This is your empress tonight. Say something nice to her

This is your empress tonight. Say something nice to her


Can I get a not shitty one please.


best warriors game to start with?


8XL is a good a place as any. Don't worry about shit carrying over between games it's all just repeats of famous battles from RoTK

post them 3x3s

too lazy to make one but it would go a little something like this

LianShi Zhou Yun Xiahou Dun
Xing Xai Sun Ce Ma Chao
SSX Cao Cao Zhou Tai

huh. More Shu guys than I would have guessed at first

I preferred her other costume.


Mine would be:
Zhang Liao Zhang Liao Zhang Liao
Zhang Liao Zhang Liao Zhang Liao
Zhang Liao Zhang Liao Zhang Liao

Is Chunhua the runner up, or on-par with Lianshi?

Id have to see some docking to really tell but Lianshi's outfits seem to at the very least pronounce them more

Damn ancient Chinese women looked like that!?

Magnificent tits m'lady.

What's the best musou, licensed or historical, to beat one's meat with, metaphorically speaking.

Yes, the Dynasty Warriors series is factual.

They were trully ahead of their time.

Capable of feeding a hundred heirs.

stop posting these

i don't want to buy musous

why do all the most beautiful vidya women have to be in fighting games and musous

Show me those rockin' tits.

>i don't want to buy musous

Why? They're fun.

lol Nerd

oh to be a tiger emperor

>he says as he posts gachashit
