Badly describe video games and other user's will guess. I'll start

Badly describe video games and other user's will guess. I'll start.

A mixed bag of cripples, autists, and minorities fight each other for no god damn reason at all.

Team Fortress 2



Next one.
Man retires early and somehow everyone wants him dead because of it.

Red Dead Redemption?

I bet you can't name them all.

Nope. Newer than that.

Anime swordsman discovers that swintrunks have a higher armor rating than military grade equipment.

Just diamond is unbreakable with switched up names.

Persona 4

Everybody fucking DIES, but not really



A literal real-life internet troll is salty at a devoted imouto

Everybody died in DR1 though.

Danganronpa 2, specifically, but good enough for me

You kill thousands upon thousands of people by pressing Square and occasionally Triangle.

Somebody famous burns your house and kills grandpa and sometimes it is real and sometimes it is MAGIC.

Ah, I couldn't be bothered to stick through 2. I liked 1 but 2 had HOPEMAN. Loved the memes, hated the character itself.



Every hack-and-slash game ever.

A little furry boy beats up an old man

A sadistic megalomaniac makes people jump around for their own pleasure

roight then lads

>Ike with a Hammer
>Shovel Girl
>Shovel Knight
>Crimson Witch
>Battle Fantasia Girl?
>Muramasa Protag Female
>Not Joseph Joestar
>Ms. Marvel
>Saburo Nishikoyama
>Cu Chulainn

How did I do senpai?


You sit in your own shit reading a book until you get smart enough that the book tells you to kill it and go fight someone. If you lose that fight, you turn into a book. If you win, you turn into the crazy guy you were told to kill.

You kill yourself to save your daughter.


That's a REALLY bad description of Dragons Dogma's story

Bioshock 2?

>Badly describe video games
He gets full marks

Dynasty Warriors

No, in BioShock 2 you just die while saving your daughter

Bioshock Infinite?

Lecherous high-schooler crosses dimensions and travels through time because he really wanted to tell his absentee father 'fuck you'.


You fuck ayyy lmao's, and there's some tentacle shit in the background

Mass Effect Andromeda?

Sort of the entire series, but yes

You use a frisbee to kill zombies.

Stereotypical Russians do stereotypical Russian things.

Dead Rising?

Angry bald American man shoots brown people.

you kill bingo players

Max Payne (3?)

max payne 3


Bunch of "literal who's?" animu's somehow manage to get their own fighting game.


smash 4

Their own? Sure this isn't about BlazBlue Corss Fighting with RWBY?


A family takes turns throwing each other off mountins.


Hint, it's like bottom barrel weeb trash.

ToThink more Slavic.

Dengeki bunko
Either that or Nitro Plus Blasters (?)



The main character is dying irl,but the game is his dream.

Ding ding ding!

Drawn to life.
Fucking rip.

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax?

Warriors series and most PG games also fits to that

Eternal Sonata

Your brain is sent back in time to stop a disease from causing the end of the world.

Yeah, after I posted I realized I didn't specify which one was right. It was Dangeki.

Virtues Last Reward?

Meant for Please be patient. I have autism.

A boy and his girlfrirnd go to see a lunar eclips,when suddenly...

Close enough
Was thinking ZTD

Kids make some weird ass fruit pact and end up fucking up some old bastards life dream.

best castlevania

ahh yeah you're right, I forgot about the sequel. That game really felt weird, what the hell happened to Kyle?

Kingdom Hearts?


Man goes on a stabbing spree to justify his family's actions

That was fast. Good job user.


A man with no past goes on an adventure and kills a dragon

Melty Blood?

Final Fantasy X?

Literally Star Wars,but not as memorable.

1 scruffy guy and 4 loli's explore the world together.

You cheeky cunt

Already answered


>Kara no Kyoukai
>"Literally who's"
I am absolutely butt-blasted right now


Star Wars the Force Unleashed?


Orphan detective boy travels the globe with a hot Native American women,her retainer,(not)Antonio Banderas,a Giant Drunken Cat who knows kung fu,a prima Donna vampire,and a Russian Ninja.


It's a game where gems are less valuable than a mummy's bandages and Antiquity's Blue Helmets attack you if you fuck up.


You said "literally"

Shadow Hearts 3


Russian /k/ Simulator 2017