Is this game worth $30? It's on sale now

Is this game worth $30? It's on sale now.





Yes. It's even worth full price because the game easily has up to 50 hours of original content.

One of my favourite games of the year, $30 is a great prize

listen to this guy great game

If you're a pseudo-intellectual 19 year old who claims Thief 2 and System Shock 2 are among your favourite games despite never playing them, you'll love it.

If you've played the Shock games and the classic immersive sims, it's another atmospherically hollow imitation of the genre from the former ion storm hacks at Arkane.

You sound like a pretentious cunt, therefore it's a good game desu

>If you're a pseudo-intellectual 19 year old
Glass houses, user.

Great game for fans of loading screens


it is not worth pirating

it is a walking simulator

Look, the next generation of the peecee masterrace has arrived. Don't chafe yourself on their neckbeards.

He's right though, all Arkane does is tries to rip off Looking Glass games with even shittier version of them

play the demo nerd

>it is a walking simulator

you have no fucking idea what you even say, you just shitpost for shitposts sake

>Thief: don't get spotted, don't kill
>Dishonored: don't get spotted, don't make too much noise, don't leave bodies lying around, don't kill, don't spam powers, don't get caught in anti-magic fields

Yeah, inferior.

No. It could have been good, but the lack of balance in the gameplay, making you utter shit in the beginning and holding off on the cool powers until you're hours into it, and how you can steamroll everything mid game where it loses the challenge, make it boring. On top of the generic enemy designs, which are basically just black blobs of varying shapes and sizes. The story is boring as well. So is the art style, designs, levels. Overall, the game could have used more playtesting, and a lot of early design changes in order to be good. It's not even worthy of being called a system shock clone, which is what the Bioshock game are.

Its fun, Sup Forums just hates anything that was a ) made this decade; and b) is actually good.

these people are correct

gunplay is barely there and very weak in every sense

bad opinion aside that does not a walking simulator make. so like i said, no idea what youre fucking talking about

Naming it Prey just opened old wounds and I won't buy it on principle.

Keep sperging out about a game you haven't even played, retard.

So you've never played Thief, what a shock


I guarantee you're some dumbass who thought he should be able to take down a Telepath with his shotgun and raged when you got psychoshocked to death instead.

Use your fucking brain for once.

One very simple way to deal with a Telepath is

1. Pistol sneak attack
2. Nullwave
3. Stun Gun its puppets
4. Kill it with the Q-beam

But that's a 4-step solution, as opposed to "fire shotgun in general direction hoping it dies", which is what I take it you tried to do.

Baby's first System Shock clone.

The only people upset at this descriptor are people who are insecure about the fact that they can't tolerate pre-2006 games they didn't grow up with.

>blaming the devs for Bethasda being shitty

So even if it's good, you won't buy it just because of Bethasda?

Do you want Shock games to be made or not? You have to buy them for them to be made you know.

You haven't played the classic LGS games, but pretend to so you can shit on anything that innovates the formula.

Why do people come onto the internet to talk nonsense? Make trolling funny, or don't do it at all

>You have to buy them for them to be made you know.
Not him, but yeah, and we still waiting for SS3, so, whatever

I don't have to be insecure. SS2 looks like and plays like fucking ass and I have no interest in playing it and don't give a fuck if you think it's the greatest shit ever, since I guarantee it's another Deus Ex-style case - ie, everyone thought it was amazing at the time, so you ignore all the faults and praise it as literally the best ever even 20 years later when it's obviously not.

i have played it but thats besides the point. you calling it a 'walking simulator' just shows how fucking stupid you are. youre just using a meme-genre to shitpost
'i dont like *game* so its a walking simulator". youre a moron

You're already proved yourself that you're a faggot who doesn't know shit about Thief series with "dishonored is superior"
You disgust me

You're calling the game the wrong genre because haha memes, but I'm the troll for pointing out that you're full of shit?

How's pwning those esjaydubyas at your highschool going champ?

>atmospherically hollow
Nigga wut?

SS2 wishes its station was that realistic. I mean, granted, technical limitations of the time, but seriously, you can't criticize Prey for that unless your rose-coloured glasses are so thick you can't see.

>i only play old games because only old games are good

get another hobby, video games arent for you

>everything I don't like is SJW/reddit/pol

That guys full of shit but I swear the argumentative skills of this site has gone massively down the drain

>I must be a naive stupid kid because I don't worship your meme game from 20 years ago

Man, fanfags are sad.

If your going to convince me that black ink blobs and bored asian man create a more oppressive and disturbing atmosphere than the Many and Shodan, you're going to need more paragraphs.

I played the demo for a couple hours and liked it, so I bought it. I'm about 5-6 hours in now, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Exploring the station is nice, the ship design is interesting, and the story isn't too bad so far. The gunplay isn't that great, as other anons have mentioned, but I'm not very far in, so I don't have the powers and stuff to play with yet, so maybe it gets better. I feel like I'm going to get my 30 dollars worth out of it, so I say go for it.

Usually games have something that make you wanna keep playing them if everything else is bad\mediocre
You can shit on Witcher 1 gameplay but you keep playing because the writing is good for example

Prey is just average on every level, there's nothing really special about it
You can play it and enjoy it but it's not something you'll think about in even half a year from now

I will give the game credit for the opening which was pretty cool but besides that, it's an open world game with too much backtracking and "meh" gameplay and story

It really depresses me that all modern games are considered to be awful and a waste of time. I was enjoying the game up until I saw this thread.

They don't, but I didn't necessarily care if THAT was the atmosphere or not.

>"I know I can't play anything that isn't handholding triple console shit, but even if I did I still wouldn't like those games!"

You admitted you haven't played them in any substantive way, yet you expect anyone to value your opinions on them? Get fucked kid.

yes, but barely. I'd say its prob best value at $25

Never said that. Only that you'll never get me to admit this game is bad.

If it wasn't for the absolutely shit tier ending that invalidates all the tension of deciding how you interact with other characters or the fate of the station, Prey would have been one of my favourite games in years. Only thing that felt weak to me was the gunplay, but that stopped bothering me once I was mixing it up with powers, the game felt much more smooth once I was psychoshocking in conjunction with my shotgun.

This guy is absolutely right. Arkane is for hipsters.

pirated it, great game, sadly, i dont want to give money to Bethesda.

>"If you don't slobber over the regurgitation of two decade old games, it's because you value those two decade old games too much!"

Do you donate to nostalgia bait kickstarters, or are you more of a AAA remaster kind of guy? Did innovation molest you as a child?

GOTY 2017 desu

I never used powers because I think they said that the turrents can detect alien material so I just get to the generic upgrades out of fear of eating lead every time I walk by them

I didn't even finish it
After backtracking again and again to the same locations, I just kinda zoned out and realized I'm having zero fun

You have the tension at first of "holy shit, what's a mimic? what can kill me?" but after you pay attention, you can see coffee mugs moving

Not to mention that the enemies are boring and fighting\stealthing them is really poorly made

So after playing for hours and hours, I just tapped out right around the middle

One of the most boring games ever made.

It's a mediocre System Shock clone, but that still means it's okay.

>there are people on this board enough retarded to think that Prey is shit because it's called Prey

Sup Forumsirgins are fucking retarded sometimes

System Shock was shit too

It's a great game, but it has a serious balance issue. Some options triviliaze considerable portion of the game, and maintaining a solid difficulty cure through out the game requires player to ACTIVELY gimp himself.

Story is kinda meh too.

Everything else is fucking amazing. Atmosphere, level design, environmental design and general problem-solving approach in particular. It has absolutely amazing attention to detail, and rarely treats the player as a moron (which might explain why to failed so spectacularly on a commercial level).

Shame for the balance thing. Arkane just CAN'T get their balance right, ever. I'm looking all the way back to Arx Fatalis and how awful that was.
I'd say Prey is Arkane's best and most well-rounded game so far through.

Just beucase of final boss? SS2 was bad, but not because of that
SS1 is still the best one out there

>shooting black blobs the game


There is a certain morbid, ugly irony when you realize that people who never really played the golden era classic games that inspired Prey (System Shock 2 and Deus Ex in particular), or played them for few minutes before getting confused and annoyed are the ones who are now saying "Only people who had not played those games are the ones enjoying Prey".

People who shit on Prey while bringing up how good SS2 and DX were are talking about themselves - they are PRECISELY the people who never played SS2 and DX, only parrot opinions of other people on them to make themselves look cooler.

I can understand that not everyone enjoys Immersive Sims. I can understand that they might be particularly difficult to enjoy if you are the halo or Minecraft generation, console kid used to completely different and considerably more patronizing design philosophy. And you are probably going to find it boring or confusing or clunky.

People who declare "we, real fans of these golden era Immersive Sims can tell how bad Prey is and everyone who praises it is just a hypocrite" are FUCKING DISGUSTING hypocrites. It's really difficult to be more cynical than this.

>balance issues
Yes so much this. It's crazy how they have absolutely no sense of progression and number magics

>play on hard
>first 1/3 of the game is immersive hard, monsters deal a ton of damage, you can't do shit, medpacs heal pitiful amounts
>last 2/3rds the game is piss easy, you drown in medpacs and ammo if you explore 50% of rooms

>play on nightmare
>first 2/3 is stupidly tedious due to ridiculous amounts of hp monsters have
>last 1/3 is piss easy you drown in ammo and medpacs if you explore properly

It's very awkward and I reckon most of people's complaints come from poor balancing of the game.

This. Level design is great, as is the abilities system. This is what Bioshock should have been, instead we got linear corridors and average gunplay. Anyways, multiple ways to get shit done, and side missions n shit can make a playthrough well over 50 hrs.

It's to be expected. I grew up with books, these kids grew up with texting and twitter posts. Pretty soon we may be down to "emojis" and whatnot when speaking to another.

>started game on hard
>no problems until the big area with the first humanoid alien
>can't do shit to it without getting melted
>shrugs off the turrets
>once it spots you it'll never lose you and always walks right to where you're hiding

i just refunded it from being so demotivated. i might try it again now that it's on sale though

this, for someone who dislike 'pseudo-intelectual' that's funny

>"I know what you are, but what am I?"

Oh shit, Harvey is taking out the big guns. He learned this tactic while he was playtesting for Looking Glass.

I kind of liked it
Sure, it could use some (or a lot) of tweaking, but I like you you went from weak little shit to strong soldier

>Tfw I took down every enemy in the game with shotgun on the hardest available difficulty without typhon powers

Get fucking good kiddo, the game's real easy.

>It's very awkward and I reckon most of people's complaints come from poor balancing of the game.
They don't. And there is one more thing that needs to considered.
Your description of the experience you had with the game does not actually fit my experience at all.
I played on Nightmare.
First 1/5th was incredible, intense fun. Everything was a razor-thin edge, single mistake meant death, but nothing was ever tedious - there was a solution to everything, it just forced the player to consider and use EVERY option in the game.
2/5th-3/5th: things got actually really easy. Like - you can still die easily, but you have so many options and so many resources that you always have at least two or three possible solutions to the situation at hand, making you never fear that you might actually get stuck at something.
4/5th of the game... shit is getting a bit more tense again...

And it was due to particular decisions and choices I made with my character.
I can imagine a lot of people have different experiences as well, though generally speaking, EVERYONE expriences the game getting drastically easier once you get to psychotronics.

Please, do. I think you just kinda fundamentally misunderstood how the game works. The first encounter is a shock, but once you figure out what the game ask for you, the further encounters will start being fine.

How could you possibly have any issues with the last portions of the game? You're real fucking overpowered at that point.

I'm genuinely curious.

When people complain that this game has shitty combat and bad gunplay, I like to remind them that it literally has a fucking NERF crossbow that deals no damage and is one of the most useful weapons in the game.
I love it, my goty 2017 so far

Why can't you freaks accept that people don't like Arkane games because they don't like them? It's always this excessive bemoaning of the cynicism of the new generation.

It's pathetic dude. Why don't you address the critiques if you're so fucking adept at game discussion?

I don't know if you realize this, but you are just further proving my point.
Fun fact: people like you base their entire claims on A) assumption about people who did like the game, B) assumptions about people who made the game and C) implications about yourself.
Never really the actual fucking game itself. You actually avoid adressing it like a plague. That is why you always invoke "people who played/not played System Shock 2" instead of even fucking invoking SS2, which is what should matter here. It's entirely and purely ego based. Everything boils down to insulting others and making claims about who is worse and who is better. Or something as fucking pointless as "you must be the developer" hyperbole.

Also, fun fact. Harvey has not actually been working on Prey at all.

Dahl kills the pacing.

Yeah probably because I played on nightmare after I've beaten the game on hard it was different. But I agree, the game just throws shit at you and you're on your own how do you decide to progress. Very stimulating and I can't remember the last time I used that word in describing videogames.

>Play demo
>It's literally Half Life right down to the headscrab looking things
>First gun is gimmick gun
stopped playing there

Oh yeah, yeah, he's a real idiot.

Luckily I had already made the section piss easy by doing everything in advance.

It's a shame you can't make his droid army your ally even if you hack the bot helper/brainwash him, also:
>Hack the droid
>Dahl is still calling it and having conversations with it

n ic e ga m e

>How could you possibly have any issues with the last portions of the game?
Desperate lack of resources. I ended up having to pull furniture from entire levels together to recycle it so that I'd have resources of basic ammo.

>You're real fucking overpowered at that point.
Depends on the mods you take, and on the time to you take them. And also on how much you backtrack and waste resources away.
Fun fact, there is a limited amount of all materials in the game. If you burn through them, shit can get very tense very fast again.

The post literally says "I understand that people dislike Arkane games for various reasons. I just fucking despise people who use Arkane games to lie about how cool and above everybody else is".
Can you not read?

>Why don't you address the critiques if you're so fucking adept at game discussion?
Which criticisms do have in mind?

It's absolutely nothing like HL. Do you people even fucking know what you are talking about?

And nothing of value was lost. Would you manage to find exit on your own?

This game never fails to expose Reddit, it's fascinating.

That's rich coming from the guy who's argumentation never progresses beyond making assumptions about people who criticize Prey. Have you made a post talking about what you liked about the game, or what you think of people who dislike the gunplay or pacing of main quest line?

>And nothing of value was lost
Yep, he didn't buy this shit game, he's done good

Fun fact: if you exhaust all operator dispensers in the game, they don't spawn as military ops when Dahl arrives. He still has some locked dispensers and shit like that, but the number of ops drops drastically.
Prey's world building is phenomenal for 2017

Oh sweet, the guy who gets mad during Prey threads is here. Don't tell him to calm down.

>Good morning Mr. Soandso
>Put on your futuristic suit
>Come down to the lab
>Watch all this exposition as you walk through corridors for 15 minutes
>O shit facehugger aliens are attacking the scientists
>Here is your crowb... I mean pipe wrench
It's HL alright

So what is Reddit's opinion on this game Mr. Expert?

>Depends on the mods you take, and on the time to you take them. And also on how much you backtrack and waste resources away.

I did every sidequest and explored nearly every area, only took non-typhon neuromods as I didn't want to get a bad ending or something like that.

Just the time slow ability makes you able to take anything on mano mano, user.

It's really easy.

>he didn't get past intro sequence
I wonder how you managed to play hl at all when you literally just stand in the train cart for 15 minutes straight and can't do shit. What a shit fucking game man

Oh just shut up. People like you are ruining this board. You have fucking clue what you're talking about, but being negative is the only way for you to be satisfied, right? Just say bad things about things people like, that'll show everyone that you are smart.

Just ignore all the nuances in design, narrative, and mechanics so you can draw another parallel with a game that already exists. Wow, you are so smart! Everyone wishes they could be you!

>Tfw ending was spoiled 1/4ths through the game by doing the optional 'escape alone' choice

You know it's all just a simulation or something similar, really bad design choice.

>That's rich coming from the guy who's argumentation never progresses beyond making assumptions about people who criticize Prey.
Because am specifically talking about those people.

>Have you made a post talking about what you liked about the game, or what you think of people who dislike the gunplay or pacing of main quest line?
And several others discussing things in finer detail.

I'm very specifically talking about one very specific habit here though. I'm specifically adressing mentally derranged people like you. Aside from the game. You are not actually in any way majority of people discussing the game. I just find it fascinating and deeply disturbing that you even exist. The amazing, INSANE hypocrisy of what you are doing, even now, where you complain about how I can't talk about the game... without talking about the game yourself. Rather throwing around shit like "you must be Harvey, Arkane are such hacks, am I right boys?!"

It's very simple, you idiot:
Your "arguments" just fail to acknowledge that people mainly enjoyed games like System Shock 2 for their design, which Prey reproduces incredibly closely. It has even weirdly similar issues, including weak enemy design, balance issues, terrible end-game and awful story twist at the end.
Your criticisms of the game are not addressing any of the design, or making meaningful comparisons. I'm betting big money the only thing you actually had to say about Prey is something INCREDIBLY vague. Like:
"It's hollow". Or "souless". Or just "Yet another". And of course, probably "subpar" or "mediocre" or something tremendeously uninformative like that.
And that is the ENTIRETY of both actual assesment of the game, and it's comparison to the older ones.
Everything else is about your ego-wars.

You are so fucking fucked in the head that you don't even CONSIDER that people enjoy games because of desing. Not status they are associated with.

The opposite of mine.

You sound like every other passive aggressive teenager running damage control here, so why bother pointing you to your own posts.

Dude I agree with you, but fucking relax.

Yes, and you took a bunch of recycling yield and combat mods and the fucking focus mod.

>It's really easy.
It's as easy or hard as you make it. That is the whole point. And it's also why it's so badly balanced. With this design, it's actually nearly impossible to balance the game.
I've made choices that made the game challenging for better portion of it.

>nuances in design, narrative, and mechanics
I bet you like Bethesda forcing RPG elements into every old shooter franchise they aquire

>take damage, weaponsmith and speed mods
>take psychoshock, resistances and psy dash
>turn the game upside down into fast shootan with magics and shit

It's incredible how with one simple trick you can embrace the fast paced movement and high deeps. Juking the telepath and his exploding drones was never this fun! Try it today!