Thoughts on video games?

Thoughts on video games?

Total waste of time, or okay? If you play, how do you moderate how much time you spend?

2 hours a day max

I've had this conflict in recent times...I've been thinking about getting a PS4 or XBOX1 to have some games to play plus a decent thing to play netflix/whatever off of. Video games suck because there are so many better things you can be doing with your time, but they're soooo fun...I can't have them around or I'll lose interest in my other hobbies like playing guitar and reading and shitposting on Sup Forums. But ultimately it boils down to being a fucking moneypit that causes me to avoid them.

Depends on the game. Games that have you solve puzzles and challenges are like brain games and are actually beneficial. Games that are 90% cutscene and jam packed with multiculturalism and feminism and other gamergate propaganda are about as good for your brain as a lead sandwich.

>multiculturalism and feminism and other gamergate propaganda

jesus christ am i on Sup Forums

Sup Forums has infected the entire website and needs to be excised like the cancer it is

It's not Sup Forums, it's just the culture we live in.

>tfw I dont hang out with irl friends anymore because all they want to do is talk politics, feminism and BLM.

Did you actually somehow miss gamergate? It's not even a Sup Forums thing.

single player games are total waste of time.

multiplayer with ranking ladder are good to bring out competitiveness and increase test.

proof is me d1 league player and 6'5" 1/2/3/4 achieved

They're fine as long as you dont form your identity around it.

Video games with friends or just for a little while is good. If you play enough to consider yourself a "gamer" it becomes a problem.

Or you could just leave since no one is forcing you to be here and read opinions that you don't agree with/want to hear.

I spent most of HS playing DDR, cardio was great. In the past year I've only played Rocksmith 2014. Puzzle games are great too, Picross, Layton and Pheonix Wright, somewhat.

I frequent several boards including /vp

It's not a /pol thing it's a societal thing.

>Lets get rid of the only semi-containment board.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you want an outbreak?

I guess it depends on the game and how long you play it. Pretty much the only games that I play are MLB 15 on my PS3 and Starcraft on my laptop. The former is less intense while the latter can be pretty good at making you have to multitask and engage in constant strategy (that being said, I'm not too good since I find that I'm slow as fuck and need to work on being better at macroing). I agree with these guys . There's few things cringier than "gamers" who never shut the fuck up about every game and know more shit about developers and whatnot as if you're talking to a farm director for a baseball franchise that can tell you every minute detail on some backup catcher in A-ball - except in this case the person sees the sun about as often a black guy sees his son, and he's nervous talking to his sister because she's a girl.

infested? when was it ever any different, you little sheltered reddit snowflake? World is getting crazier by the minute and people express their opinions on anonymous board more than they can afford to do in your facebook and other social media. I believe that is the true cancer.

it's not a "containment board" dipshit they AREN'T FROM HERE

get rid of Sup Forums and the Sup Forums types SIMPLY LEAVE because they're fucking phoneposters who didnt come here before 2016

Not /fit/ related

Games are numales hobby, it wastes your time and can also money. When I could put money I wasted on stocks I would be closer to bail any work forever.

Anyone else feel like they spend a perfectly reasonable amount of time on vidya, but waste an absurd amount of time with lackadaisical, aimless browsing?

I burn through so much time just reading shit. Nothing I need to know, either, just junk information and shitposts.

40 hrs a week game time
49 hrs a week sleep time
i still got shit load for everything else including job.

Videogames are a total waste of time. They emulate success like drugs emulate feeling good.

what game should i play i like rpg's

i dont like weebshit

>grew up on call of duty
>need constant action
>cod dies on pc
>no other games provide the same type of gameplay
Trying to get into the diablo genre and racing games as they're pretty action packed too.

Actually managed to clock over 20 hours into hitman 2016 but have to close it way too often because of the abysmal waiting on NPCs.

My kid is finally in school so I have all day to play vidya. The weird thing is I play even less now than I did when she was at home with me all day. I spend more time watching vidya related content on YouTube, and Twitch than I do actually playing.

Some games were definitely a bad influence on my life.

I probably played too much Halo in high school.

On the other hand, Nintendo influenced my life in a net positive way, and games like Faster Than Light actually helped me multitask better in my job. So it really does depend on the type of game you play.

I think as the gaming industry, and games as an art form develop, they will split into different genres that depend on the type of experience people want with the game in their life instead of the actual genre of gameplay.

For example, a shooting game doesn't really mean anything now. A game like Overwatch is a completely different experience from Half-Life 2, and attracts the attention of a different experience. I think that in the future, the divide between social games like Overwatch, Team Fortress, Rocket League, DOTA, League, and non-social games like Sonic Mania, Dark Souls, Deus Ex, and INSIDE will become more distinct to the general public. The idea of a video game will change to be more developed in the same way film and television are now considered completely different modes of entertainment.

>get rid of Sup Forums
>phoneposters don't know any better and still posting around several boards instead of their usual containment board

Upvoted, fellow 2014 oldfag.