Other urls found in this thread:


just made some. here ya go OP








are all the poses new? looks like it's coming along great, need to play this shit

what program are you guys using to convert to webm?



Some people use xmedia recode and thats what I used to use but I found it wasn't consistent in quality. Now I use github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter.

They are all front-ends for FFMPEG usually. You can learn to use ffmpeg in console if you want.

Uhh oh, you're a bit late there drone.

/r/ing anything of Red Faction Guerrilla.

not him but wut the filename literally speaks for its self. Clusterfuck

That's not Dark Souls, user.


they've been there for a while, if you haven't played it yet I'd wait a bit for the full release, may as well since the story isn't all in.

Don't forgot slowly open up a menu.



Fuck off shill

My friend says he needs a source on that for some reason.

Yo should know its forbidden to talk about that game on Sup Forums it upsets the children on here.

But in all seriousness why the fuck did the mainstream outlets say it takes 15 hours to beat the campaign? I barely touched the side quests, just made it too sun fall and I'm 20 hours in. The fuck?


fucking sauce


Holy shit


its obvious cause they didnt finish the campaign

probably this imdb.com/title/tt0069233/combined


Every good console title is upsetting to 3rd world faggots who cant afford it and have to play csgo, lol and other freebies. Idort master race.

Schulmädchen Report
>A contemporary sexual education guide has been published by the Christian Young Men's Association of Hamburg to help boys and girls understand and enjoy a healthy sex life. But the question is, can young people of today act responsibly when granted this kind of freedom?

- doesn't get tricky from first jump
- doesn't get the x3
+ catches the rail
- jumps off the rail
This is not very, VERY interesting.

Schulmädchen Report 3: Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen
for the laziest mother fuckers

>The third of twelve films

Have some fucking mercy on my penis you german perverts


it's not porn it's soft core
not worth it beside than scene there is nothing to see


>99% chance to hit

Im not very good at the game. I just hold the Triggers and spin. I can do the uber tricks too but thats it. Wtf am i doing wrong?

macron has been raped by his perverted teacher
and now he's president
there is nothing wrong molesting teachers



>that dodge at :06
Holy shit

They are (including this retard ) Sup Forumstards


>there is nothing wrong molesting teachers
the fuck did you fucking say?

>Sup Forumstards

i'm french i think know macron better than you


nothing wrong WITH molesting teachers*



shut the fuck up you fucking pedo. how can you even justify yourself

fucking kill yourself

this is so cool things nobody will ever notice

stop being triggered buy this game retard


Time Splitters 2 did the same thing, unsure why games just stopped doing this altogether.

BloodGDX is out, and it's as close to a source port as Blood is going to get.



Umihawa Kawase TASes are ridiculous, yo



will Sup Forums ever stop being triggered by horizon and zelda?

I guess the answer is no.

Stop shilling this bad game.

Because he posted a pubg webm in a general webm thread?
Hows it feel to be a schizo?

because very little people on this entire fucking board give anything resembling even the slightest fuck about pubg?

>needs to shill a game that is literally outselling every other game at the moment


the retard was probably trying to replay to the horizon post but fucked up

>game is doing the thing that's the result of shilling
Actually legitimately fucking kill yourself

>zero fucking argument or reasoning
you too, fucktard.

ok how can anybody be this mad over a video game

It's almost like bullshit marketing and generally immoral human behaviour is something to be universally upset about? HMMMMM

>post horizon or fotm
>then proceed to fanboy defend the game
>no more webms are posted
Quality thread.

all i see is some retard throwing a bitch fit


Is this divinity?


Nvm , it's in the filename

I own this but got a job soon after launch and have been busy since, my job calmed down and I'm getting back into my games.
I know a bunch of shit has been added to the game, is it still slow as fuck to earn those marks to unlock shit?




>Shilling Snooze Wars 2


what's the story behind this webm?

>9/11 survivor
>scat fetishist
>same guy

really make you think

some white Sup Forums trash pushed a black woman over, then didn't even save her when she got a grip

It's always so much harder to drive around GTA while using the cinematic camera.

hahaha what?


What game?

what game is that?

>that faggot who hit the rear with a stick

Guild Wars 2

he did god's work

The negro is a housemaid in kuwait and she was gonna suicide but changed her mind. Her ladyboss just films her hanging there cause she doesnt give a fuck. The black woman survived.

A sandnigger and her nigger maid.

GunGun Pixies