>Sir, we need a voice actress to overpay for a mediocre, samey performance!
>Say no more, I have her on call
Sir, we need a voice actress to overpay for a mediocre, samey performance!
Other urls found in this thread:
post more cute girls
shut UP!!! le Joost! Joost feet so cute Joost goddess Joost so just frick off i love the JOOST! XD
Joost is the best.
Ah, just like how it usually done with Japanese VAs.
>samey performance
Same as what?
Laura Bailey sounds the exact same in every role since 2010
>was about to rush to her defence
>realised that I'd officially be one of those people defending their favourite VAs online against strangers
I've been on the net for almost 2 decades but I'm still not quite ready to ring that bell just yet
She doesnt even speak for the entire game
Didnt read the filename, saw the second comment and thought it was joost
Binary Domain came out in 2012
Wonderful 101 came out in 2013
Where's your proof?
you have to bear in mind that many people on Sup Forums are underage kids. 7 years ago they weren't even self-aware.
>Sir, we should cast Troy Baker for the protagonist of this new game.
>He costs too much!
>Don't worry, I know a guy.
He's better than Troy so I'm perfectly fine with this.
Matt is based and /ourguy/, redditor
Fact of the matter is, Matt gives respect to the industry that put him on the map and still does anime work in addition to his other ventures.
Troy Baker thought he was too good for anime and ditched it in hopes of a real acting career. Fortunately, he just does shitty western cartoons and the occasional video game.
Fucking asshole.
Matt is an adorable fuck and I want to suck his dick.
>I did not choose to be quiet....
His performance as Pain is too fucking good.
Its also funny how they had to get Matt to do Pain in the Rock Lee spin off because Troy couldn't be bothered lmao
>Another VA thread where someone assumes the VA decides what voice to use.
If only there was someone on the production team in charge of choosing and directing voice overs. Someone who's generally responsible for what kind of performance they'd like a character to have.
Fucking crazy.
Dumb whore that can't even play.
go play Blood Rayne 2 you dense shitlord
>shitting on DnD master based guy matt
Fuck off
locate the nearest blunt object and smash it into your head until you hemorrhage
You're dumb like her for thinking its her in the OP.
>run a voice actor DnD game and televise it on the internet
>ban orion acaba, a skilled voice actor and beloved member of the show, for trying to think outside the box too often
>keep your neurotic mess of a non-voice-actor girlfriend in the show, even though she basically does not roleplay her character at all, frequently does stupid bullshit that derails the episode, has literal nervous breakdowns on camera, and is generally despised by the audience
What did Matthew "+2 Pussy Whip" Mercer mean by this?
>Laura Bailey
I didn't need to fap again
that show is the biggest scam ever
>thinking outside the box
Not surprised he banned him
Meant for
Orion was That Guy, Marisha is The DM's Girlfriend. Neither is a positive, but when That Guy pisses off a group enough, including lashing out at the fans, they get the boot.
>all of these mr. magoos thinking it's joosten
>pretending to like the embodiment of 'that guy' for you's
Imagine being so blind and obese you think her and Joosten look alike
I want to Laura her Bailey if you know what I mean
Kind of this. I didn't really mind her at first but she's in like every game now and I can't really say she does very distinctive voices, I can tell right away when she does a character.
More like Laura BAEley amirite lads?
>Sir, we're making a new Ace Combat game!
>Already on the phone
I doubt voice actors make that much money. They also live in a high cost of living place.
More like
>Sir, we're making a game!
He's in pretty much everything
giv prety voice actor gf
>you will never hear what her beautiful moans sound like as she's climaxing
That's not Ashly Burch
Is that Olympia Vale from Halo 5?
>he thinks the female orgasm is real
It's a myth to make you try harder.
Don't you have your third chemo of the day to do, Orion? Or was it your HIV treatment? In any case, don't forget to lock your doors when you leave.
>we need a black guy
>say no more
name a voice actor who would be better at giving head then laura bailey
look at those succulent lips
She would never swallow, too 'empowered.'
>ywn be Travis Willingham and just gorilla prone bone your qt wife every night.
Why is life suffering? Why do chads always win?
What exactly did he do to warrant that much ire? This is very interesting to me.
>Lawfag is actually Chaosfag in real life as well as vice versa
Nothing terrible, just minmaxed and played to win a lot. It's not as if he was neglecting his character though, the audience loved Tiberius.
Wasn't mercer #WithHer ?
The fact he has both cancer and AIDS and got his home robbed means he must've angered a powerful deity in the past. Also he's a metagaming and spotlight stealing party member in a group game. You can also see him visibly lusting at his female coplayers, whom one is the wife another player and another is the DM's girlfriend. I mean I get Laura Bailey's qt and lewd as fuck, but you just can't compete with the man that is Travis Willingham, especially if he's right there.
>58 posts
>No Joost feet
Fuck Sup Forums
Sounds like really petty shit. What made him "That Guy"? Competitiveness?
His girlfriend is a super-feminist hippie, he has to be #WithHer or his pussy will get cut off.
I actually like his voice, I wish he did more Goliath style voice acting though
Fuck me, he really is Chaos Incarnate.
What is this show called anyway? I have no interest in basement dweller tier tabletop games but it might be worth a look for some of this shit.
He has a pretty distinct voice
>You can also see him visibly lusting at his female coplayers,
No you can't, the only time he made any kind of a sexual joke is when Tiberius got drunk and it was tame compared to some of the shit Scanlan has said
You take your reasonable post and leave this place forever. Its for your own health and sanity.
What actual celebrities have appeared?
At least he's /our/ Chad. Dude loves DnD and musical theatre.
vin diesel i think
Every American loves musical theatre. They're incapable of expressing anything any other way, it's disgusting.
Full on tried to take over other people's personal stories, argued with DM over the rules constantly, metagaming was literally the only way he played. But the real reason was he was a cunt to his fellow players and the fanbase.
Thats not black voice, thats the voice to use on any respectable character
Look at her. She clearly gets roles with her vagina.
As an actor you either get roles with your vagina or with your ass. There is no other way to get roles.
I thought the majority of the Persona 4 english dub was fucking awful, especially Naoto, Nanako, Yukiko, Chie and Teddie, but at least her Rise was decent. Not hard to seem decent when all the others are fucking awful.
Nigga, what?
She clearly gets roles with her throat.
>I have her on call