SAO Gun Gale Online game for PS4/XB1/Steam
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>brings sword to a gunfight
Fuck SAO
Is it a first person shooter?
If it doesn't have online pvp battle royale mode then I give it -1/10 instead of usual 0/10
What's with that shit sickdark color palette?
Why does she have a lightsaber?
Switch BTFO again
Is this supposed to be Freedom Wars
>Cyborg Ninja Brings a Katana to a Gun fight
>Freedom Wars
Mna I miss this game
>Western release still doesn't have voice synthesizer to say your name
>Knowing anything at all about sao
People still like SAO?
Unironically most A-sians do. But not mee. I lovfu gaijin games. Can someone post the cowboy-chan meme ? i want to bask in it's glory.
>Not wanting to know most important fact about SAO
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>cyborg ninja brings a sword to a giant sawblade fight
Does it allow suicide pact with my waifu?
It's probably shit like every other SAO game. I'll wait for .hack.
>Xbox One
I can understand PC port but of all the anime game they could publish/develop for One, they choose SAO?
Not Tales, God Eater, .hack or Digimon. No, Bandai Namco choose SAO for Xbox One...
And it looks like Dimps will reuse their Freedom Wars assets for this game.
I guess Freedom Wars IP is dead.
Because the game they're in is supposed to be western military shooter.
Because Kirito can only ever use a sword, even in games specifically made with a focus on using guns, they have to shoehorn how super good at swords he is.
Probably cause it's a shooter
And here's another gif because it looks fucking dumb
I know
I down for weeb games on the Xbone, but fucking SAO.
Fuck that noise.
Just watch.
The game will sell more than G.U. Last Recode.
Well obviously it will .hack has been dead for a decade
The coreography and animation is really good, Kirito simply has hypersonic reflexes and it's a fucking videogame
It looks cool so it's good
I thought the gungale arc was going to be decent until it got down into THIS GUYS A RAPIST!
What's the deal with this series and rape?
Yeah, SAO fights are really fucking good. I remember being very impressed while watching Ordinal Scale.
Just turn off your brain for the "plot" and enjoy the ride.
To an anime fan, the worst thing imaginable is getting your waifu raped or stolen by someone, since this is a power fantasy the MC manages to stop the rape before it happens and keep the girl
>lvl 100 boss battle
Yeah that was fucking bullshit, how were people with only SAO abilities, so no magic, and flying supposed to kill that monstrosity?
It looked fantastic, but fucking come on, this is why you don't let programmers make an entire game themselves, you need proper designers
I only watched the first season of SAO, and before that I had read the LN.
I was incredibly disappointed by the fights which were very lame in comparison to their description in the book.
The Perdiction Lines mechanic could be interesting if implemented well, and it would differentiates the game from generic fps #8491
Trap kirito is the only good thing about this series
>Why does she have a lightsaber?
It's a dude and his avatar (avatars are randomized in the anime for this game) took on the appearance of a feminized version of himself.
Also, I'm interested. If they do a good job, this could be a fun, anime-styled shooter. GGO happened to have a nice aesthetic.
Also, claim your SAO waifu.
>What's the deal with this series and rape?
Shitty writing, but then again, most people like that in real life would do the same thing.
At least the games are in an alternate universe and skip over the sections that would have rape in them.
I was expecting more traps
Don't they make the point of saying that the swords in game are shit and nobody even used them before Kirito
but's he's the the main character and has an extremely fast reaction speed so he makes it work
>cyborg ninja is cyborg ninja
>self-insert fuccboi has "good reflexes"
Same thing.
freedom wars wasnt a very good game
Didn't main antagonist also use the sword? I'm sure they got more popular later. I wonder how that GGO yuri spin-off handled this.
>most people like that in real life would do the same thing
No, they would stay a sad creepy orbiter forever, not suddenly change personalities and rape.
t. me
Might be cool if they have pvp, but I highly doubt they will, or if they do include it I wouldn't be surprised if it's shit
I liked the rare case of yandere guy.
and not giving a fuck
>People still like SAO?
Sup Forums probably does knowing their bad tastes
Aincrad > Ordinal Scale > Mother's Rosario > Fairy Dance > Phantom Bullet
Suguu> Sinon> Tsundere Asuna> Keiko> Rika> Yuuki> am I kawaii uguu Asuna
They've already confirmed it to be kinda similar to the other sao games, so far there's 4 (could be up to 8) player coop and 4v4 versus
Placing my bet.
It's the 2nd worst genre in the world.
Loot shooter.
Fuck SAO, it popularized isekai to it thw point it bexame a pandemic.
Can you dual wield smgs or is that a super special skill for the fasest player on server?
It's probably a hunting game instead.
I know nothing about SAO, why does everyone hate it?
>no portable version
>on Xbone
It'll be the worst selling SAO game.
> Namco Bandai finally green light a new .hack project.
> Then proceed to shoot themself in their foot announcing a new SAO game, killing the hype and in the process any hope for a new age of .hack content.
T-thanks Bandai.
Wasted potential, badly written, power fantasy self-insert shit.
and harem shit.
Because it's popular on reddit.
It's just kinda below average 4/10 stuff, but a combination of it being super popular and the impact it had and is still having on the industry has lead to it being hated.
Post SAO girls!
There is non. All of them have that generic A1 pictures looks.
Here ya go buddy
>develop freedom wars 2
>call it sao
why is this allowed?
Fuck Vita Shitters. You and your shitty crippled ports have been holding back PS4 games for far too long. Just KYS and your dumb platform.
>adaption of worst arc
>players can self insert as their own character
>ugly as fuck dated graphics despite being console only
great another Last Song tier trash side game. i hope they at least announce another DLC pack for Hollow Realization. something, anything to hold us over until Aquaria can get their shit together and bring us a proper game with my waifu Phillia and daughter-fu's Strea & Premiere. besides which what's even the point of a Sinon focused story now, when they've already fleshed through Sinon's story in the existing gameverse (particularly in HR)
He's in a video game
Nah SAO is more of a Sup Forums sort of thing
Sup Forums likes their anime pretentious and with qt lolis
Wasn't this ironic?
Stupid sexy official art.
>get bullied for saving your family with a gun
>4 episodes in a cave
>sword made from crashed rocket
>suddenly rape
At least death gun was kinda cool.
SAO is absolute trash.
But I've watched every single episode.
It is my ultimate guilty pleasure, anyone else?
>Post SAO girls!
best girl right here
Its a fun trainwreck to watch, especially with other. Toonami General was always a blast when SAO was on.
Is this official art?
God is dead
Every day I stray farther from God's light.
>game companies actually think we want this
>harem anime
>But MC has a definite canon girl that he's definitely in love with
>But he still ends up with a harem without even trying
I know I should be expecting this from self-insert power fantasy BS, but that's probably my biggest gripe with SAO.
They fucked it up hard half way through season 1. Crashed and burned into a weeb anime.
It's fucking Dimps what did you expect.
Really looks like Dimps just copy pasted Freedom Wars.
Huh I never realized has their ever been a anime styled FPS?
Why is the towel covering his chest if he's not a girl, anyway?
Nips love fucking Xbox over
Look at Sega. The only weeb game they brought over to the bone was that Valkyria Revolution garbage
It makes you think it's a girl so you feel attracted to it.
To give the illusion that he "might be". It's sad as fuck is what it is.
episodes in a cave
I ain't even mad.
>>adaption of worst arc
That would be Fairy Dance
>has a wife and child(digital)
>has good career prospects for the future
>kicks ass at video games
>gets his best ideas staring deep into the cracks of girl's asses
admit it, Sup Forums. you're just jealous of her(male)
>Is this official art?
Xer is not real, so it would be real pathetic to be jelly of a cartoon character.