it there isn't even a cheat code to unlock Trish, you have to beat the game in hard mode but I'm not doing that.
I even made a webm of me beating the first phase of the FINAL BOSS OF THE FUCKING GAME, I know you can't cheese the entire game like that (you can still cheese a good amount of it) but this is a good example that shows they didn't even try with this shitshow of a game.
I haven't played DmC and while I do think it looks bad, I refuse to believe it's worse than this hunk of shit.

I miss bots and splitscreen and everything is so samey now........ it's like something or someone has tried to destroy everything I treasured about gaming in order to destroy one of my last pleasures in life. This gen has been the worse one yet! someone make it better NOW

DMC 2 is always regarded as worse then DmC. Too bad, since it also had the best Dante design

Why cant we get a REAL Ragnarok Online sequel or will someone make a fucking clone already. I'm TIRED of playing RO. True suffering.

I've seen a few people say DmC is the worst but I don't think they actually played 2. And luckily I prefer DMC1 Dante which is convenient because he's in a good game.

I'm more so absolutely goddamn fucking sick of all the infighting within the community, and it really doesn't help that all the shitposting attracted the absolute worst kinds of people. I'm so fucking sick of console war shit in general, it's honestly extremely fucking childish.

>MonHun movie
I'm pretty sure the games will be safe. Single player games like RE might have gained some more popularity after the movie adaptations, but the actual MH gameplay and community are too unwelcoming for casual players to get into.

I'm also really scared that the movie will be complete dogshit and everyone would apply their judgement of it being a bad film onto the videogame franchise, which would also influence Capcom's thoughts about the West's reaction to the monster hunter videogames, and sooner or later might as well stop invlolving the west with it. Seems farfetched i know, but it's just a fear of mine.
fucking this. a day before Monster hunter world was announced MHG was as comfy as it always was. 2 minutes after the E3 presentation it was just 6 threads of console war bullshit.

I already got super pissed when MH3U and 4U got super big in the West and brought with it an influx of minmaxing spergs and redditors who would actively kick people from lobbies for not using "optimal builds" (remember GRONGIGAS OR GTFO?)

These are the same people who also encourage spamming traps exclusively for damage, flash bomb spam, and leaving the area to heal/sharpen and think you're an idiot for doing otherwise.

>I'm also really scared that the movie will be complete dogshit
Yeah I don't think you need to be scared, everyone already knows it will be shit. Just accept it.

>a day before Monster hunter world was announced MHG was as comfy as it always was
That cesspool hasn't been comfy since Cross release. Let alone a day before E3.

>a video game adaptation movie being good
No, you should worry that World will fucking tank in sales because the normalfags Capcom are trying to target will associate the game with a piece of shit box office flop.

I haven't been to /mhg/ in about a month or so, but I'm honestly scared to even go back. Last I checked it was just fucking abysmal, but I guess that's just circlejerkfest vidya generals in general.

>Hunting with randoms

Also this. Not to mention all the posts about MH at E3 that just so happened to be true for once, something I don't think anyone saw coming.

>MH at E3 that just so happened to be true for once
Nah. The leak was still fake, it just got extremely lucky with one of its predictions.

yeah i'm being a bit more melodramatic than i should be. it was at least tolerable before E3
i did

Recently, I'm upset that I'm not getting better at any games I play regularly.

My SR is on a constant downward slope in Overwatch.
My Rank in SFV bobs between Silver and Ultra Bronze.
I'm just losing, losing, losing and the only games I can do well in anymore are old ones like TF2 that are shitter filled and I was good at long ago it seems.

I don't know. Maybe there's just so much I don't understand about them and just aren't getting through practice and research. Maybe I'm over the hill in gaming, nearing 30 and I plateau'd already as just 'good but not really'.

Main problem is that it just added more fuel to the fire. The MH threads on Sup Forums have only recently started to become decent again.

I absolutely despite the ironic weeaboo community that's been evergrowing and latching on every moderately popular Japanese they see. What a bunch of insufferable fuckmunchs. Even people who only like western games aren't as insufferable because they at least stay on their side instead of becoming parasites on mine.

The quality of the threads always kinda go down between the game releases. But this time it was also worsened by the console wars. Honestly I wasn't playing MH yet back when it made a jump from PSP to Wii, but I'm guessing something similar was happening too.

>every moderately popular Japanese
like a celeb?

Time to stop wasting your life on multiplayer games and start working on that single player backlog. Otherwise you'll just keep chasing a carrot on the stick.

I'll never for the sake of my life understand how or why people prefer Western games over Japanese games, specially "modern" western games.

Japanese games are superior in practically all aspect. Artstyles, stories, characters, writing, voice acting, themes, plots, the variety is out of this world, and even fucking developers from quality of their devving to them as persons.

Instead of making a big fuss over everything they just make whatever the fuck they want and say "purese enjoy geemu" and that's the end of it. Because they know what they make doesn't appeal for everyone but of bitching about how everyone else has shit taste for not liking their game or whatever they don't give a shit and just keep appealing to the niche they know will enjoy their game.

I don't think it was as big as this was. I doubt this place is anywhere near as close to resembling what it was in 2009. Too many ironic shitposters that flood threads with wojaks and cuck memes.

I'm mad that this piece of shit recently cost me 30 fucking dollars.
Don't get me wrong, I love Custom Knight mode, but Yacht Club seriously fucked up by not making it something you can just pay to download.
What's bullshit is that they probably would have if Nintendo hadn't made these stupid things in the first place.

I figured it'd be worth a shot when 3U and 4U were out but quickly found that playing with the friends I played FU and 3rd with was a much better experience. Hell singleplayer was a better experience.

I despise the weeb community because anytime something worthy of value crawls out of their cesspit they get butthurt, claiming people only like it because of "irony" or some other nonsense. Also the whole "my side" type shit is juvenile as fuck. You can like both western and jap games you mongoloid. It has nothing to do with "sides", just varying and subjective tastes.

I actually had some pleasant experience with randoms in 4U, like clearing some 140s. You could still see HR100+ people at G-rank with no active skills, but I felt like the super endgame filtered out the community pretty well, leaving only the most dedicated and skillful players.

Dont feel so bad about overwatch.

Its just how good/ willing are you to retard wrangle and luck of the draw regarding your 5 retards.

But you are over the hill on fighting games.

>leaving the area to heal/sharpen and think you're an idiot for doing otherwise.
Wait, that's a BAD thing to do? Why?
If I'm about to get decked and I'm near the area exit, you bet your ass I'm gonna jump in the escape hatch and get my shit in order.

Victory or completion or whatever in a singleplayer game can be satisfying in a different way to a competitive multiplayer one, but I still favor the feeling of the latter.

I did Pyre once it released, and I had fun and felt good when I saw The End. But it wasn't like what a long winstreak with Birdie or Alex feels like yknow.

There are people who sharpen during the fight? I only do that when the monster flees to a different area.

why is mario jacking off to the bowserlings singing?

>go to mhg
>one of the first severeal posts is about how monhun will decay into some casual free to play shit
fuck this the google plus discord is a lot nicer
I do this too. especially when trying to solo G-rank brachydios and a fucking azure rath would come up randomly

Maybe the bigger problem was that I had to play with Australians?

It's a bad thing when you do it constantly. If an opportunity like yours arises then sure that's a great idea, but generally there's no reason to make a point of leaving the arena to feel 200% safe that you can heal/sharpen.
I can understand it more for sharpening than for healing because it takes longer but even then it's not like there's never an opportunity to do it and stay in the fight, especially if you have felynes/friends to distract the monster.

It becomes a problem when people who are used to leaving the area to sharpen or heal start doing arena quests or epics with only one area because they haven't learned when the appropriate times to do those things are.

Can't be worse than playing with French. Although I'm not sure how that matters, since the multiplayer was global for everyone outside of Japan.

aww not monhun the dauntless game shitposting. i need to go to bed it's 3 AM where i live

I fucking love SRPGs and wanna play and talk about them all the time, but the only SRPG most people seem to think exists is fucking Fire Emblem, I hate Fire Emblem so much because it's such a shit SRPG and is only alive thanks to waifushit. If it was good and fun to play I'd have no issue but it's so fucking boring and reliant on RNG and only recently did away with bullshit weapon degration.
I try to get my friends who are into FE into other SRPGs but not 1 of them has tried something else in the genre, this shit just irks me to no end because you have an SRPG with a fanbase of people who don't actually play SRPGs.
I wish FE would just drop the SRPG pretense and go full VN dating sim like the majority of it's fanbase wants, that way I don't have to get my hopes up thinking people are interested in my favorite kind of video game.
More importantly though, I wish turn based SRPGs were more popular in general, I played all the old ones and now all that's left are western ones with copypaste aesthetics and RTS. I'm glad I'm an art+codefag, I'm just gonna make my own at this rate.

>but the only SRPG most people seem to think exists is fucking Fire Emblem
I thought that was Disgaea.
I must say I really like everything about this series except the gameplay.

If I'm not mistaken the server browser prioritizes good (nearby) connections. Which it should.
Global mp is great but it shouldn't appear in the lobby list unless there were very few people online.
The guys I played with regularly were in the states and even with that ping it was a pretty good experience all around.

You should try FF tactics. This is my fav genre as well and I think xcom is boring as fuck 6 slots 4 classes wtf is that shit.

My hope is that the new MaRio and rabbits game will breath life into this beloved genre. And we can get new games.

Video Games have left me behind. The era I enjoyed is over, and it's never coming back.

I'm mad that Diablo III uses British voice actors instead of Americans like in Diablo II. The voice acting and the art direction give the game a Victorian feel instead of a proper medieval feel.

After finishing Deus EX: HR I was pretty sick of all the hacking they want you to do.
I assume you either hack everything or explore literally everywhere and knock out every guard to find these passcodes then open the pcs/doors. I don't mind the security terminals but everything else was generally fluff emails. Even worse if you saw the orig+reply on an unlocked pc then hacked one to just see the orig email.
It's cool that there is a proper minigame but when you're doing that every 30 seconds it gets really boring

Im angry about Protoss.

And Zerg.

And Terran.

I've played FFT and FFTA, amazing games, I don't understand why there aren't more games. It seems that outside of Disgaea, FE and SRW, most all other SRPGs released are one shot IPs on like, the Vita.
And yeah, I abhor Rabbids but if the game is a success and people consider doing more SRPGs, especially with a more whimsical art direction, I have to do my part and support it.
Marche was right, but in that situation I would find myself siding with Ritz; know the world is fake and that it's a dream, but still continue to make the best of it.
FE has breached it's way into mainstream, my friends at Uni play it, my discord friends play it, my fucking uber casual roomates play it. It's the vidya equivalent to Sword Art Online; pretty at a glance, gutter trash to anyone who actually spends 0.3 seconds analyzing any character or plotpoint past their quirk and design.

Hacking was mostly like this in the first game. Except the backtrace didn't stop after you hacked, so you only had a few seconds to read those fluff mails. I ended up just making screenshots of them and reading them later.

You talking about that new mobile FE game? I guess it might have become more popular with normies, since there are more phonefags among them than even nintenbros.
Still, on Sup Forums when people hear SRPG I think for the vast majority Disgaea is the first thing that comes to their mind.

I've been feeling this way for about the past 7 years. I'm finding it difficult to get into new games, even games I kinda like I end up watching someone else stream. I play maybe one or two new games a year.

I also made some bad long-term decisions and pray to god for a miracle. I love having free time but my future seems ever destined to work the rest of my days or end up losing everything I love.

3ds is a piece of shit that's sucking my enjoyment of MonHunt

I'm not sure who is more shithead, Nintendo for making such a piece of shit or Capcom for developing the game on it

ok it's been fun talking to you monster hunter bros. goodnight

at some point, life must matter more than ones hobbies. I know what you're feeling, user.

That said, I still enjoy the odd foray into an old favorite.

You guys are probably younger than me, and I'm still enjoying quite a few of the new games that come out these days. Get your shit together.

>It becomes a problem when people who are used to leaving the area to sharpen or heal start doing arena quests or epics with only one area because they haven't learned when the appropriate times to do those things are.
Yeah, fuck that.
I only do farcaster escapes in arenas when I'm about to have some motherfucker eat my lunch because I picked a bad area to let loose as a gunner since I know I won't survive the attack or dodge in the time I need to "sheath" my gun/bow and then dodge. I'm getting better at it, but I still do it when shit gets heavy because I'd rather be out of the picture for a few second than lose one of the retries. Otherwise, I'm generally on-point with blademaster weapons because I know I can have some way to deal with almost anything.

I sharpen when I lose two or three colors (depending on the weapon) starting from the max. Otherwise, I feel like I'm probably not doing as much as I could be, and I might also risk bouncing.
That said, it's less of an issue for things like horns, hammers, and great swords. Or at least I think so. With purple and white sharpness, I'm willing to go as absolutely low as green with those, but no further.

Often times, I will think about how a lot of the "magic" of gaming is gone due to nearly every game seemingly having a political agenda these days, but then I remember that I stopped being a hardcore gamer long before social justice took over everything, so I don't really have a right to complain. The scariest part is, my love and adoration for video games would probably come back if only I picked up a controller again.

Well, yeah, you should never go down to yellow. But as long as you don't hit the armored parts, you don't really NEED the purple or whatever is the highest available to you level of sharpness. With purple you MIGHT be able to cut through some of the armored parts without bouncing, but you shouldn't really be attacking those anyway, because you would still do nowhere near as much damage as if you were aiming for the soft parts.
Sure, the damage multiplier is nice, but I don't really feel like it's worth interrupting the flow of the hunt for. Unless I'm in a group and someone mounts the monster.

>losing multiplier % bonus because too lazy to spend 5 seconds to resharpen

Even autistic japanese speedrunners don't sharpen mid-hunt. It must be a mean DPS loss even by their standards.

I don't bother with purple too much, since I prioritize 3 slot weapons like a faggot.
>FE Heroes has gotten this popular
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
I know it will never happen, but I really wish the asshole in charge of Shining will get fired one day (along with Tony Taka) and it will return to it's proper multi-genre glory (as I mentioned in another thread, I'd hope for a simultaneous release of at least an SRPG, a dungeon crawler, and an action-adventure with multiplayer). I don't even know what Shining games are like anymore because we've never gotten them since the fucking PS2 era.

Monhun is already a bad and rehahsed series to begin with. It is basically the yearly FIFA of grinding time for nothing.

Depends on if I'm being targeted or not. In a multiplayer hunt, I don't have a choice if I'm the one the monster has its eye on. In a single-player, I'll do whatever the fuck. I carry at least 3 flash bombs just for the sake of getting my shit together.

I can't wait for all of the "I wear glasses so you'll think I'm smart" balding movie reviewers on youtube to call it problematic.

Not to mention wages in the industry are still low despite of that, and work conditions for devs in general haven't changed either.

I have a backlog that is over 100 games long, but I have no motivation to play them when I'm not around other people. Even single player games are more enjoyable when played with friends. I have no friends to play video games with anymore. I used to be fine playing alone, but lately it's just been lonely.

I started thinking about Tokyo Mirage Sessions and I always get mad how much of a mediocre diet persona game it is.


I am extremely frustrated that I can't discuss my favorite series here due to people using the threads to falseflag and fling shit back and forth just to annoy others when they don't even care about the series in the slightest.


I'm less than thrilled with the direction the Paper Mario series has gone. Really hope they move back to the classic-style game play and characters and stuff.


What series if you don't mind me asking?

You're not alone on that, it'll never not bother me. That Paper Mario Pro Mode has been giving me a fun time though at least so if you haven't played it I recommend it:

>Really hope they move back to the classic-style game play and characters and stuff.
They won't, the next game will have a new gameplay style & no return of unique characters, read pic related (read the Post-Color Splash Release section).

I don't like DLC that was obviously cut from the game; I especially hate it when the devs lie through their teeth and say it wasn't cut.


why won't they make Castlevania games anymore the only game that came close to capturing the CV feel was Dark Souls

>PM Pro Mode
Thank you for this

This made me mad especially with sfv.

And kind of with splatoon, but at least they don't charge it when they release it as opposed to making the game stay fresh

No problem, have fun dude, I hope we get more rom hacks for this game now. Also be careful, the game crashes at times when it comes to the newer stuff (like that Goomba King rematch, hitting the tree will cause it to crash after the fight ends no matter what) so save a decent amount.

No Man's Sky is getting a highly undeserved review flip, despite the game still being fairly barebones and still not having all of what was promised in it, and people are defending it in droves. This kind of shit is why video games are so bad now and I hate it.

A sect of fanboys are still trying their hardest to paint the new Monster Hunter game black with non-issues or untrue things despite the fact that the more we see about the game the better it looks, whether they're Nintendo fans or just deluded purists doesn't matter at this point, it's fucking annoying either way. And it's made worse by people being ignorant to the root of the problem, being this side of the fanbase, the other side hasn't done anything wrong but rightfully call these people out.

Paid online is the biggest cancer of console gaming and should have never caught on as much as it has

Those are the three big ones right now.

To be fair, that plant has dem DSLs.

