Bethesda is about to squeeze doomguy into quake champions. that seem right to you?

bethesda is about to squeeze doomguy into quake champions. that seem right to you?

Doom was in Q3.

but it was just a "skin" then, now he is a "hero" with his own set of imba marketing motivated characteristics

Same difference. Quake Champions is shit however you look at it. Doomguy or no Doomguy.

It was datamined ages ago. Noone cares and its playerbase is small anyway.
At best this will end in a Melee situation where a band of autists will do no powers classic 1v1.

Just so long as he doesn't speak it will be fine


You FUCKING idiots. At the end of Doom 4, Doomslayer installed a backup copy of VEGA into his Praetor Suit.

VEGA will be delivering Doomslayer's voice lines in Quake Champions.

Meaning that Doomguy isn't talking, so it's fine by me

Nah, VEGA will be in charge of his power: updating his fighting capabilities based on what weapon he uses.

>that article saying that BJ doesn't make sense in quake lore-wise (???)
Quake plot is some stupid wink-wink nudge-nudge bullshit about supernatural entities gathering the strongest champions of various realms and putting them against each other.

long time quake player and I dont give a fuck about this game at all
>Doomguy's passive ability is double jump
how much can they even fuck this up? Theyve already thrown the perfect balance of Q3A out the window so they may as well go for maximum fun with goofy interesting powers but instead they have an anti-fun competitive mentality for this hodgepodge quake game.

>mfw wrote a big feedback letter to them saying it's not too late to get off their high horse and fix the issues
>mfw saw BJ and his double rail gun gimmick

The poor performance of this game pleases me.

>company is about to milk for profit an asset of theirs

I'm so fucking sick of this dumb shit.

That's his name, Philip.

article says quake was just a FUCK YEAAHHH, now bethesda is shitting all over the spirit of that

>Quake 3 has id shooter characters
>Q:C has id shooter characters

>muh lore

How autistic can you be? How about BJ is a bad pick because dual wielding is insane as an ability?

The dual wielding is completely cosmetic. All it is is a 25% increase in firing speed for 5 seconds.

How the fuck does lore factor into Quake at all? I don't even see it mentioned anywhere in the article.

Never change.

>q3 has characters that are just skins and even the larger models have the same hitbox as everything else
>QC has characters each with their own unique hitboxes, stats and gimmicks
yeah, nah

Well Q1 was basically doom but with eldritch science fantasy horror. Q2 onward was doom with aliens.

and overwatch is basically doom but a lot more faggy?

I fucking hated the end to firefly
>lol let's leave it open encase we have another season
>lol and we will kill off best characters in the process
Should have fucking killed them all. It would have been bitter sweet.
Maybe only river and her brother make it out

Instead we get answers to everything in a two hour special and nothing comes of it

Are you fucking retarded OP? Doomguy appeared in Quake 3 and Sarge from Quake 3 appeared in Doom 3 ( he went a bit nuts in that game ).

Why don't you do some homework before you post garbage on the internet.


its more about what quake has become and not who appeared where
i cant into homework, thats why im stuck here with you morons

Because op used a quote from the show and it made me remember and it pissed me off

Q3 hitboxes are pretty shit, and I'm pretty sure in serious competition all players just use the same models colored differently. So if you really want to play Q:C super duper seriously you can probably just all use some universally agreed on character.

The thing is, a purely competitive game would not be attractive to us casuals. Trying different characters and abilities is more fun to me and the majority of potential players than memorizing map's timers and enemy spawns and spending hours perfecting jumping from red armour to yellow armour while pre-firing all the spawn spots or whatever.

>and Sarge from Quake 3 appeared in Doom 3 ( he went a bit nuts in that game ).

Not the same person, especially as he turns into a demon (Sabaoth) and gets killed. Sarge from Q3 is snatched from a battlefield into the arena


in the old games you can force which model you see for allies and enemies and you miss the point with QC, they are trying to make it super competitive while simultaneously adding all this other crap to keep it appealing to the casual crowd

>they are trying to make it super competitive
This purely depends on the amount of money they're willing to put in tournaments.

Wrt hitboxes, what about Orbb? Does it have the same hitbox as regular bipeds? Wtf.

>amount of money they're willing to put in tournaments.
I mean the game's design

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

Well then I don't think they're trying too hard if they're adding a dude who can dual-wield any gun for a brief period of time.

To a casual player like me that sounds mildly fun, and competitive players can just ban him, I guess.

>Quake has always been about the characters

they add stuff like this which could be fun for casual play but then tone it way down to fit into the competitive design they are going for They don't realise quake was never originally made for competition, competition just suited quake.

Oh, that's all it does? Kind of disappointing, it's like they really wanted to have abilities because that's what popular, but didn't want to make them strong to save themselves the headache of balancing.

At least they're adding new guns.

exploding sides

You realize that it will have a classic mode where everyone is vanilla, right?

yeah, its called quake live

QC with just Ranger is unironically better than quake live

Doomslayer is the name Hell gave him. The UAC (who knew about that name from carvings and junk before they recovered him) refers to him as the 'Doom Marine', his name from the original games.

>giving a shit about the """lore""" in any of these games
>giving a shit about Marty Stratton and Hugo Martin's Doom fanfiction

everybody want him in QuakeChampions you fucking faggot, go back to overwatch stupid son of a bitch

But then how can he deliver wacky poorly voice acted Yuri Lowenthal one-liners which just remind you of Oliver Swanwick who won the lottery?

they'll probably have it that VEGA's back up drive installed into Doomguy's suit so he'll be his voice over rather than Doomguy being voiced
im fine with this

So what exactly is the big problem here? Bethesda can't have their own character mash-up game because reasons?

Give me a break, the article author would suck at Quake "OP abilities" or not.

>bethesda is about to squeeze doomguy into quake champions
>id sofware transplants one IP character into another IP, also into a game without any aspirations to canonicity or lore, like they have done for decades now
>somehow this is bethesda´s fault
Shit on bethesda for their actual fuck ups and crimes, dont make up stuff.


>Quake is now Bethesdawatch: Smash Bros

They did the same thing with Quake 3.

Seems about right to me.

everyone who is good at this Q:C shit is just going to play anarki anyway

>Samsara, but less cool

But without Wolfenstein until that expansion.

Sarge is from Quake 2