Hey, Sup Forums

hey, Sup Forums

How do I git gud at PSO:BB?

I played for like 7 hours today until I unlocked Hard difficulty.

Now all of the enemies are resilient as fuck and they bitchslap me to death in two hits.

It's probably my gear... When can I expect to get a better weapon for my RAmar?

Picture related.

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idk what do you think grind
you think you can just go straight into hard no way son

You grind until you've leveled yourself up enough / leveled your mag up enough / have access to better weapons and armor. Make sure you're playing in One Person mode if you're going it alone, it drastically reduces the enemy HP and defense while still rewarding the same EXP.

Right on... I'll grind for a bit on normal difficulty, then give it another shot.

Later, though, probably... My eyes are fucking fried.

Yeah, I was playing on One Person mode.

84 experience per Booma kill compared to 10 experience on normal.

Died at the Monest. It spat out like 7 of those mosquito things and they swarmed me.

Doesn't hurt to keep a backup weapon like a Shot or a Partisan in your inventory, then. Especially a Partisan, since you'll need to get used to using one to deal with lizards in Episode 4.

Are you on Ephinea? You might be able to find some other players from Sup Forums that will play with you. The game is fun solo, but it's even better in a party. Other than that make sure to have multiple weapons for multiple situations. You're a ranger but you'll still be making use of melee weapons from time to time. Don't forget you can quick-swap the weapons too.

What is a Shot?

So far I've only used handguns, rifles, and mechguns. Haven't found a shot yet.

The weapons shop sells partisans but my ATP isn't high enough to use them yet, I'm trying to level my mag solely with DEX.

Uh oh. You don't really need DEX as a RAmar. There is your problem. If you're on Ephinea, make a new char, use shared storage to transfer your new chars Mag to your current character, and start over on the Mag, this time focusing PWR.

Yeah, I'm on Ephinea.

Everyone in the lobby is like level 100+ though, I've only seen a few people at lower levels.

I'll keep that in mind, though. I can use brands and whatnot, but I'm pretty shitty at melee.

Grind more, don't jump to hard mode and fuck about in the forest, stay on normal but move to other areas. From what I remember you shouldn't bother the jump to hard until around 30-40ish, after you can complete the ruins in episode 1. Even then if you're on Blue Burst there should be Episode 2 and 4 content you can do as well. Just take it as a slow, gradual grind.

Fuckin' A...

Alright, I'll do that. Kinda disheartening since I evolved my current mag twice already, but I suppose it must be done if I'm going to be decent at the game.

It happens. It's a good learning experience, so don't feel too discouraged as leveling your Mag can be quick for the first 30-40 levels and especially so at your level where you have easier access to Mates.

I should mention that the reason why you don't need DEX is because most Rangers stat growths grant tons of ATA already, making it possible to use ranged weapons pretty quickly and also making it hard to miss. Leveling a Mags PWR will ensure you hit the ATP requirements for weapons like Partisans and whatnot much more quickly and you'll do overall far more damage.

Right on. That makes sense.

I just got a fresh mag.

Was also wondering if I should save these grinders until I get a weapon I won't replace.

>tfw I hear children complaing about 2 percent drop rates for items in modern games

It's not a bad idea to horde some Grinders, but don't feel like you need to go Ultra-conservative as they tend to drop like candy. They're also not bad alternatives for bad drop luck, as more common weapons can benefit decently from them. Of course you're still going to be wanting those good drops eventually.

This. There is no better feeling than getting an ultra rare drop in PSO. No other game I've played has really hit me like that.



>I played for like 7 hours today until I unlocked Hard difficulty.
psobb's level based difficulty gating is not the kind of progression you should follow

the original game gated the next difficulty setting behind doing a whole run of the game, you had to beat the find some pillars in each area and activate them to get to the fourth area, then beat the boss to unlock the difficulty

the pillar stuff is now in multiplayer mode, so if you're playing solo don't worry about that
just do the singleplayer quests, like all of them, you'll get good experience, the storylines are pretty okay, and it's more like the original progression

once you've nailed that down and you just want to powerlevel, THEN go to the higher difficulty settings, beat up the robots (if you can damage them) since they're easy as shit and give mad exp and the boxloot is good, then exit to the lobby and repeat

though actually it should be noted that powerlevelling like that is kind of stupid
the real powerlevelling is playing the multiplayer quest "towards the future" endlessly, since it's pretty much just the bosses

but holy hell does that get old when you do it for the 5000th time

>TTF endlessly
This for sure. It's essentially a boss rush with very short stages inbetween. Great for leveling but it gets taxing pretty quickly due to repetition. Party play is recommended to make it less so.

I'll give the quests a try.

One more question though...

What sort of armor attachments should I be using? I'm guessing I'm using the wrong ones.

the accuracy boosting units are really only needed for your class if you picked up a weapon with a higher accuracy requirement than you currently have
power is your normal attack damage, so you should go with that

Since you're a RAmar and have enough Accuracy as is, you should focus on Attack.

Much, much later on there will be some more unique attachments worth using, but for now anything that ups your damage is likely the most suitable.

Alright, sounds good. Thanks.

>This. There is no better feeling than getting an ultra rare drop in PSO. No other game I've played has really hit me like that.
That's because rare weapons were in fact, actually rare.
Which is why I hated cheaters so much, swing a guy with a Tsumikiri J-sword and thinking if they cheated to get it or they got it legit was the worst.

>better gameplay than pso2
ok my dog

nostalgia is a hell of a drug


Is this game fun? I want to try it now

It's extremely fun.

Google "Phantasy Star Ephinea".

It's pretty old but for me at least it's been successful at the test of time. I pretty much go back to it for a few months annually. That sort of nostalgia/love might be difficult for people just getting in however. Thankfully it's free so it's not really wasteful to give it a shot in anything other than time. Ephinea is probably the best way to play for everyone newcomer or old.

Explain the feelings you get when you hear this theme.


>Black HUmar
>Tall as fuck

And Funky was created.




>0.00012% drop rate from an enemy that only shows up a maximum of 4 times a run
>Or 0.0000007% drop from an enemy that's common
V1 was a special kind of hell. Is it any wonder everyone Gamesharked items in?

Nothing will feel the same as getting a Red Ring on a server where it was legitimately hard to get one.

>Red ring drop
>Someone take it before you

I always instantly jumped to hard when i could. The experience difference is too good to miss. Especially if you pair that with some quests where you have an npc to help you in the forest.

What was the point if playing non casts in the hunter or ranger classes?
Basic spells < trap vision and aliment immunuty

I like being a brawler with shitty spell

>someone has a lavis cannon
>claims it isn't duped

you can use cheat engine on Blue Burst SCHTHACK's server and you won't get banned for it. I cheated to have infinite TP on one of the mage classes, whatever they were called, because it was so fucking gay running out of TP constantly. I don't understand how mages are even playable in that game legitimately.

PSO/Ver.2 DC > PSO:BB >>>>>>>>>> PSU > PSO2

Infinite resta healz, dont need to carry tps

Shifta/Deband if you didn't have any nigras with you


RAmarl and HUneweal were great classes. Good stats, and level 20 spells in Ep2/BB.

HUmar and RAmar though... I swear on my RAmar I might as well have been a cast. It took 4 uses of Resta to heal myself after every hit.

Forces were expensive to maintain but they could put out lots of consistent damage. I usually used a high hit double saber for the TP steal. Usually on trash mobs I could dance around. Early on, you just save TP for rough situations.

In v1 on DC there was a glitch that would let you dupe without even using codes so all the rares spread all over within the first 3 months. We used to use a hacked -MST to PK Japanese players with rares then we'd snatch the rares and dupe them with the glitch.

This one's legit. But it's also on BB. I had two Syncestas I traded for in preperation for it.

HUmar couldn't use S/D.
Which is why you would always have S-Red's Blade with you

>0 Dark
Bad luck

>XxSuperSaiyanGookuxX walks over your body
>Takes your weapon
>He keeps playing like nothing happened

I found 3 mags so far in the Mines within the span of an hour.

...is this normal?


that's what you think, they are working adults that have a job and probably a family, kids don't play mmos nowadays, they are right to complain. they don't have time for your shit and they will make the game cater to them

Be nice to abandoned mags

A guy in my group eventually unlocked the J sword and I remember it was some really stupid autistic requirement to do so

Played through most of the game with my older and younger brothers.
Force a best

It wasn't that bad, you just needed to kill 23k enemies with the Sealed J sword.

You door snipe like a motherfucker. Now you got gud on RA.

Also, your mag stats are incredibly important for your own dps and ability to equip the best weapons, so you better feed that nig all the time.

Sato is the best Mag.

You are correct. Nidra is also acceptable, though.

Sato a cute!

>they bitchslap me to death in two hits.
>It's probably
No, that's just how PSO is. The idea is to not get hit. Remember, it's always balanced for four players unless you're in solo mode. So not getting hit is hard and if you do get hit twice you are dead.