Great gunplay

>Great gunplay
>Aesthetically pleasing
>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense

Why does Sup Forums hate this? I mean sure - it had a little too much talking for my taste but cmon, this is objectively a 9.5/10.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gunplay is slightly better than 3/NV.
Wrong on all accounts. Try harder, toddboi

We already have a fallout bait thread, you don't need to make another.



Fallout 4 is a decent First Person Shooter Minecraft game

You have very low standards of what is "good"

>can't refute OP's claims
>call thread bait

so this.... is the power..... of Sup Forums..........

slightly better my ass, 4 is several magnitudes better in that regard

everything else is worse but the gunplay is good

Gunplay is good, graphics are better (though nothing really worth bragging about), but everything else is fucking awful. The writing and plot are borderline war crimes.

>>Great gunplay
>>Aesthetically pleasing
>>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
>>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense


I'm still waiting for the OP to demonstrate the validity of his claims. How exactly is Fallout 4 a "great mix of RPG and FPS elements", for example?

>trying to bait me with this response
heh too slow kid

>>Great gunplay
>>Aesthetically pleasing
>>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
>>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense

I don't have to.
>It is GOTY
>The game is made by Bethesda so that's a sign of quality in itself
>Enjoyed by millions around the world

I used to think the gunplay was good but I really don't think so anymore. It felt better than NV/3 but all the guns are ugly abominations, have shitty unsatisfying animations and the gameplay is still bullet spongy. My modded New Vegas fixes all of the aforementioned problems

Gunplay is worse than NV. Needs no skill and plays like COD
It's objectively less aesthetically pleasing than NV due to it's shitty cartoon garbage
It isn't an RPG. Period.
The writing is on the same level as a 12 year old's english essay.

It's a disgrace to video games and is one of the worst things I've ever had the displeasure of having to play.

Can I get an aside where you explain what you get out of trolling in this fashion?

>Professionally written story
the story is dog shit and you know it, they literally had no credited professional writers for Fallout 4

Because opening up baitthreads will bring up better discussions than making a serious thread - because people actually reply.

2/10 You made me respond.

>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense
Ah... you fucked up OP. You fucked up so bad.

>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense

you make me laugh, user.

Because its a piece of shit and so are you for making this thread.

>Great gunplay
In a game that's supposed to be an RPG, right
>Aesthetically pleasing
No it isn't
>Great mix of RPG and FPS elements
The game's still a shitpiece
>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense
Professionally written to maximize its player base and to earn money, not to entertain and to be remembered fondly

Try harder next time

The RPG elements are garbage, they filled the first half of the perk tree with almost all of the relevant perks for everything besides melee and speech, so nearly every build is the same. You rarely ever have to go above 5 most of the time, having just 3 points in END gives you Life Giver and Toughness which is enough to make you tanky as fuck right there, you only need 2 INT to maximize healing efficiency with Medic, you can use whatever gun you want with 3 STR and they shoved marginally useful gun skills way down the tree for no reason when only a melee character would want STR that high, LUCK is just VATS past 5 and there's little reason to go past 2 unless you want Idiot Savant. The whole thing is a fucking mess, the old system was way better and actually encouraged extreme in builds, 4's perk system was made so casuals can have an easy time by just plugging 3/3/3/3/3/3/3 for everything it's blatant as fuck how obviously they casualized it.

>great gunplay
my sides
the guns are atrocious,they feel meh and look like shit, just take that that abortion of a retarded cousin of an AK they dared to put in nuka world, or the hunting rifle with the bolt on the wrong side or the shit tier carbine and shotgun or that 4 tubes rocket launcher that would kill you irl because the rocket' s blast goes straight into your face and so on, we lost great rpg mechanics for some sub par gunplay, so basically it's a less dynamic version of Far Cry....

>>Aesthetically pleasing

Only scum defend the worst game of the past 10 years.

fallout 3 and NV blow it out the water regards RPG elements

us hardcore gamers value that more

casuals will prefer fallout 4

PLUS imo fallout 4 like gta5 is getting milked too hard

Since this is the Fallout 4 discussion thread now, I have a question I really feel needs answered. Why exactly did the institute kill all those guys when they tried bringing all the Commonwealth factions together? I don't believe it's ever really explained. Also, why does the Institute make Synths with the ability to be individuals in the first place? And why don't they make it so they can remotely shut down synths regardless of distance or tracking bugs to trace them? Because then they wouldn't have to literally hunt them down to bring them back in the first place.

Wait, I tough Witcher 3 was the goty of 2015, what the fuck Bethesda?

>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
What RPG elements?

But you're wrong. Witcher 3 won game of the year.

It failed so the Institute decided to cover his tract by murdering the others factions leaders and the others points is just bad writing.

FO4 is unironically the best open world game (and game in general) I played in years, and yes, I played TW3 with DLCs as well right before going into Fallout. I just wish it was optimized better and had more REAL quests. Just as long as they're not another Kid in the Fridge. Dear god that quest's execution was even worse than the premise.
Spotted a Sup Forumstard who never plays the games he shits on. id Software worked on gunplay in FO4, and it shows.

>>Great gunplay
>point and shoot at damage sponges
>sniper grenades


What failed? The negotiations failed? Why would they murder them all then?

Why the fuck is everything practically built around this shit?

Answer to every question relating to Shitout 4: It's shit.

Curie really is the best. I don't understand why more people don't waifu her and not that annoying ass Piper.

Piggybacking my own post here are all the relevant perks you get putting 3 into every category like a retard
>Lead Belly
>Life Giver
>Gun Nut
>Fortune Finder
This gives you 90% of the crafting for small arms and armor, stealth, healing, tankiness, and a couple extra conveniences on the side. It's everything you need to get through the game with a generic gun build, and it requires literally zero thought to make.

Why bother developing unique areas and characters and stories when you can copypaste settlers with radiant quests to fill up the map?

...It's not an RPG. It's a shooter with a shitty crafting addon.

The story isn't bad, the issue is that people don't play TES/Fallout games to be some shitty protagonist. Why bother with character creation if you're giving us a character to play?

So while no, it's not as bad as people say it is, it is a pretty shitty RPG, which is what people want.

>enjoying the game so far
>tfw don't want to fuck around with the autistic settlement shit.
I just wanna play man.

>phone poster
>reddit spacing
>talks about games he haven't played
The definition of neo/v/.

>Great gunplay
The gunplay is generic as fuck, better than f3 but not something to be praised
>Aesthetically pleasing
The environments maybe, if you like the post-apocalyptic junktown setting
>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense

>damage sponges
>playing on normal
Play on survival you little baby. I bet you played Stalker on normal as well.

Please, NV looks like utter shit

>Gunplay is worse than NV.
Stopped reading here, that's some top level denial.

>muh new vegas


>actually make sense

I was fucking lost the entire game.....

At least New Vegas had the simple revenge story ark;
Fallout 4 was all over the fucking place!
Starts out with find your son!
>Oh wait, track down and fight this guy who killed your wife and has your son?!?
Oh look a large blimp in the sky!
>Oh cool synths!
>Wait, this isn't like blade-runner at all!
>6 hours of boring ass resource collecting and base building so I can continue the shambles that is a main story line!
>I eventually just got bored and dressed up as Mad Max and tried to see if I could kill everyone I met in the game, then I found out that everyone and their cat was an unkillable npc.

So I ended up reinstalling Civ 4 and playing that instead.
So my verdict is that Fallout 4 was trash and that Long-bowmen defending cities are overpowered.

What else would you compare it to? It's objectively the best one

>>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense
I know OP is baiting since he has 2 other threads running in the catalog, but have this anyway.

what? the enemy health goes up the higher the difficulty

>"murdering your mother"
>playing as a man
Is this guy fucking gay?

Bait for the Bait God.

>Everyone is an unkillable npc
Fucking this. I feel like I should at least be able to kill them once their usefulness to the plot has eroded. But of course the game doesn't do that.

Not him, but on survival the damage dealt is so high it doesn't matter. They can still be sponges though if you use the same shitty weapon for 10 levels.

Where to start?

>Story is shit
>Dialogue is an abortion
>Graphics and animations are disgustingly lazy
>"yes", "no(yes", "sarcastic yes", "sarcastic no(yes)"

TW3 came out the same year and it did everything better, a huge fucking company like Bethesda is so lazy that a bunch of slavs with half the budget made a better game in all aspects. The thing is, Bethesda knows they can be lazy and still make a huge profit, people are that dumb and always praise their average games.

Its a terrible shooter, even worse RPG, half-assed Minecraft-wannabe simulator, yet what it excells and will excell at is character creation and sex mods, aka, Dressup Sim. Thats it.

>Long-bowmen defending cities are overpowered

It's been 12 years and i'm still mad

Probably because most people never return to the vault after visiting it once.
>damage sponges
I mean, if you use unmodded pipe rifles the whole game, sure. But the weapons in the game get OP as fuck later on, explosive shotguns can kill mirelurk queens in couple shots and you can get one of the most powerful rifles in the game for 2k caps early on.
So do damage modifiers.
>get a mod that lets you save on survival
>get a mod that allows you to customize survival for 3x damage both ways
>enjoy the best Stalker game that never came out

>Aesthetically pleasing
It really isn't

some things are better, some things aren't, not gonna argue which one is best
but saying that the gunplay in NV, possibly the objectively worst aspect of the game, is better than FO4 is just plain wrong
seems like you never played the latter and still shit on it for ebin Sup Forums cred, mimicking some perceived general accepted opinion
or maybe you never played either and are merely pretending

>id Software worked on gunplay in FO4, and it shows.
source on that, you cock gobbler?

>TW3 came out the same year and it did everything better
Except gameplay. And exploration. And dialogues. And loot. And enemies. And enemy camps. And interactivity. And attention to detail.

The only thing TW3 did objectively better is engine and visuals, sure.

Wtf is up with F4 troll threads lately?

>Fallout 4
>aesthetically pleasing

>>Great gunplay
>>Aesthetically pleasing
>>Great mix pf RPG and FPS elements
just no
>>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense
This better be bait

will we see constant shill threads now that they are releasing a game of the year edition after 2 years

>Professionally written story and factions that actually make sense
Too bad that literally every single character aside from 1-2 are unbearable cunts and the voice acting is just this fucking main character being depressed about his son at every angle.
>Hey do you like Nuka Cola
>I remember nuka cola....... it was shauns..... favorite...... my baby boy just a year old *sigh sigh*
Thank christ for mods that atleast make it a hillarious experience

>So do damage modifiers.
>>get a mod that lets you save on survival
>>get a mod that allows you to customize survival for 3x damage both ways
>>enjoy the best Stalker game that never came out
This is exactly my game bro but the fucking settlement system makes it an exercise in futility since most of the game's functionality is locked behind that shit. Need some ammo? Craft a bench, Need to adjust your shit? Can't need another bench. Wanna trade? Lol nope can't because only the well supplied settlements get access to the better stuff. It fucking sucks because I really want to like this game but this shit is putting me the fuck off.

>too retarded to google "fallout 4 id software"
Well I sure didn't expect much from retards who shit on games without even playing them.


not him but while the gunplay in nv was dogsgit, the weapon variety was excellent while I have yet to see a single fucking pump action shtogun, grenade launcher or proper anti material rifle in 4, the customization is just a bad excuse for that tiny ass pool of gun.

>while I have yet to see a single fucking pump action shotgun, grenade launcher or proper anti material rifle in 4
Seen plenty of mods for that kind of stuff user. But who cares about that shit pipe guns for everyone!

>Want to build a personal base far away from NPCs
>Sanctuary is the only place with all crafting tables
>Need to spend perk points just to get points into Charisma and then Local Leader
Im sick and tired of all NPCs, When im at base i just wanna take my time to Upgrade, Stock up and maybe Decorate.

>most of the game's functionality is locked behind that shit
But that's wrong?

>Need some ammo?
Buy it or find it.
>Can't need another bench.
Every real settlement or Red Rocket stop has all workbenches. Most raider camps have armor or weapon crafting station as well.
>Lol nope can't because only the well supplied settlements get access to the better stuff.
You know it's a game about exploration, right? What do you mean by better stuff, materials? You can get them from Diamond city or caravans.

Granted, I enjoy the building aspect myself, but really, if I want to get something, I just go out and explore, play the game. The only things I buy from my own merchants is wood and steel and occasionally some telephones and other junk for rare materials. But again, I buy those FOR building. I don't just build to be able to buy those.

>factions that actually make sense
Okay, I'll bite. I've been wanting to write about this somewhere anyway.

Railroad is one of the worst "main factions" in any story. They have no plans when it comes to governing the wasteland.

BoS (Bethesda's version), Institute and the Minutemen are all factions interested in ruling Boston, one way or the other. They all have different goals and philosophy. And no matter how badly written they can be, even an absolute retard can understand why those factions are in conflict with each other. They all ultimately want the same thing and they don't want to share.

The Railroad, however? They have no stake in the power grab. All they care about is 1. Ending the production of Synths and 2. Liberating the existing Synths.

So why the fuck are they a MAIN FACTION WHO YOU CAN SUPPORT IN WINNING A WAR IN WHICH THEY ARE NOT EVEN A PARTICIPANT? It's like if in New Vegas, one of the main factions fighting for control was the fucking Bright Brotherhood. Or if in a classic battle between good and evil you could choose... ice cream.

You can make crafting tables, dummy

He's not wrong, though. For the first time in Bethesda game they have established leaders that you never replace or become yourself (Institute aside, but it's optional)

Not without Local Leader rank 2, That was my entire point

Pretty sure this is bait but i agree with everything you said

It's kind of a fucking dumb though. I don't get the Institutes motivations. They literally could have cleaned everything up no issue. They didn't have to replace people with synths. Why were they replacing people with synths? Was it some kind of weird ass social experiment? At least the Brother Hood of Steel kind of make sense. They just don't like synthetics and think they're an abomination. I can get behind that. I also understand the Minutemen. They're just trying to bring together the settlements together and make the wasteland more hospitable. But I just don't fucking get the Institute. And I don't understand why the railroad would fight the Minutemen either. Are the Minutemen against synths? And if they are, why would the Minutemen be fighting the BOS?

>open build menu
>look at crafting station in Sanctuary
>press Tab
>look at one of settlers
>press Q
>send him to settlement you want to build at
>go there
>open building menu
>take crafting station and place it

There's also second variant where you explore the surroundings of your area and find closest workbenches and use those instead of building your own. You're kind complaining about wanting something but not wanting to invest into that.

Don't minutemen want to protect people and BoS is kinda goes full Enclave when it comes to making things done? Makes sense for them to oppose each other imo

I'm not going to defend game's story though, it has more holes than settlement buildings.

no cussing

>>most of the game's functionality is locked behind that shit
>But that's wrong?
>Every real settlement or Red Rocket stop has all workbenches. Most raider camps have armor or weapon crafting station as well.
You just said it bro. Everything in this game has been built around this. It discourage any real kind of play that wants to avoid this.
>>Need some ammo?
>Buy it or find it.
From who tho? Outside of DC and maybe a few sparse bumfuck settlements I would have to rely on mods to keep myself topped up. Can't rely on the game giving you enough to sustain yourself even remotely.
>Lol nope can't because only the well supplied settlements get access to the better stuff.
You know it's a game about exploration, right? What do you mean by better stuff, materials? You can get them from Diamond city or caravans.
I'm talking about proper loot better guns, maybe some chems you know the actual reason for why you would even bother to play this game?. For the scaving rather then building shit like something straight out of Minecraft. Besides DC has a piss poor selection to choose from for a nomad playstyle. Essentially I'm trying to play this game in a way it was never built for, kinda like Stalker. In 3 you could kinda do it, in NV the game gave you enough room to encourage that kind of playstyle where as 4 just feels as it discourages you from even stepping foot outside of your little comfy settlements and playing nanny to the brain-dead AI.

>Aesthetically pleasing

I have never seen this pasta before now, but this is the main reason I never recommend this game to anyone. This story is all fucked and I should've have stayed away after the first playthrough. I'm still mad about not being able to resettle Quincy too. Or any other empty location for that matter. So much wasted potential with this game, still I wouldn't call it bad. It's good for what it is, a mash-up of ideas and concepts never taken to their full potential.

(I'm not even an autist and I spent like 24+ hours building a fort on Spectacle Island tho)

I agree. Fallout 4 has some of the best factions and characters that Bethesda has managed to create. But that only makes Railroad even more unbearable. (and Preston making you General, but to a lesser extend)

Literal toilet armor. What could possibly go wrong?

Studded leather armor looks pretty nice but yeah that toilet armor needs to go.

>id Software worked on gunplay in FO4, and it shows.
Even the greatest sculpter in the world has limits if he is molding a pile of shit.

>everything else is worse but the gunplay is good

FO4 also got rid of the shitty weapon repairing mechanic.

Walking away from conversations is awesome.

Power Armour is done really well, though they could have been a bit more compact.

>the guns are atrocious,they feel meh and look like shit, just take that that abortion of a retarded cousin of an AK they dared to put in nuka world, or the hunting rifle with the bolt on the wrong side or the shit tier carbine and shotgun or that 4 tubes rocket launcher that would kill you irl because the rocket' s blast goes straight into your face and so on, we lost great rpg mechanics for some sub par gunplay, so basically it's a less dynamic version of Far Cry....

This is all true, but gunplay is about how the weapons react when you fire them and how the enemy behaves in combat. Not how the guns look.

FO4 has the worst looking guns of any Fallout game.

gib mod you degenerate frog fucker

When someone says FO4 has good story, dialogue or characters, I assume they never played another rpg in their whole life. The dialogue/story whatever the fuck you want to call, it is a travesty, its made for retards who cannot follow a story unless its as barebones as possible. Which brings up the question : what the fuck is Bethesda good at? Gameplay is okay, certainly an improvement over FO3, but everything else is bad, its lazy, its minimum effort or simply a lack of talent.

>FO4 also got rid of the shitty weapon repairing mechanic.
Repairing is better than having to collect 100 mechanical dildos to create weapon or armor mods.